Main villain is a short-sighted dumbass

>main villain is a short-sighted dumbass
>only 24 maps across all 4 routes
>tedious monastery busywork
>terrible music

Why do people like this game again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>it's always the same complaints
>it works every time and guarantees replies
I'm not sure what's worse, that you people are enabled to be this low-effort and disappointing or if effortless disappointment is all it takes to bait replies from Yas Forums

Because its better than nothing.

But jesus christ when are they going to bring back more complicated objectives than kill everyone on the map.

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Have you considered the fact that the same complaints are raised because they're valid?


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It's always the same image as well.


Fact: 3H maps are actually good. They're just rehashed to shit and the difficulty is fucked.

That one escape map from the dlc was pretty good

But everyone plays to kill all enemies anyways for the XP

>But jesus christ when are they going to bring back more complicated objectives than kill everyone on the map.
Too much effort for modern IS


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Every point there is arguable except the seond and last

second: True but the fact that it doesnt take away from the game at all which makes the game design genius.

fourth: Just flat out wrong. If this was bait, this is where you got me;

>replaying the same maps 4 times doesn't take away from the game at all

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Did you not play the paralogues in this game or something?

I still haven't finished this game, I got to chapter 20 something on Blue and dropped it out of boredom because it was too easy, then after maddening came out I got to chapter 10 on that and got bored again. Fuck the monastery it's a cute idea but it takes way too much time.

Because you get to murder the short-sighted dumbass with your bro Dimitri.

>>terrible music

You haven't played it

Literally just skip the monastery.

You’re literally the second person to reply, and the very first one to bitch, so you’re literally the problem. Kill yourself.

Makes you a shitload weaker.

You can skip most of the monastery stuff if you don't like it.

>implying you don't kill everyone either way

Is maddening actually challenging, or is it a fucking one-shot/crit casino like the rest of the games?

tranny game

>have petra escape the map to win
>almost at the objective? uh-oh hubert is here lol
>rout all enemies instead now, hope you didn't move petra ahead unprotected ;)

You mean like
>protect ultra weak character who just can't stand still, instead, he or she rushes toward enemy group

Adds more challenge to Hard mode then. Just do Seminars or auxiliary battles, because IS implemented those knowing people could get tired of exploring the monastery.


Why didn't Holst just end everything himself? I find it hard to believe he couldn't have just shitslapped anyone and everything that got in his way.


In that case just rush gardening and mealtime.

>implying any of that is cunny

No you can't. I'm tired of hearing this. Many of the late-game classes require monastery grinding. Good luck getting any of the riding mastery classes without monastery grinding. Dark Knight especially is a huge pain. On maddening it's a requirement.

There's at least a few escape maps in the paralogues

>best fire emblem title we've had since path of radiance.
>this kills the fate fags that now have to accept normies playing their waifu sim game

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It has great gameplay and systems, but those are all legitimate complaints and the monestary sections and repeated fluff maps were kind of why I dropped it after a few routes completed.

If the game had less fluff and irrelevant garbage cluttering it and was a bit more streamlined it'd be one of the better fire emblems in a decade or so.

Gardening, meal, arena, teaching on monday and (OPTIONAL) talk to every char at the beginning of the month.
Imagine being that guy who think "this is too much work".

It's challenging but for the wrong reasons. Enemies are so much stronger than you that the only viable striat is to turtle deathball. Every enemy doubles you, you never double anyone, all your units get ORKO'd. It feels fucking lame to be so weak. Things get better in the second half, but not by much.

>path of radiance

>the single best example of maps and gameplay in the series
>"waifu sim"

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Not really.

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You are genuinely fucking retarded is you think Master classes are mandatory to beat the game. You can still achieve those by doing seminars anyways on top of weekly goals.

Nothing is mandatory to beat the game you fucking retard. People have beaten the game on 0% growths, does that mean level ups shouldn't exist? Holy fuck how can someone be this retarded

pick (one) faggot

Probably the point
We all agree it was a shit move, nobody's defending that
Subjective; it's fantastic if micromanaging your army is a plus for you as it's allowing you to more finely tune your resources; I won't cover the breadth of that because I'm not sure you care
Entirely subjective. I like a lot of tracks. The problem is their usage of music, it's very sloppily aligned

I'd love to see them try this again without all the shitty problems which you ironically fail to mention,
>Unfinished route for one of the main characters, which is even softly hidden behind an event
>Class balance has literally never been worse
>very probably neither have armors; in 4 they at least had a castle to babysit
>the freeform hybrid weapon system is nearly unused in the game, Master shows the only actual hybrids
>game starts handing out legendary weapons like candy, but half of them are hyper usable E-ranks with abundant repair material while the other half are mediocre A-ranks whose repair requires an exceedingly rare material
>skill system is complete fucking trash this time around, despite the insane potential; personals and class-based alike basically boil down to a handful of useful ones and a bunch of bullshit
>first half of the game hypes up a villain used in approximately half of the routes
>"The church" is basically just Seteth and Rhea; every other character is just military personnel, nothing like a cardinal character or other clergymen/women really, Mercedes the nun aside
I can go on and on.
So why the fuck you got the same four weakass arguments.


The dude before said you could skip most monastery stuff, which is factually true, yet your dumbass comes in and spews a bunch of bullshit.

>my gripes are more valid than your gripes

>The problem is their usage of music, it's very sloppily aligned
Fuck them for using this like on 5 S supports only

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being better than Fates isn't much of an achievement

>Unfinished route for one of the main characters, which is even softly hidden behind an event
Which one? Rhea/Edelgard?

>terrible music
The music is amazing you shitposter.


They're really not, especially the skirmish ones. Most of the maps don't have great gimmicks like Conquest does. Conquest is the game to look at for superior map design IMO

spoken like someone who has never played any other FE game. Let me guess, you think God Shattering Star is the pinnacle of vidya don't you?

I agree with that user, the music is good. You just have shit taste.

shhh dont sell us out nintendobro.
remember our exclusives are good until pcfags get to play it if ever they get ported or their emulator can finally push a 20-30fps in 2-5 years

this is your new moe series spinoff

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>>main villain is a short-sighted dumbass
Edelgard is not the main villain.
>>only 24 maps across all 4 routes
There are more than that. Some maps are exclusive to certain routes.
>>tedious monastery busywork
You can skip it most weeks.
>>terrible music