Explain in your own words why this gun isn't overpowered

Explain in your own words why this gun isn't overpowered.

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it isnt

Cause im not a faggot like you OP.

It makes you lose mobility, has slow rate of fire, terrible to shoot with while moving, and is harder to hip fire with. AWPers can't handle someone rushing them with good game sense.

because I can use a flashbang

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It costs twice as much as the other guns

>Limited self-defense
>Limited field of view
>Slow to fire
>Susceptible to grenades
AWP requires the player to be quick and position themselves well in order to get kills with it, or else you become a liability that just lost money and may have given the enemy an AWP.

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Not an argument.

Grenades and flashbangs work on everyone, dumbfucks.

You ignored the rest of what mario gun guy said

if it was, every game would be 5 awps vs 5 awps. checkmate.

Any Sniper in any shooter that's a OSK to anywhere but the head is OP.

cost and the symmetric nature of the game

because its hard to hold anything other than a long and tight angle without opening yourself up to a simple trade, and the cost of the awp to just get one frag means you're losing tons of money and so your eco is fucked, especially if your team loses the round.

It requires almost perfect accuracy, if you miss you are fucked 99% of the time

> OP trying to question the balance of a weapon that's probably older than him

>completely viable to run 5 AKs and no AWP
>completely unviable to run 5 AWPs and no AKs
explain how AK isn't overpowered

Because it isn't a one shot kill, dumbfuck

want to think about that a bit more?

Bad accuracy, slow, overpriced

When rifles can one shot you, can spray if you miss the first shot, and are way cheaper. AWP is just shit.

Flashirino no peekirino.

It's expensive, slow, loud and has no accurate hipfire.

refrain for revealing thine head

CS:GO would be infinitely better without spread patterns. Tie bullets to the gun's barrel, not some looneytoons shit. When it does that then I'll want to play it. I want to have a situation more like DOTA where people's abilities can suppress others such as Gyrocopter's ult and so on. It makes teamfights more interesting.

It isn't overpowered. Noobs use it to get one shot kills, but you can easily outplay them with shotguns or even autosnipers. Last mentioned is funnier because they ironically call you a noob for using an autosniper.

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Explain in your own words why this gun isn't overpowered.

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It kinda is, same as the AUG. People just didn't want to aknowledge it until pro's picked them to dominate games.

I wish Valve would add more weapons, but of course esport cucks would complain that they have something new to learn.

You could consider getting good

CS:GO would be nothing without the unique recoil model. If you want laser weapons, go play something else.

>b-b-b-b-b-but you have to use scope, no hipfire, limits your vision
If you are such a noob that you can't quickscope you should see yourself out. Progamers are having a discussion about game balance.

what do you think 1tap means dumbfuck

An AK isn't one tap to the body like the AWP. fucking think for two seconds

Nah, it's just more fun that way.
>CSGO player faces when realistic spread would make CS:GO better and all the time they spent learning arbitrary mouse movements irrelevant

bad bait


>t. zoomshitter

>no hipfire
AWP is the best weapon for

Fucking this. The only interesting thing about CSGO now is the community servers. Everything else caters to autistic esport types.

I just want a new shotgun or two.

Much better than the AWP because you don't die when you miss the first shot.

Double barreled shotgun would be cool

double barrel as a secondary would be neat. I want a lever action slug shotty as a replacer for the xm but know it'll never happen. something to replace the sawed off would be nice though. also a new t side pistol would be good too

If you want new content you're in the wrong game. The thing is 20 years old now and the weapon choice is basically still the same - it's always been about mechanical skill and map awareness, it isn't about figuring out how the new meme weapon can be abused.

a replacement for the AK-47 would be great too. Maybe an AK-74?
>higher ROF
>better base dmg
>worse armor pen
>lower dmg falloff
>slightly less spread
>recoil pattern is mirror of AK-47 pattern to spice thing up

You fags don't even know what OP really is

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In addition to all of the other reasons that other anons have laid out, the real reason the AWP is not OP is because it is reasonably difficult to use.

People might dispute this, but an AWP is useless in the hands of a lot of players. You don't need to be a pro, but you have to have decent aim, reaction time and game sense in order to successfully pull of the AWP.

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god I loved the deagle in 1.6 and source, headshots for literal days

That’s because the CSS hit boxes are completely fucked

The AWP is the most kino weapon in video games. It's iconic. A weapon that couldn't possibly be made today because you know that reddit shitters, or Yas Forums shitters in this case, would whine about it endlessly until it would be changed. But it has been grandfathered in, saved somehow from the wrath of hivemind of dumb zoomers.

Literally this.

God this thing sounded so amazing, the animation was so smooth. It encapsulates everything 1.6 was.

How are people still bitching about the AWP?

>implying every game already isnt

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maybe in silver, scrub

It's not even like that in silver lmao. That niggas just crazy

It isn't. 5 AWPs are vulnerable to flashes and rifles.

It was a terrible weapon then, and a terrible weapon now

The Scout is a completely balanced weapon and should be the only sniper

Stop pretending you're a boomer and go get laid

Mad cuz bad

only used by tryhards and cheaters

csgo just hit 1 mil concurrent players the other day. it's doing fine without you.

Said the user who is defending one shot bodyshots

t. has no map awareness and constantly runs into the generic AWP sightlines


That is all

>this gun is vulnerable to things everything else is vulnerable to

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Mad cuz bad

Don't miss then. My flicks are on point 100% of the time.
Quake skills.


Bad cuz mad

If you have nothing but AWPs the enemy team can flash out and storm your position with rifles/SMGs. If your own team has rifles then they can defend themselves once the distance is closed. 5 AWPs being pushed into close quarters are dead meat.

Also, git gud.

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>every engagement is the exact same because I am retarded

I remember back in the Source days, a majority of servers banned the AWP.

long ass fucking delay between shots

This. Csgo is for faggots

>collateral entire team

Sure, the AWP doesn't make sense when there are 24 players per team that receive 16k every round.

the AWP is only as good as the AWPer

>I remember back in the Source days, a majority of servers banned the AWP.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the AWP get a slight nerf in CS:GO? It just feels like you need to be steadier in your shooting. In Source you had pinpoint accuracy even after moving for a moment.

It is. But if it only had the 2nd zoom level it wouldn't be.

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Slow, costs a lot.