

Attached: femleth.png (512x512, 144.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She ruined Smash.

She ruined Three Houses.

She ruined my pants.

She ruined my sleeping schedule.

Attached: 1565926000012.png (1745x1048, 805.37K)

She ruined my pond.

Attached: F3C79CD2-DDA6-49ED-A53D-8FA5E055DC75.jpg (706x467, 103.69K)


Attached: 1577046438823.jpg (459x602, 196.56K)

*S-Supports you*

Attached: 1575512191014.png (512x512, 154.4K)

link the full image NOW

Attached: EQQK4woUcAAYc5W.jpg (2301x1500, 470.12K)

Thought she was stuttering first time I read this.


Attached: lysitheashock.png (342x343, 148.45K)

I can't wait for my honeymoon with my wife Byleth!

source it you fucking dildo

I need her

Attached: 1499903159965.png (704x942, 539.92K)

>marring a frog
bestiality is a sin user

Attached: 1575512191120.png (512x512, 136.57K)

Yall niggas is gay and stupid.
Not posting the nipple version though. Find it yourself.

Attached: 1565611911902.jpg (1300x914, 80.84K)

Ugly frog!

cute! CUTE!

Needs more Catherina

I need a Warrior wife to defeat baddies for me

Reminder that male Byleth is Edelgard’s husband and yurishit is a tacked on non canon fanfic

Attached: 1D4554E3-8B1F-4481-B621-DE7093EE5AFE.jpg (600x844, 214.42K)

Found the other version with this
Thanks a ton

I still can't get over the female design. All the other character designs were just fine and felt in place.

Femlyth just makes me laugh and how derpy she looks.

Attached: 1583882198169.png (750x675, 810.64K)

Attached: 157551219135.png (512x512, 136.43K)

She’s about as intimidating as fucking Zooey Deschanel with those fucking eyes it’s a disaster

We need more memes

Attached: 1583424068264.jpg (994x573, 135.29K)

Attached: image.png (1920x1850, 1.48M)

so female byleth is based?

Attached: 1583884253313.jpg (575x614, 64.78K)

ALMOST fixed

Reminder that female Byleth's big boobs caused a war.

She looks like she has a mental problem here

Here you go.

Attached: 1564652972333.jpg (707x847, 55.31K)


Attached: Common_house_fly,_Musca_domestica.jpg (2372x1800, 827.5K)

Attached: EAcoPPsUYAAs11L.png (399x399, 228.19K)

pepe male byleth apu fem byleth edit when

Femlyth doesn't even fit the character. Byleth is supposedly someone who rarely shows emotion yet she has this dumb goofy looking face as opposed to a more stoic expression.

Instead of resting bitch face she has resting frog face. No big deal.

ribbit ribbit!

Attached: lysithea1.png (534x625, 211.68K)

pic related should've been Femlyth's design. Shamir could've just been another design.

Attached: shamir.jpg (474x474, 23.72K)


You did watch her VA's interview this morning, Yas Forums, right?

Attached: dimitriiiiii.png (1030x1002, 1.07M)

>tfw got into a screencap because of how cursed that banner was

Attached: 1583799319056.png (739x897, 358.57K)


please leave

No, I will stay here in Texas.
You are free to leave.

Attached: Texas.jpg (300x154, 14.75K)

I am still trying to get 5* Ferdinand, if all fails i will just level the 4* one

Attached: bernieautist.png (488x435, 306.21K)

Attached: bylethstare.jpg (1000x563, 54.04K)

>Invite student to the dining hall?

Attached: bylethhappy.png (1000x1000, 460.96K)

I wish Fembyleth would dine on me.

>You look nothing like our mom

Attached: 1583661172765.jpg (1280x720, 89.71K)

i love the teacher

Attached: image.png (885x600, 524.09K)

>tfw Jeralt would've probably hated vidya like any 100-year old boomer

Attached: ERdUut2VUAA0Ced.jpg (680x632, 115.75K)

>English VA


>My name is Edelgard von Hresvelg and I say trans rights, are human rights

Attached: edeltrannyconfirmed.png (618x778, 799.57K)

Man the next pool purge can't come soon enough. Sick and tired of not pulling units for hundreds of orbs and when I finally do it's a fucking off banner cancer.

*S-Supports you*

Attached: Freaky-Frog-with-Large-Breasts-75987.jpg (1000x625, 78.08K)

Thank you for this truly cursed photo user

Nah Jeralt would have loved vidya but gave it up to focus on his job to give a better life for his kids.
Byleth only finds out after his death and then cries over the missed opportunities if only they'd asked their dad to play with them