>still uses 1080p

Explain yourself.

Attached: 1080p4k.png (1000x686, 443.24K)

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I like high frame rates.

Consistent frame rate, high refresh rate >>>>>>>>>>>>> Resolution

Its easier to tell the diference betwen 60 and 120 fps than 1080p using Nvida sharpen and 4k.

>muh frames
you get higher frames with 720p but who cares all your saying is that your poor that can't afford a good pc.

Because I very much like my 24" 240hz monitor, very smooth and responsive.

Anything higher than 1080/60 is a literal placebo.

Im using 2k and let me tell you even if your graphics card can handle 2k sometimes your shitty game dev won‘t bother optimize the game enough to run at 2k so don‘t bother the industry is just not there yet

Show me a PC that can run Battlefield 5 at 4k 240hz

Battlefield V is horribly optimized, for the rest I do use 4k

Because I don't care and I like my 144hz

Im happy with 1080p

Anything below 4k is a meme. Either go 4k or don't.

Best part is that my Pc can run in ultra 4k 120+ fps fixed BF1 but can't do the same with bfv, which actually looks worse.
Sometimes even at 1080p and High it can still have some stuttering in the worst offenders like Underground and Narvik. Incredible how much they fucked up Frostbite

1080p is a good compromise between 720p and 1440p, while still hitting over 120fps. I'm not a graphics fag, anyways. If it looks that shit, I'll just crank up overrides on my GPU and mod ini files.

Mobile.Wikipedia.com/sunk cost fallacy

4K is too expensive. When it is more affordable, I will get it.

1440p is fucking stupid.
240hz is fucking stupid.
Retards falling for marketing to buy dumb shit.

I played most of my childhood on 320x240 resolution. 1080p is enough for me.

What? You mean you don't CONSOOM like OP does? Everyone point at this person for enjoying what suits him and not CONSOOMING like the rest of us!

I'm actually perfectly happy with 720p in a lot of games, although 1080p is pretty much mandatory in anything interface-heavy. Not really worth the money to go higher yet IMO.

2K is 1080p, though. 4K is 2160p, and 2.5K is 1440p.

1080p is okay, 1440p is better.
4k is a meme.

Why do we call a 3840 x 2160 "4k" and 1920 x 1080 just 1080p?

Wouldn't "2160p" or "2k" be more consistent?

1440p here because, 1080p looks terrible in 27" screens

Attached: 1583573259019.webm (640x800, 1.82M)

3440x1440 and the highest Ti card for me.

>1080p is okay, 4k is better.
>1440p is a meme.

because marketing

1080p is 1k.
1440p is also sometimes called 2k.
It's either a marketing trick or 2160p is too long to be comfortably used in conversation.
Enjoy your 30 fps games in 4k faggot.

>30fps in 4k
sorry i'm not poor

Because I don't want to spend 2000$ on a meme machine to play soulless AAA multiplayer games riddled with microtransactions.
I'd rather buy a Valve index than a 4k screen.

Literally ZERO content is designed for 1440p. It's a pointless irrelevant resolution. It's just the poorfag 4k, like 720p is poorfag 1080p.

>sorry i'm not poor
I already knew that, getting 4k already means you have more money than sense.

1440p at 144hz.

Attached: 1567650244213.png (622x641, 378.59K)

My computer runs games (that are capable) at 144 FPS in 1080p.

You would get more frames and better picture on CRT at lower resoltuion. Why not do that?

2160p would be too many syllables, and 2K makes people think of the year.

And we don't really call it just "1080p," most of the marketing refers to it as "full HD." And if you can remember there used to be "HD ready" which I think referred to 720p.

240hz > 4K

I did this to thots in greece.

People get monitors for reasons other than consuming entertainment, user. And some thing scale better on 1440p than on 1080p. 720p, for example, can be cleanly upscaled with no artefacts.

Attached: Dibujo20151112-google-nasa-d-wave-quantum-computer.jpg (780x477, 49.42K)

Ultrawide is great for work. 2560x1440p is for dumb ass gamers who like RGB and gaming chairs.

Why would I want a lower resolution?

>phone posting


nigga u srs?

I run a 2080Ti at 3440x1440 and you only get around 60 fps in any game newer than counterstrike.

1080p looks very good, whereas 720p looks a bit blurry. there's no reason to go past 1080

Never go full retard user.

RTX2080 is borderline enough for 4K 60 fps ultra settings and anything below native resolution on modern flat screens looks like shit.

Lies , timestamp ur specs.

I unironically can't see the difference unless I lean really close and I don't want to do so

>4k meme
>not even 80fps in newer games with a 2080ti

I can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4k. Its so minimal that i need to get really close to see it. I rather have 144fps and a smooth experience that simply shits on 4k 60fps

Im running i9 with rtx 2080ti in bf v at 100 fps ultra settings .

Arguing about resolution alone is dumb. If you have 4k but your monitor is 27" or smaller its not worth it. And I couldn't imagine sitting at my desk with anything bigger than my 2 27" montiors. 1440p/27", 1080p/24" and 4k for larger.

Come at me butthurt nerds with overpriced 4k/24" panels. You know I'm right.

Because I dont have the money to
If I did, I would probably spend it on cocaine and hookers instead

My 3440x1440p 34 inch 120 hz alienware says you are wrong. Git gud

The problem is LCD technology FUCKING SUCKS

Costs too much to go above it and 1080p is good enough for me -- as of now.

>Explain yourself.
I like to play non-ports PC games, old PC games and indie games which doesn't have UI scaling (like 99% of strategy games)

No reason to spend a good chunk of money replacing my perfectly fine 1080p monitors, 1080p TV and whatever wires, maybe I would if somehow if it all got damaged. Even more of a waste of cash when you consider games do not properly use 4k at the moment.

4K is so much better than 1080p it's ridiculous.

If you disagree you haven't even tried that shit.

1080p is the only standard games actually hit.
i've also got a 4k gaming tv but thats only for select games...and ive got both a ps4 pro and xbone x.

>34 inch
I hope its like 8 feet away from your face

Is that an ultrawide? I agree thats different. I'm talking 16:9 since that's the most common

I did faggot. Ordered a 4k and 144hz 1080p display to compare them, because snake oil salesman are all over the web. So i tested them and came to the conclusion 4k makes no difference at a normal distance and 24 inch. On the other side 144hz is like that true level shit from rick and morty.

8 feet ? Bro this is not a 55-65 inch tv. 4 feet is the sweetspot . Desk user ofc.

You really are retarded, aren't you? You're aware ultrawide screens are naturally "larger" when it comes to measuring that?
Ever heard about Pythagorean, user?

And that's relevant how?


1440/144 monitor
4K/60 TV
It's a good combo. I want 144 Hz when I'm playing FPS, which is usually at my desk with a mouse, which I also prefer for FPS. When I'm playing with a controller at my TV, I don't care as much. High frame rate (and resolution) is always better, if I could do 8K 300 FPS, I would. But 144 Hz comes into play the most when your controls are 1:1 with your view. So with a crosshair locked to the center, your view moving smoothly is nice. Not as important for something like DMC, where the camera is just showing you the action.

>4k makes no difference at a normal distance
What "normal distance?"

You're talking about computer bullshit? Well computers aren't exactly an artistic fucking medium for video games are they retard?

For televisions less than 4K is degenerate

Can't wait until we get 1440p 144hz 27" monitors with no light bleed, good viewing angles, good contrast, perfect blacks, and full hdr. That's the point at which I'll never have to upgrade my monitors ever again.

Ultrawide yea.

Ew. No thanks

You are beyond clueless . 34 inch ultrawide ,look it up you peasent.

>people still using 1080p in 2020
is this real?


>that punctuation
Thanks for proving me right. You're also illiterate.

>console shitter
>games don't even run in native 4k
Okay bro. For movies its great at a certain size.

Dell alienware , it's the best gaming monitor on the market. Sorry , you guys are beyond clueless , i mean you game at 1080p so im just wasting badwidth with you.


I use a 1600x900 monitor to browse this lovely website. Anything is possible!

Most PC only faggots are shills for tech companies instead of game companies, since they just steal games they want and use the saved money to buy wildly overpriced, entirely unnecessary NEW PRODUCTS for their PCs.

Nice comeback poor fellow

Plenty of games are a native 4K on PS4 Pro and especially Xbox One X

Based console retard

>Op too busy with a cock in his mouth to realize that it doesn't matter what you can run or have in your rig cause consoles will always drag down the video game industry with their cheap normie ignorant faggotry

Graphics fags since the beginning of time are cancer. 100fps+ >>> 4k meme trash.

1600x900 was great. Why didn't it survive 720p? Never understood that.

i dont wanna fuck my eyes, i am good with a normal screen

I still play NES and SNES games regularly. Sorry you're a sucker and paid for shit you don't need to get a minor improvement on only a few bits of media.

None of them are , it's just upscaled resolution. Look it up

To get good framerate at 4k you need to burn too much money for too little gain.

It doesn't matter at all I don't really play dogshit games that support it (shit like CoD and Battlefield is trash).

Attached: 1484964490761.gif (184x219, 305.46K)

HDMI 2.1 is coming any minute now and I'm not upgrading to something with old ports
New consoles are gonna be th3 flagship for the new HDMI standard

Attached: 1579656751666.webm (480x854, 544.19K)

>Chillin here with my 4K 32 inch 240hz monitor
>You don't have one? What are you poor?
>Dude just DECIDE to have money lmao
I fucking hate first worlders so goddamn much.

Attached: 1555738308308.png (719x771, 395.43K)

user, please stop. You're embarrassing now.

Wrong again, dumbfuck. What do you think I'm posting with? Keep shilling for nvidia, intel, valve, and whatever other money hungry company you worship. The idort life is the only life.

No retard, every game is upscaled. Also enjoy your 30fps console shitter. Go and watch 60fps porn. Now imagine 144fps porn. That is the pc master race experience.

That's false.
RDR2, Halo MCC, Forza Horizon 4/Motorsport 7...

1366 x 768 master race reporting in.
It's not like you can see the difference anyway so who cares.

I sit at my PC. About a foot away from my screen. 1080p is perfect for this distance. 4k would be way too fucking large.

Attached: billthesaiyan.png (652x665, 640.24K)

You voted for capitalism , enjoy.

I'm thinking of getting a 1440p with a 144hz refresh rate

Most newage games aren't really 4K ready besides, what, fucking racing games or having a 2080ti and an i9? I'd rather take 1080p at 144hz which I can do on a 2080 Super and an i7 for most shit than strive for 4K, the resolution clarity doesn't make up for gameplay feeling.

>1080p just leaves out one axis odf the resolution in the name
>4k is literally 4000 in either axis
Fucking marketing buzzewords.

It's the only -ism that works. Fuck off you filthy commie.

You have no clue what you are talking about. It's ok console boi.