Did games look better on a CRT?

Did games look better on a CRT?

Attached: CRT.jpg (4032x3024, 1.39M)

I prefer 144hz 4k, but if black level is your God then go ahead play on crt's.

>not playing on a 120hz 4K OLED instead

Older games did
Try playing PS1 games like FF7 today on a LCD, they look like ass with the dithering
Play on a CRT and they still look stunning

They never get as crisp as modern hd screens but the blacks and clean visual movement looks great, and there's unique glow that is present in colors.

Yeah, I set up my ps2 on a CRT yesterday and it looks much better than on the LCD, even without progressive scan

No they look better.

Attached: image.png (1440x1080, 2.2M)


Still have a 21" Syncmaster hooked up to my main PC. All my LCDs are calibrated to match the CRT's colors and temperature.

They still do

Attached: CRT-Royale.png (1440x1080, 1.03M)

Older games do because they were designed for it, but to be entirely honest it's not worth the hassle of going out and finding a decent CRT and lugging it back to where you live.
The sound is also worse.

Zoomer detected. This is nothing like what scan lines actually look like.

if the afterlife is real i hope i will be able to use any CRT i want

Good god no. I'll never understand people's fondness for outdated nostalgia for anything but simple nostalgia.

They look easier on the eye/smoother because the response time is so low


Attached: crt.jpg (4160x3120, 1.73M)

People have the wrong idea of what makes CRT's stand out.
Contrasts are pretty nice, and the motion is crispy.
What really is something to be reckoned with is the pixel layout. CRT's naturally blur across neigbouring pixels rather than being confined within fixed grids thanks to its resolution agnosticism.

Attached: DOTPITCH.gif (264x270, 5.63K)

games were better when CRT was around

crts refresh the entire screen, not just parts like LCD does and even the old ones go upto 155hz
they are infact vastly better picture quality than LCD but also very bulky and inefficient

this is the trade off you make

this is pretty nuts. Why do LCDs bleed so much light like this?

Don't worry, mini led will save us

because they are blasting pure white light at the entire back of the LCD panel no matter how bright or dark each pixel needs to be, and the liquid crystals are not capable of perfectly polarizing all light from all angles

reference monitors actually mitigate this by having a black & white LCD panel that blocks as much light as needed per pixel before it even reaches the color LCD, but they cost like $30000

Unironically yes. That's not to discount the disadvantages but CRT puts out a better quality image objectively.

No. Upgrading to even an early tft monitor felt like a huge upgrade.

I honestly thought that CRTs would still find a market as gaming monitors and that CRTs and LCDs would simple live along aside each other.

Attached: eruna_drawing_reference_desk_-_1490911425882.jpg (1280x1024, 436.07K)

depends which games. pre-hd consoles looks vastly superior on a proper CRT. shitty internal upscalers and lack of scanlines/aperture grills fuck up the rendering of e.g. ps2 games.

That looks like ass, fucking dipshit

Wrong. CRT have an objectively less sharp picture.

why didnt they

there were not enough ImageAutists to maintain the market I guess.

didnt we run out of material to make new ones? else why arent there autismos in niche new CRT markets

Psx, PS2, NES etc and old games look better on CTR.

Normalfags think flat = superior when they see technology but not when they see a girl.

You've apparently never seen crt recorded through a high speed camera.

Yes as a matter of fact they do

Attached: 05032019295.jpg (1024x768, 86.57K)

Making CRTs requires cathode tubes and other parts that are very unique to it. It all requires special machinery that every manufacturer abandoned.

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Older games that don’t support 16:9 look better. Anything below native resolution looks like shit on modern monitors while a crt will look good in any resolution as long as you don’t mind 4:3

Attached: DieHardTrilogy.jpg (3432x2757, 3.5M)

>less sharp

What does that mean? CRTs have more contrast, better black levels, better colors, no fixed resolution, better motion display, and most importantly for gaming, NO INPUT LAG.

With LCDs, mitigating one or more of these issues usually means giving up in others, primarily input lag.

the comfiness of this image is searing at my aged mind as a thousand memories and hopes from a better time are brought back to me before being dashed upon the rocks of what i became.


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This. I still have my old consoles with component cables and a 27" CRT. Mercenaries on Xbox looks awesome!

>that setup
This is the 3rd most 90s-est thing I've seen all year.

>Audigy front panel

Attached: cgoU1Qf.png (659x609, 66.19K)

if LCDs are so bad then why does the left screen look pitch black when I view this image on an LCD? Fake comparison using a shitty chink panel.

Attached: 1576117024700.jpg (500x482, 19.36K)

>ogre battle 64
holy based

>Interview with the Vampire
>Viewsonic Monitor
>sick beige tower
>CD-burner, floppy drive, and DVD drive
>Audigy panel
>those speakers

I want to go back bros.

There's also LCD vs CRT

Attached: LCD vs CRT.jpg (2048x949, 724.03K)

lcd a shit

Games prior to 360/PS3 look unarguably better on a quality CRT with s-video or component.

How did you photograph heaven?

Is that a BVM? Based.

Games made for old consoles were designed with CRT TVs in mind, so yeah, those tend to look better on a CRT TV. If you want to run those games on native hardware and get a decent image on any LCD screen you'd need extra hardware, usually some form of high-quality scaler that is designed to handle the output of old consoles properly.

PC games not really, I'm not aware of any PC games designed around the kinds of "tricks" old consoles used with CRTs.

>CRTs have more contrast, better black levels, better colors, no fixed resolution, better motion display, and most importantly for gaming, NO INPUT LAG.
This isn't really true anymore. CRT contrast is shit if there's ambient light present because the visible surface of the tube itself is not black, as such the "black" level is far from actual black in most practical scenarios. Some glow from the CRT itself also contributes to this. Even the much-dicksucked FW900 comes out to like 400:1 contrast in the dark and it gets worse in brighter environments. Motion resolution on LCDs is vastly improved if the screen is strobed (you can find gaming monitors which do this fairly easily) and the input lag issue isn't as simple as you want it to be. Modern gaming screens only have a few ms input lag due to extra processing, so they're really quite fast. CRTs cannot handle even moderately high resolutions at the refresh rates LCDs can (you won't find a CRT that does 2560x1440 at 144Hz, or 3840x2160 at 144Hz), so to get respectable resolution out of a CRT monitor you will have to run it at a slower refresh rate than modern LCDs. This can mean that even though the LCD's electronics add a few ms of input lag, it can make up for that difference by simply running faster than the CRT can. CRTs are only guaranteed superior in terms of input lag if they're running at very low resolution in order to match or exceed common gaming LCD refresh rates.

>optical mouse
nice try, zoomer

Left is better because the Q on the right is unarguably visible, whereas the Q on the left side could be argued to be an O, with the two other clusters of red pixels being hardly visible.

12 hour long reviews of Dark Souls have taught me that if something is vague and probably not even there this is evidence of more soul.

>consumer grade

Way comfier than my setup but I'm working on it

I fully expect the beige box aesthetic to be coming back around one of these days

Attached: ds.jpg (1000x682, 799.81K)

We're just not going to talk about the child real doll?

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>I fully expect the beige box aesthetic to be coming back around one of these days

Not if we all die first.

>still being a PVMemer

Attached: PVmemers btfo.jpg (966x1514, 281.56K)

Is HL2 even the kind of game that anyone would claim looks better on CRT? I thought that was just for pixel art.

Nigger I got all of mine for absolutely free from a TV studio.

Its still not accurate to the developers intentions.

Attached: PVmemers will defend this.jpg (1920x1080, 329.28K)

They might be getting there but they're not completely obsolete yet. Some older consoles, being made specifically for CRTs, look like shit on modern screens even if they have the ports for it. Besides that, CRT still has some technical advantages over all but the more high end modern day screens.

In OPs pic, though, it's probably 100 percent an aesthetic choice