Dragon Quest XI is like a homemade cheeseburger

Just a regular beef patty, with a slice of cheese, and standard buns. It's so incredibly simple. No gourmet meal, no fancy condiments and spices, yet it's just so goddamn delicious.

I don't think I've ever played a single JRPG that's as simplistic and streamlined as Dragon Quest XI. Yet the execution is just so flawless that I can't get enough of it. I don't know what it is about this game, or this series for that matter, that makes something so simple so incredibly fun. But whatever it is, they did it flawlessly.

Anyway, those are simply my basic thoughts and feelings on the game. I've been playing a lot of it lately, and thought I'd gush about it.

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no u

Does it have pickles?


I think you have the wrong board sweetie. We don't talk about video games here.

>I don't know what it is about this game, or this series for that matter, that makes something so simple so incredibly fun. But whatever it is, they did it flawlessly.

Its the progression, you are always learning new spells getting new gear searching for minimedals etc and because the mechanics are so simple everything you do feels like it adds up and so you keep going. The stories arent epics filled with drama although there are some sad moments the writing is usually strong (less so in English with all the stupid puns) and instead the story is charming and likeable, you hero go kill demon lord and get girl the end
Just very satisfying

Full of soul

>food analogy

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Make sure to marry Jade.

This is honestly one of the most boring, snooze inducing, paint by numbers games I've ever played. I don't think the hamburger analogy is correct. This is a circular beef patty with no dressing, if you like it it says more about you liking meat than it says about the quality of the product

this. op sounds like a gigantic faggot

That's how I found it. Nothing interesting about it. Characters are all generic, story is generic.
Combat, don't even get me started, the most basic piece of shit ever.

Dropped it pretty quickly.

You just dont get it, which is fine.

the generic jrpg formula is fine
trying to modernize it with real time elements and cutscenes is what turned it into such trash

It's one of the best games I've played in a long time

DQ is supposed to be bland. It's the standard from which all other JRPGs are compared. Literally the McChicken of JRPGs.

There's nothing to get. I've played most of the other Dragon Quest games and they're all far better. You just have low standards.

STFU dougdoug your food analogies are dogshit, go back to using voice commands to beat dark souls

Saying something's supposed to be bland is such a wimpy cop-out excuse. Are you really telling me the identity of dragon quest would be compromised if it tried to have interesting new enemies, less monotony in the regular enemies, slightly better/more consistent writing, more varied music, or more detailed/interesting environments?

this is an apt comparison because the mcChicken is the best fast food sandwich

based ninofag

I felt the same way playing it on the ps4 and I'm currently replaying it on the switch and it feels even more linear than before.

For every QOL improvement it makes, it takes 2 steps back. It would be hard to recommend it over DQ8 outside of it being on modern consoles.

Also, it just feels a little too easy. You could say turn on dragonian (?) settings but those just feel more like you're artificially padding the game for more hours. Outside of maybe 1 battle, I don't think I've ever had any of my characters not autobattling with "fight fairly"

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>food analogy

More like a cow ruminating on the food it ate 20 years ago because it's so bored.

Yeah no, it's boring.
Combat is enjoyable, but I couldn't care less about story/characters. Exploration is a pain in the ass, too.

imagine being at computers

Veronica wins again!

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Absolutely based

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Can I marry Mia? She is the hottest.

Did you just make a fucking food analogy? What the fuck? Don't you know that that is bad now? Food analogies appeal to the lowest common denominator. Everyone has eaten food so everyone can understand them. That is a bad thing. I know it sounds like a good thing, but it is not. It is bad. Analogies should only be understood by high class individuals like me. Instead of a homemade cheeseburger you should have used something like how many eggs a stinkbug can lay. I don't care if the analogy doesn't make sense. It is better, because it is not a food analogy.

No she’s for Erik only

That's a funny way to spell Sylvando.

WTF? That doesn't sound delicious. The key to good homemade hamburgers/phillies is to grill the bun with butter or oil like a grilled cheese and add light seasonings to the meat and bun(garlic)

Makes me feel like I'm one-upping all the local restaurants when my burger just tastes better because of the bun alone being done in a superior way

The good:
- Great gameplay with the stronger enemies mode
- Great visuals
- Charming characters

The bad:
- The OST is far from good. DQ6 (SNES, not the DS version) and DQ8 (PS2, not 3DS) are still the ones with the best OST in the series
- The Act 2 makes the game feel very repetitive. Its basically a huge backtracking.
- Boring story. The main story is 100x worse than DQ5's, and the vignettes are much worse than DQ6/7's.

Its a very good game overall but its no masterpiece.

This reads like someone who only tells really lame stale jokes getting pissed off that people don't find them funny

Serena is best girl

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I don't see how anyone gets charmed by these characters. Everyone is just kind of like a vestige of a trope that never acts like they should. A perfect example is when the queen of the frozen city decides the evil witch who practically destroyed the entire kingdom deserves to be part of her royal guard. No one really comments on it at all. Even the sassy loli just kinda shrugs and doesn't say anything of substance.

Good JRPG casts have some push and pull, they actually have interesting conversations in the best examples of the genre. DQ11 puts all of its storytelling chips on a boring nothing of a main character who for some reason only emotes when he is a child or newborn baby. It's bizzarre to me that anyone could find this game's characters charming.

thats japan like things like DQ and pokemon

Shame that Richard Honeywood was in charge of the translation and completely changed everything and turned it into a "comedic" farce aimed at children.


The soundtrack is so bad. The fact that they jerk off over m-muh Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony in the opening cinematic of the game just makes it even worse.

I think you just don’t have a soul

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Dragon Quest XI is good because the focus was on polish instead of innovation. Instead of implementing a bunch of dumb mechanics that don't serve any purpose other than to make them stand out from other games, they actually made the game good. This idea that games have to be innovative to be good is one of the biggest issues with the industry today. Innovation for the sake of innovation is cancer. The reason developers prioritize innovation is because they have no talent and thus no means of making a game interesting to play other than novelty.

btw you forgot act 3 which makes you puke half of the burger, pretends you've never eaten it, and as a replacement it serves you the same rigurgitated burger except it has green eyes now

You sure know a lot of reddit you fucking nigger

Ac3 3 is amazing so kill yourself

I think the secret to DQ is inserting gambling into the systems so that it hits the same parts of your brain a slot machine does. And when you want a break from the typical systems, there is a casino with actual gambling to play in.
The non-2D versions of 11 kind of fucks things up a little bit though so 8 stays the best game.

I feel you OP. I don't even like JRPGs in general but this game just oozes so much soul that I can't get enough of it. Frankly I'm amazed at how they pulled it off.

Act 3 is shit

>Just a regular beef patty, with a slice of cheese, and standard buns. It's so incredibly simple. No gourmet meal, no fancy condiments and spices, yet it's just so goddamn delicious.

I don't think I've ever played a single JRPG that's as simplistic and streamlined as Dragon Quest XI. Yet the execution is just so flawless that I can't get enough of it. I don't know what it is about this game, or this series for that matter, that makes something so simple so incredibly fun. But whatever it is, they did it flawlessly.

Anyway, those are simply my basic thoughts and feelings on the game. I've been playing a lot of it lately, and thought I'd gush about it.

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>He fucked up the greentext
Proof that wojak posters have brain damage

Did she deserve it?

Yeah, if you love someone, you should tell them, that is how you get cucked

I suppose so

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wtf she cucked John!?

Don't worry he'll die soon from Gorona-chan

I tried the XIS demo with draconian settings and found it a bit dull, but playing through VIII now and it's a great game. I'm not really sure why they feel different, maybe XIS has too much dialogue. The difficulty in VIII also feels very well-set even without options, it's challenging if you don't grind but you can make it easier if you want.

You know she's the canon love interest, always has been, always will be, those otaku pandering thots can never compete.

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