Hey DMC fanbase

Hey DMC fanbase

Are you fine with this game?

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No. Why?


It’s the second best behind 3, so I was pleasantly surprised.

I didn't like it but the only dmc I actually liked was 3 so I guess I'm not really part of the fanbase

It was alright

Remove the 80 Urizen fights
Have actual boss fights and not just boring filler garbage besides Vergil.
Remove V
Make it better than 3 and I will be happy with 5

Well I got flashbacks to DmC while playing it, the more realistic looks to everything, profanities and honestly it's rather edgy when you think about. Perhaps the most edgy game in the series

Then there is the factor of what the game does to Dante, it gives him nothing new while continuing to push Nero in favour of him

same but replace 3 with 1

>Voltaic Knight
>Any Urizen that isn't sitting down
How are these boring filler garbage?
Especially when compared to some of the nonsense in DMC3.

Dante got the most weapons and kits out of any single character in the game, did you forget all about the motorcycle and hat, etc
Nero being the successor devil hunter is the only way to proceed that makes sense after 4, no playable Vergil is a crime though.

Oh yeah I forgot about Voltaic Knight. Besides him and Vergil every other boss fight is trash, just spam JC in their face or spam buster an JC roulette in their face for 5 minutes. Even standing Urizen is a fucking joke

>Dante got the most weapons
Most of which are just refused from previous games, sure the motorcycle is new but the nunchuks are only half new.

Yes. I am. It has A LOT of flaws though. As an action game, its great. As a DMC, it's decent. It could have been even worse, so I'm glad with the final product

Infinitely times better than DmC (which is confirmed to never getting a sequel, while DMCV will) so yeah.

But DmC got a lot of criticism from fans for being edgy and too easy, which DMC5 also suffers from

DmC isnt a DMC game

this game saved my life

>confirmed to never getting a sequel
How so?
I'm happy but when did this happen and how?

when it gets good, it's better than DMC3
but there's a ton of small problems that litter the experience

still very happy with the end result

You're not alone in that sentiment. People have been saying that since the release. You might hear people say that this isn't so but once you get passed the angry fanboys who refuse to hear or let anyone say anything negative about the game you'll find a lot of people making observations not that different from yours. A lot of them like the game, some don't, like myself, but those correlations you made are pretty much the first ones most people notices.

Right, and I only recently finished the game so I kind of missed all the talk of the game.

So did the fanbase just blindly swallow the game despite these points or was there some pushback?

>edgier than sniper abortion
>edgier than grotesque mundus sex scene
>the world will be your bitch as am i

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Not really, combat is pretty good even if it feels a bit floaty to me, but story, characterization, pacing, environment design, encounter design, and enemy design run the gamut from pissing me off to just being annoying. The nicest thing I can say in those instances is "generic". Bosses are also a bit of a let down, but it's not a huge deal, since DMC bosses have always run the gamut in terms of quality. The one real issue there was vergil was not as good as in 3, and since a lot of 5 is HEY GUYS REMEMBER DMC3!?!?! it was a bit too in my face.

You are that dumbfuck from yesterday with de em ce webms?

yes this is a good game

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Not the WHOLE fanbase but at first you weren't allowed to say so. People got really defensive and for a long time any negative talk, even to the smallest degree, of the game was met with some overblown rage but it's subsided some, and that included any parallels one might make to DmC. Take for example how Nero looks like Dino. I've seen people respond by photoshopping and cursing and insulting anyone who might bring that up and deny for literal hours. Not sure how big the angry defence mob is but they are consistent. Be that as it may, from what I've seen, most people see the issues but still like the game and are willing to look passed them. Overall the game seems to be well liked.

Then you have people like me who have a whole lot more issues with the game. I really didn't like it and to be honest I was pretty disheartened when I finished it.

>muh 5fanboys
You showed up, huesos.
>short hair = Donte

>Take for example how Nero looks like Dino
who the fuck is dino? either way Nero is cute CUTE!

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The game is great.
Started playing the game after having not touched it for a few months, it's as good as I remember it.
Is it perfect? No, but no game is. Would love to see DMC6 build on it further, or a proper expansion DLC (not just new characters in the same levels like DMC3SE/DMC4SE).

Even people outside the dmc fanbase love it. The game brought many new players to the franchise.

Ah. Thank you for helping me to illustrate my point.

Hey user you know how in the first couple of levels in the game you see the charred remains of humans? We also see people getting impaled on demon tentacles

Isn't that edgy? To walk around the city and see nothing but remains that turns to ash as you walk past them. On it's own it wouldn't mean much but this is also the game where the main character does a Michael Jackson dance out of nowhere. The main villain of the game commits mass murder which everyone just forgets about

Who is living in your head rent free?
I only posted in threads when the game first came out but then they got boring.

Yeah but it feels like a very safe game that try too hard to pander to everyone
>lets add a new character and do nothing with him really
>"how about adding Vergil, but not really?" great idea Matto-san
>let's add arms to Nero, but don't let him exchange them freely like Dante styles
>let's increase the character realism to bullshit and frankly unappealing levels, but keep those anime hairs
>let's not make Dante backtrack Nero's level. Make his levels happens in PS1-tier trash grey and white corridors though
>let's add multiplayer!!!... but only so you can see other people style from a distance
>the default difficulty level? Game journalism mode of course

If it wasn't ultimately this fun and repayable I would have been disappointed. Lot of wasted potential honestly
No character select for all missions is unacceptable at this point especially when PC cheats shows how easy it would have been to implement.

>People have been saying that since the release.
Shitposters were saying it BEFORE release.
You shouldn't be shocked that DMC fans dismiss you when you say the same retarded shit over and over.
But you know that already, you're not an honest actor.

>says retarded shit
>gets called retard rightfully
>hehehe prooving my point i wuz just pretehding

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I hate/love it depending on what will make people angry in the given thread.

Golovka on huya. Don't even reply to me, uebishe.

>Isn't that edgy?

no ? it's just dead people that's not what edgy means

Ok third world schizo

Vergil is very fine. I-I mean the game. Vergil's game is fine.... yes...

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What part of
>Don't even reply to me, uebishe
You didn't understand dumbfuck?

>Then there is the factor of what the game does to Dante, it gives him nothing new while continuing to push Nero in favour of him
Sin Devil Trigger, a new sword, new weapons out the ass, and he gets more spotlight than Nero sometimes.

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>The main villain of the game commits mass murder which everyone just forgets about
just like DMC3 then

very fine indeed
the game of course

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Ok third world schizo

>Then there is the factor of what the game does to Dante, it gives him nothing new while continuing to push Nero in favour of him
>new weapons
>gets spotlight in second half of the game
>actually defeats big bad
>not muh Dante

It's the best in the series in regards to everything except the plot (which is mainly undermined by lmao Vergilwank) and the pacing (which is undermined by constantly switching between characters). Overall it's tied with 3 for my favorite in the series.

Oh no its broken record made by tupogolvui chlenosos

I personally love it

Dino was an acronym for Dante in DmC. Dante in name only.

How does any of that make you the one telling the truth? Simply calling the people with gripes shitposters doesn't make them so, just makes you look pissy because people said something negative about the game and along come people like you to get mad about it and try to brush it off, which is very much what I just said was happening.

That whole thing you just said was nonsensical. How was any of what I said even remotely implying that 'I was just pretending.' I meant the whole thing and getting mad about it just shows what I was saying is true,

>Most of which are just refused from previous games, sure the motorcycle is new but the nunchuks are only half new.
>DSD is half new
>Balrog is a fresh take on the gauntlet weapon
>Cavaliere is 100% new
>King Cerberus only reuses the ice element from 3, but the lighting and fire variations are original
>Ebony & Ivory and Coyote-A are mostly the same, but have new moves
>Kalina Ann got reworked from DMC4
>Faust Hat is 100% new
>Double Kalina Ann is like the DSD for the launchers

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Yeah, let's forget the literal massacre right after the first mission in 4, tube people in Agnus' lab, Nero giving Dante a middle finger, not edgy at all

>let's add arms to Nero, but don't let him exchange them freely like Dante styles
...how is making Nero distinct from Dante "safe"? If anything just making him like Dante would be the safe move. Likewise V is totally different and a very polarizing character.

For the record I don't think building/expanding on DMC4 is bad by any means. DMC5 would have been much worse if they felt obligated to reinvent the wheel for no reason. People wanted a return to form, they wanted DMC4 to actually be finished. If anything making DMC5 like prior entries is a bigger risk, because DMC has a distinct identity. DMC clones aren't being made anymore. Even Bayonetta is very different from DMC. They could have easily pulled a God of War.

Ok third world schizo

You know, there is a mod to change it back to 'Warks.'

Can't say I am.

lets be fair after DMC4 and 10 years of waiting most of us were happy to see DMC5 be a huge Vergil jerkcircle
We were basically left edging since DMC3

Nobody is buying your offended holier-than-though routine. Nobody called Donte "Dino" either. Fuck off.

>hehe ill repeat same thing over and over that wil show him
Tupaya otrizhka

Have you even played DMC5?

>Well I got flashbacks to DmC while playing it, the more realistic looks to everything, profanities and honestly it's rather edgy when you think about. Perhaps the most edgy game in the series
I agree with this part, hear them cursing all the time really threw me off at some times
>Then there is the factor of what the game does to Dante, it gives him nothing new
Wut? It gave him a bunch new stuff
>while continuing to push Nero in favour of him
I agree with this part. Blame Itsuno, he doesn't want to develop Dante, either out of respect for Kamiya or simply because he doesn't know what to do with the character. He is much more comfortable changing Nero since Nero is his creation, so he ends up pushing Nero more

>starts goalposting
Fucking cringe.

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Isn't sin devil trigger from DMC2? He only gets one and a half new devil arms with one new gun.
Far we know no civilians died in DMC3

Hello i am part of the DMC fanbase and i love DMC5.

>Nobody called Donte "Dino" either.
You cannot be serious.
Check the date. First google result, you genuine retard.

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>Dino was an acronym for Dante in DmC. Dante in name only.
Some people perferd Donte

You should fuck off back there.

>Vergil jerkcircle

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Ok third world schizo

Been playing since DMC1 and I don't even want DMC clones anymore. I want interesting new action games where performing a sonata on the controller isn't a requirement for a singular enemy death. I'd probably have been happier if Legendary Dark Knight difficulty made it in, I much prefer the feeling of surviving overwhelming number of threats.

Next thing you post is fucking reddit
Don't shit in your pants any further. Gtfo from thread.

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Good point yeah but I'm not a fan of the arms anyway and I can't properly explain why, I doubt simply being able to switch them would have fixed everything too. I love Nero as a character but gameplay wise he's rough and the more I master Dante the less I like him.
Maybe they should have given him weapons or something, I dunno really.

Some people said Donte, others said Dino.
Finished it today

dark =/= edgy user. having some innocent civilians caught up in the demon shit and showing the consequences of it, does feel like some actual stakes involved. in dmc3 all we got were blood stains in the strip club that Dante may or may not comment on if you examine it otherwise that's pretty much it. DMC1 did that better with the signs of life here and there but the stuff you examine does hint something really horrible happened on that island long before you got there. that's the thing with DMC, it's actually a pretty dark world but it's offset by our protagonist's irrelevant attitude and genuine fun he seems to have despite it all and we in turn have fun with him. That blending of tones is part of devil may cry's identity. as opposed to DmC's actual edginess with wanton violence, unnecessary swearing, surprise abortions, mundus orgasm face, vergil abandoning eva in hell and turning his back on everyone because 'oh i'm so betrayed and sad me and my brother had a life and death battle over a disagreement wah so now i'm gonna kill everyone in my mind even myself'.