>Want to get into character action games
>Get my ass kicked in the tutorial
What's a good game for me to start with user please
Want to get into character action games
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Is sex THAT good bros?
how should Yas Forums know
>want to get into character action games
>give up immediately
There ain't a good game for you start with
iqdb search gives nothing. what's the sauce boss?
This but granblue vs
Idk how to fighting games
"haha you came so easily"
>proceed to continue cumming without stopping the entire time they have sex to spite her
needs to be a doujin plot
I never played that kind of game before and had no trouble finishing DMC 1 for the first time last year.
I guarantee you this has been done before
Yes, it feel incredible, the feeling of hugging someone, kissing, beeling someone else body it's good, sweating for all the movement the sounds of lewd screams.
but the down side is always the pain in the ass the next day
you sound like a virgin trying too hard to sound like Chad
It's alright. It's fun but not something to spend every second worrying about.
Virgin writing his simp fantasies about sex
What sex actually is
Akogare no Senpai ni
Why do women hate virgins so much?
If you do it right
What the fuck is a character action game
Tfw no fit gf
Not really, at least with a condom. Feels like nothing, probably because im circumcized too.
it depends on who your partner is
>Get my ass kicked in the tutorial
Practice. Why are zoomers so afraid of failure? You lose, you practice, you win. If you don't have time for it, either make time or do something else. If you can't make time to practice something, you don't like it enough or have decided it's not necessary to learn, either way, you move forward.
They don't, they just hate *ugly* virgins.
Chads are stealing all our girls so women laugh when they see men that arent chads. webm related.
I want to see the tits of a girl from Yas Forums
Like a warm bag of sand.
Killer is Dead is a good starting point in my opinion. It's a straightforward action game, you get faster and stronger the longer you can keep a combo without being hit and you have a few subweapons as well.
Also there's gigolo mode for you coomers.
would an underwater blowjob even feel that good?
It won't change your life like some virgins seem to think.
t. haven't had babymaking sex with their solemate
are they fucking?
the job...coomer is dead
This works though
>down side is always the pain in the ass the next day
someone didn't get the joke
Fighting games are all experience. You're gonna get your ass kicked for a good while. Saving replays and trying to figure out why you got hit in certain situations or why you didn't land a combo can really speed up the learning process as well.
What am I even doing with my life
So why don't you try again, retardo
And then again and again until you learn to play it
Dont be too harsh they're normie faggots too stupid to pick up on anything unless its directly explained to them
no and it's a straight up waste of time if you use condoms
It just wasn't that funny get over yourself samefag
Unironically they dont like feeling like they have to teach a "boy" how to have sex and how to act in a relationship. Mrs Robinson is a rarity
>reply seriously to a satirical joke like a faggot
>get called out
>I-it wasn't f-funny shut up
they dont want to do anything during sex
Who likes getting jerked off or sucked by crazy ass bitches?
Character action game? What the fuck are you talking about? Lile Devil May Cry? Is that shit too hard faggot? Play castle crasher then pleb. It's decent fun and easy enough for any retard.
Different user but whatever samefag
never going to happen so i have no thoughts on it
not at all, it's thoroughly unpleasant and a waste of time. please don't stress over it user.
If you've been on Yas Forums for any appreciable length of time, you have severe deathgrip syndrome anyway.
Buy an onahole. They feel way better than vaginas, and within a week or two you'll realise that just washing it out is too much hassle. Now imagine washing your sheets every night or putting down towels. That's what having sex is like. Loads of hassle for something that's not much better than your hand in a best case scenario, and if you're anything like the rest of us, you could probably fuck for 2 hours straight and spend most of that time trying to bring your erection back.
>too stupid to not seriously respond too stupid to read thread stats
Like pottery
No. All the societal obsession with sex is driven purely by biological instinct coded into our genes. If it wasn't for that drive (i.e. what user experiences as "the feel" in "tfw") no one would give two shits about the concept of sex.
just try again. How did you get old enough to use a computer when you start shitposting at the slightest resistence
The page won't load. Like it won't even load the sad panda.