Leave-a Corona to me

Leave-a Corona to me.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Dr. Mario is not a real doctor. Don’t let him finger your prostate.

I would trust Dr. Dry Bowser a lot more since he's undead.

In the Mushroom Kingdom, he's the finest doc by far. He got his degree by watching House, and Scrubs, and ER.

So long gay virus.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day

What kind of swamp shits are you taking? I doubt I even use 1 roll per week.

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Shit pasta
Cursed image, pls delet

>average person uses 1 roll per day
Do you constant diarrhea? Or do you use toilet paper for everything, like drying your hands with it after washing hands instead of a towel?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
I shit once every other day and I use two squares per shit. Assuming the average roll has 70 sheets, that gives me 140 days for each roll.
This is congruent with how I moved into my apartment a year ago, bought toilet paper then, and am only in my 3rd roll.

but you're italian

>1 roll per day
holy shit, how? I have daily alcoholic watery shits that burn to all hell. But I still only go through at most 1 and 1/2 rolls every 2 weeks

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So what is the Yas Forumserdict, total lockdown like Italy and Spain or keeping things running and deliberately infecting everyone to achieve "herd immunity" quickly like UK? Which is the lesser evil?

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Oh no...

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Herd immunity will eventually come even if you take the total lockdown route. It just won't kill a bunch of elderly people in the process who don't really care about "herd immunity" since they're gonna die of age soon anyway

>he doesn't eat toilet paper to increase the fiber in his diet
This is why you people take such messy shits.

>1 roll per day
Why are you locked in the bathroom?

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>using toilet paper
lmao poorfags

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he has mama'd his last mia

It wipes itself on the way out too.

Thanks again for proving that Yas Forums infests this board.
Fucking kill yourself.

The latter, I want to stay home from work for two weeks.

You don't even need that much at all if you shit properly by squatting.

The fucking Squatty Pottys should be sold out, not the heckin cleckin toilet paperinos.

>wasting money on toilet paper
>not just getting a roommate and using your tongues to clean each other off

You talking to me?

Maybe you should try getting a job.

>Average person uses one a day

You can't tell me what to do, you aren't my real dad.

At times like these it is really convenient to be a software dev, boss gave us the go-ahead to "work" from home which generally just means monitoring Slack channels and doing at most 2 hours worth of work a day.

Dont forget to give all your energy to Coronachan so that we can all afford houses

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>one roll a day
you should probably see a doctor

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day
>t. poo in loo shitskin

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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get a bidet

I don't use toilet paper because I'm not a filthy fucker that thinks dry paper actually cleans anything

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
holy shit user please go see a doctor for that

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I have IBS and even I rarely use 1 roll a day

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the reason why it's one roll a day is because people use a loooooong strip of paper to wipe. THEN they fold it up

>1 roll a day

Fuck Corona Virus, if you shitting like that then you got something else crawling in your ass.

>alberto balsalm intensifies

of course you will, its your Italian virus

I hope you guys prepped and siting comfy at home instead of panick-shopping or going to work.

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How are you anons holding up

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No! Bowser-sama!

anyone got the webm of the romanian guy going around pointing at chinese people and saying CORONAAAA? can't find the original video

Get a bidet, losers

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How the fuck have you not clogged your toilet yet

I got this.

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*infects you with corona*

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day

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I know this is bait but can you imagine having to use 1 while toilet paper roll per day?
You're ass would constantly stink no matter how much you wiped and would be raw as fuck.

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It's not cholera its corona

Are the Tp hoarders illiterate.

Who else loaded up on kleenxes and tissue paper just in case they didn't have enough toilet paper?

>the average person uses 1 roll per day

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It feels so good too. Pic related.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Maybe if the average person is obese, has the runs, and is constantly eating and shitting 24/7.