Games that have you collecting toilet paper

Games that have you collecting toilet paper

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>dude look I mentioned [current event]

>Look at me bro, I'm being funny

More than half this board wasn't even alive when this show came out. Based reference nonetheless.

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fuck, I can't believe the tp meme is real
entered a grocery store and all the toilet paper was just gone
Of all the things to hoard, why fucking tp?

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>it’s what a hero truly needs

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Fortnite STW :^)

I really can’t leave without it

let it be user
boomer are too dumb to have a bidet or extra food like rice or beens
when they die from starvation we can have all the tp we need

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Apparently it’s just self perpetuating.
>tp not stocked
>boomers think they need to horde it
>scalpers buy shitloads of tp to sell at gouged prices
>tp not stocked
It’s hilarious since people aren’t even buying canned food or anything useful.
Just loads of tp and hand sanitizer

its a shitty situation

A lot of TP comes from China so people think we won't have TP for months.

It's not just TP anymore user. Milk and eggs are gone, even fucking bananas were wiped out. The meat isle at my local Costco was picked clean. Literally nothing left. And just forget about soap and hand sanitizer...

At this point people are panic buying not because of the virus, but because other people are panic buying. It's a horrible feedback loop.

>tfw i get in shower after shitting instead of using up tp

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They think they can shit out the viruses from their asshole or some shit. I dunno man.

>accidentally fumbled one of my last rolls under the running faucet
I'm not going to make it.

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>live in small town
>local stores are all fine
>wouldn't even know a pandemic was going on if not for the news

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games that have you horde supplies then have you sell them at a jacked up price

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The best part is that they are panic buying highly perishable foods because they turned their brains completely off, so they are going to end up with a fridge full of rotting meat in a few weeks.

Why is everyone buying toilet paper though?

You freeze meat in your freezer mate. For months on end maybe even a year.

>he doesn't know

Didnt this guy reveal at some point he had a super strong power, but was just too stupid to use it or something similar?

put it in the oven to dry

I guess its considered a safe bet, if someone buys 6 months worth of toilet paper and all this blows over in a couple weeks then it's not that bad, they just dont need to buy anymore toilet paper for a while and it's not like it goes off. However if they go all out and buy hundreds of cans of non-perishable food and stuff, then nothing happens, they're gonna be eating spam sandwiches and tins of beans for the next year

Danganronpa V3

They're just going to out it in the freezer though.

Regardless, if you're not among those panicking, you can still buy stuff normally throughout the week. Stores will still be open and will still stock up.

The average American uses about 1.5 rolls of TP per day. Supply is usually massive and prices are low, but it's a very fragile system. Just a couple of days of bottlenecking or production stop and you'll need months to catch back up.

Because the general public is retarded and thinks that the world is literally ending

apparently he bought 32,000 hand sanitizers for $2 over the course of a month, and was trying to sell them for $16 till amazon shut him down for blatant price gouging during an emergency

if he tried less of a scam price, like even $8, he'd have been fine

20 USD for a g 60 for a ball

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>cans of non-perishable food and stuff, then nothing happens, they're gonna be eating spam sandwiches and tins of beans for the next year
You're supposed to fucking save it for the next pandemic after this one. Which absolutely is going to happen as the world becomes more and move globalized but shitty 3rd world countries continue to be unsanitary as fuck.

God damn that backfired didnt it.

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the worst part is he thinks he's doing a good thing

Damn, I came to say the same

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

That's a lot of TP.

>average American uses about 1.5 rolls of TP per day
lolwat a single roll lasts me a week lmao

>uses 1 roll a day
How much are you shitting to use 1 a day?

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day
On what?? Do people normally shit more than once a day? A roll usually lasts me some weeks.

poopy butthole bad

go see a nutritionist holy fuck

No, probably not if he's hoarding shit to sell back to people

It's called "bait".

eat my shit along with your weak bait

>hordes TP when the supply chain isn't even disrupted
>wait a week
>stores stocked up again
>retards trying to fleece their rolls for $20 a pop end up with a house full of TP they can't sell and a debt they can't pay off at a time where you should be stocking food for a chance of quarantine and jobs are forcing people to stay home so you have no money coming in

he literally says in the article he thinks he's doing a service to people

>tfw used all my emergency tp
Now what the fuck do I do bros? 100 rolls gone

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It's so strange. I don't understand people. What even is the benefit of a mountain of toilet paper if you do catch Flu Lite™?

It's for when the shit hits the fan.

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Unironically it's perfectly fine, econ 101, stores should raise their prices instead though. Watch the TP-hoarding boomers pause when they're paying 2x as much per roll, shit would stop real fast.
Fuck, whenever shit goes slightly sideways everyone wants price controls, then they don't understand where all the supplies went. It's not the virus it's because you decided to larp as Venezuela

It's not. Think about it logically: TP is cheap but it's high in volume, so in the case of limited logistical capacity, more important things like food and water will take precedence. You're not filling up your one cargo container with mostly air because people's assholes smell if they're also starving and dying of thirst.

>in an emergency stores that distribute essentials to people will be out of essentials, how do I help?
>I know, I'll buy up all the essentials from the stores so I can distribute them to people!
Let me guess, American education?

Americans are putrid.

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Canada here in a place where miggers are invading. My local mart has everything bought out, and not a ounce of TP left. I'm quite the TP hoarder myself, but that's because I don't like getting out because the shitters has no rolls left. I've got a cabinet full of that shit just in case, and that is on regular day to day basis and not for the virus meme

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its called being a narcissistic sociopath

pic related, the poster

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you, a few weeks ago: haha people are worried about corona it will blow over it's not even a thing
also you, now: haha people are hoarding toilet paper it will never run out i only use half a roll per day anyway

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Don't poop so much next time.

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>why are you buying so much toilet paper and cleaning supplies instead of non-perishable food?
I bought both. I don't understand this objection at all.

Who is this cute mouse

Just force your slave to lick the shit out of your asshole after you go to the bathroom.

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>have to stop using my handwrap technique to save paper
God damn it one of my few pleasures in life.

>people on this board can't recognize Don Bluth inspired work

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