Post your battlestations Yas Forumsros

Attached: unnamed.jpg (3264x2448, 853.81K)

>Monitor on PC
>Cheap wine

Attached: [lowers volume].jpg (1080x1080, 118.99K)

pure comfyness

you're a brave man having any sort of liquid near your keyboard

>Mfw 17.4 million is a bigger number than 16.1

Attached: 1427407260007.png (2197x1463, 1.2M)

you would probably wince at the amount of half empty beer cans i have near mine.

yuropoor more like yurocomfy

Would a Third Reich flag be more to your liking?

How much of a spineless faggot do you have to be to display the flag of a legal corporation instead of your own country?


Sorry, I can't understand what you're trying to say if you keep Erdogan's dick in your mouth

i'v spilt liquids on everything except my keyboard

oof. you really showed me. im eternally btfo

i don't understand EU politics. explain? Erdogan is a turkish president right? what does he have to do with anything.

this triggers the Amerifats


Your reaction only makes me think that you're on the losing side of the argument lol

non-meme bs

Attached: BS (2).jpg (2880x2160, 551.51K)

He demanded money from the kikeu
They said no
Now he's opening his countries borders and allowing niggers to flow through
Based Greece is having none of it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the kikeu bypassed this and let them in

This is from previous sentiment where the kikeu was letting africians nogs in and effectively squat in countries.
They've been paying them

Identitäre Bewegung oder was du Lutscher

>EU flag

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>just a legal corporation
we fucking slaughtered each other for centuries before we finally settled on keeping peace. that flag means a lot more then just making more money.

>his speakers aren't at the same height as his ears
I thought u said non-meme

This is my sanctuary for tonight. Life is hell.

Attached: tonight.jpg (1232x920, 248.76K)

Erdogan bullied the EU into giving him a fuckton of money for keeping migrants in his country, and he still let them out. The EU is the slut and the joke of the entire planet.

erdogan has nothing to do with eu, this other user is just a Yas Forums shizo who forgot to take his meds

this, mutts will never understand

Why does a simple EU flag make 56%-ers seethe so much?

Mechanical keyboards clean up nicely with some propanol and a nylon brush, it's not biggie.

Whats with yuropoors having alcohol and waifu shit on their BS?

because we are comfy user :)

So I just got over corona-chan

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Well I'm NEET and incel so my only option is a waifu. Sadayo doesn't judge me so it's happy. Booze because I'm bunkered down and may as well be drunk.

>we fucking slaughtered each other for centuries before we finally settled on keeping peace
sonuds like you're no different than arab niggers.

What even is a 56%-er?

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Kill all mutts who talk about Europolitics, it's too complicated for them

Shut it, you tranny fuck.

Pretty sweet, ngl

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or regular niggers, or asian niggers, or american niggers
welcome to human history, nigger

>but i understand everyone else's politics and will run my sand nigger mouth if need be!

Eu is a country

Seethe harder faggots, your resistance only makes my penis harder

only american politics is dragged out into a global spotlight to that extent

a man of culture

i never gave a shit about brexit but it never stopped being shoved in my face everywhere i went on the internet as did the migrant crisis.

What game? Kind of looks like RuneScape but I can't really tell

Remember no whites allowed in Birmingham

Not a Murrican but the European Union drasticly needs reform. It's has become a relic from a different time, the people in the ECB are idiots, the euro as it is right now is a big mistake. Either we ditch the euro so members get the tools to combat recession or we create a ministry of finance or a european investment fund to invest in infrastructure in southern Europe to let these economies grow. The problem with the second option is that the Germans don't want to and holds on to the fallacy that austerity is somehow going to create growth in the south. These are really the only options we have to create a stronger Europe.

Reasonable, but the problem I personally have is the thought that people from very remote lands have the ability to dictate policy in my country. Europe is not homogenous, we are a continent of many cultures and traditions, what is a problem in Sweden might not be a problem in Greece, and what is a problem in Greece is not one in Sweden. These nations are all different and face their own problems that only they, the people who live in and are familiar with the nation, can fix it.

What is the red poster?

Facts: North America has more Whites than Europe.

Attached: [SpoonSubs]_Hidamari_Sketch_x365_-_01_(DVD)[A3F133A2].mkv_snapshot_21.24_[2013.03.09_21.13.38].jpg (704x476, 28.24K)

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Sure thing Mongrel

cmon mannnnnnnnnnn

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apartment building next to me is currently playing music loud as fuck screaming from the balcony

Attached: cactus.jpg (5184x3456, 1.66M)

based, based, BASED!

why does the EU trigger boomers so much?

Thanks but what about the meaning of the numbers?

looks comfy, if you cleaned it a little bit it would be 10/10 for me

What kind of music is it?

Very nice setup, does your wife's boyfriend let you use it when he's busy?

I'm obsessed with her. If there was a chance that I could be with her in the afterlife then I would go without hesitation.

Attached: 85w2wydyzok41.jpg (1194x2047, 206.25K)

Would you care to share your wallpaper?

Attached: 20200314_125828.jpg (4032x1960, 2.03M)

Just missing a PVM to be pretty damn close to perfection. Congrats!

>currently playing music
… And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man

Best one so far

It's a mix of unknown numbers and the scene/shot number from that episode

Ok Eurocuck
In 20 years you should be know as Euromutt

What chair is that?

Not a problem

Attached: 53c8bc1dda9d9472d1e7078fe28ee2591080.jpg (1920x1080, 104.54K)


I have that same mouse its absolute shit. Nice Crt btw

The new BBA emulation, right? What server you playing on?
Nice wallpaper & props for the 14M4 (if I'm guessing correctly).

>buys two curved monitors, a light-up keyboard, and a Razer mouse for his gaming PC, but can't invest in a half-decent desk so that he doesn't need to have one of his two curved monitors balanced precariously on his PC tower in a way that just looks trashy as fuck even in comparison to every other ugly thing in the image

>EU flag

get out

Best one yet.

pretty generic party music just with loud bass

Imagine him having the ameritard flag. Just

And here's the original. If you want to DIY for your specific resolution. Background is white, so it's easy enough.

Attached: 53c8bc1dda9d9472d1e7078fe28ee259.jpg (539x948, 44.86K)

sup fag, haven't seen you in years. nice to see familiar stations

You're getting shit, but I've like what you've done with what you've got. I recommend a compact keyboard for the small desk, with maybe a usb numpad if you actually need it sometimes.

Attached: 37.png (494x400, 24.94K)

Take your dads cock out of your mouth before typing, makes you look less retarded


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