What would make you buy a PS5?

For me, full backwards compatibility, God of War 5, Uncharted 5 and Horizon Zero Dawn 2.

Attached: ps5.png (480x546, 139.6K)

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Man, Yas Forums will be so awesome when bloodborne gets announced for PC. It might be the most collective anger since GTA5.

Pay for some sort of service like ps+ to unlock backward compatibility.

If the exclusives continue to be good, and I could buy any PS3 game for $4 off PSN and play it at 60fps 4k I would buy one

Sony would auto-win the generations if they announced backwards compatibility.
Nintendo would do the same if they release all N-64 and and GC games on the Nintendo Online

maybe some day, user

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These fags said that for the PS4 and nothing happened.

>p-please sony gi-give us some of your shitty movie games
hypocrisy at its finest, pc gamers have no shame really eh

No backwards compatibility would make me buy it. Just like the shitch.

>backwards compatibility
>you cant use your physical games
>must buy again those games as a digital emulation
hahaha very funny, even ps4 isn't compatible with ps1 games anymore

Probably just ps now having it. They already gave ps now download capabilities for ps2 and ps4 games on ps4, so you can play them while offline (and with no streaming when online, even)

this, every year again all the same lies again and agin
this is very likely desu

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switch doesn't have disc drive nor n64 cartridge slot

>What would make you buy a PS5?
Sony making it available to purchase

Just ps4 bc desu I dont really know which games are stuck that i want to play in older gens

Nothing. All third party exclusives either get ports or are now multiplatform releases, plus I don't want to pay for PS+ anymore. The only exclusives I liked from them were Uncharted, Gravity Rush and Bloodborne. Never really liked the rest of their catalog.

They need a game service on par with or better than xbox gamepass

Darkstalkers 4

probably just some good exclusives, being hacked and being cheap.
I already have literally every sony console so I don't need BC. And the home consoles don't really offer anything good besides gatekeeping exclusives so it's optimal to just buy for $200 and grab the exclusives. I don't forsee myself ever being a profitable consumer for Sony.

A reason those games can't actually just be made on PS4

and no, not "raytracing"

Well i will be buying it eventually anyway but if it truly does have BC for ps3 and ps4 both disc and digital I will buy it as soon as it has 1 decent game worth buying it for and at the same timeI will sell my ps3 and ps4

Probably gonna buy it anyway. It's not like I'm poor.

I'll only buy PS5 if the online is free and there is 100% backwards compatibility with all the PS3 games i already own but we all know that's never gonna happen

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I mean the pool of games on ps now is pretty big, wouldn't be surprised if the bc is compatible with all that (if it even exists)
>free online
unless MS announces it, not a chance in hell. At best, a price cut back to $50 a year.

I've wanted Xbox for the first time ever due to Game Pass and PS4 being shit, but Silent Hill Rumours being fully exclusive to PS5 is gaining my interest. I'd get it when it's cheap and has multiple good games.

>Silent Hill rumors to be true
>Demon's Souls remake/remaster

I'd be convinced then.

How is bloodborne a movie game?

them removing games from games pass has removed any interest I had in it, honestly.

So being able to keep playing the games you already own and 3 """new""" games are enough to justify buying a brand new console?

Free online, lets me play at the very least PS2 games with my disc without any other bullshit and its reasonably priced.

Buying a PS Now sub doesn't classify as BC.

People buy consoles just to play a single game all the time.

>"strong, narrative-driven single-player games"
That's it. I'm done with toxic pc twitch shooters and e-sports garbage. I guess I actually like to play video games.

Oh and we're also getting 4K and 60 fps games which makes PC gaming completely fucking irrelevant! Yay!


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Naughty Dog, Insomniac and SuckerPunch each announce new IPs. They're action platformers with primo graphics. Spiritual successors to Jak, Ratchet and Sly. Sony Studios itself pumps out a whole slew of smaller, newer IPs, and only allows new IPs from third parties. Capcom, Namco, Ubisoft, EA, whoever, each launch new IPs, like how it felt when we first played Zone of the Enders and Dead Space and Destroy All Humans and all that other good shit.

But it's just going to be more fucking sequels so I don't care. It's like Nintendo with their same fucking Zelda and Mario horseshit every generation.

Basic in the memory.

Don't own a ps4, full disc backwards compatibility with ps4 on the ps5 would be an instant buy for me since most ps4 games are relatively cheap nowadays.

Hopefully they don't go the sóytendo route of reselling all the games from their previous console at $60.

PC trounces consoles in the genre of game you're asking for because it can emulate the systems from the time where this was actually the focus without requiring being scalped to hell and back.
You probably can buy a good PC with the price of little samson alone, and let's not even get into X68000 or MSX stuff.

as an idort, i cant fucking wait

Free online play and BC.

I already have a PS4 man, I just love it when fanboys, specifically sony and nintendo, get furious on Yas Forums.

This is your life. Think about that.

Why can't Sony just give us straight answers?

I'm not, every exclusive will come to PC.

At release? Nothing. PS5 release will be the same debacle as PS4Pro, mark my words. They'll cut the price in no time flat and i can essily entertain myself with other shit in the meantime.

Backwards compatibility and a way to play graphically enhanced PS4 games that sucked shit on PS4 framerate-wise. Like a stable 60 fps Yakuza 6 as an example.

Gran Turismo: Racing Lagoon

>Legacy devices

Who THE FUCK talks like that? Legacy device. Holy shit, that's such a dumb pretentious name. "Hey bro, how many legacy devices do you own?". Wow, I can't get over this right now. What the fuck? Am I the one who's fucked in the head or this is really gay as fuck nomenclature?

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Amazing how everybody suddendly pretends to care about backwards compatibility, conveniently around the time "rumors" start spreading

its a jew tactic to devalue everything except the latest piece of hardware they want you to buy

How much would a backwards compatibility that goes back several ges help emulation?

Bloodborne 2 or no buy

Yeah no, I'm with you. It's weird.

Nah, you're spot on. "Legacy Device" is retarded marketing-speak, nothing more
Wasn't backwards compatibility one of the first things they hinted at? I could swear it was already confirmed but then i saw this thread.

basic online multiplayer needs to be free. im not going to be scammed by sony like a cuck. i rather just build a pc if theyre going to make me pay subscription fees.

It would have to be able to read cds and dvds.

OK, boomer. How about VHS tapes too?

Since Sony never released games on those, no, dumbfuck.

I will never buy another console because I'm not a fucking retard.

Pretty common term for people with technical literacy.
Thanks for showing us how much of retard you are.

You're buying a PS5 for games that aren't PS5 games. You're the literal dumb fuck.

I'm responding to the OP who said "full backwards compatibility", dumbfuck. Maybe that wasn't obvious enough with the way I linked his post and everything. If you can't use a PS1 or PS2 game as a license then it's not full BC. I have no plans to get a PS5 and I have no plans to pay for BC of games I already own. Now go pay to lick some more boots asswipe.

is there so physical law about to get broken or what are you on about

It's nice to have a single machine run all your games, rather than swapping them around.
Also bear in mind, the PS1 and PS2 don't work (natively) with modern TVs