Itt: games you can't criticize without starting a shit-show

itt: games you can't criticize without starting a shit-show

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But am I wrong? You can post this image all you want when ever someone doesn't praise the game.

What the FUCK did you just say about botw? Don't make me get violent, user

>lol when ever someone doesn't praise the game.

I've never seen anyone on Yas Forums praise it. I was blasted for even suggesting it wasn't horrible.

You are right OP, this image here has been posted probably over ten thousand of times by fanatic NintoddIers

Persona 5

Guaranteed replies.

>But am I wrong?
People only post that image if someone said something fucking retarded.

Dark Souls 3

That's because he's relying to himself. He's the only one who posts the cried about botw image image nowadays.

seethe more

Pretty much any ps4 exclusive.

You're refusing to actually answer me. Kill yourself, consolewar-kiddie.
>People only post that image if someone said something fucking retarded.
Pull your head out of your ass, that image is always posted once someone does the slightest negative thought of the game. I have seen it get spammed at people who don't even entirely hate the game, but rather like it, but have problems with it.

Yes you are wrong. I'll say it wasn't the greatest story but parts of the game were pretty good. People on Yas Forums would call that shilling.

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The problem when it comes to critiques and BOTW is that the people who hate it are arguing it is an objectively bad game, but for it to be an objectively bad game the creative choices would have to of not made sense as it related to the games theme and atmosphere, and they did. You may not LIKE breath of the wild or the choices that the creators made with the game, or you may not like the 'direction' Zelda is heading, but that does NOT make it a bad game. It's a tastefully done and well crafted game. For example, I don't like Hemmingway the author, but it would be stupid to say he's a bad author and that there is no beauty in his work, and that those who see beauty or fulfillment in his work are confused.

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>that image is always posted once someone does the slightest negative thought of the game.
Yeah no it isn't. If someone posts legitimate criticism then it starts a conversation if it's some meaningless shit like
>lmao on 4 dungeons!
Then you get the image.

moving away from those autistic console war retards, half life is one of those games that always causes a shit show. you always have a huge side of people who love it, and a huge side of people who hate it. the original game atleast.

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>Yeah no it isn't. If someone posts legitimate criticism then it starts a conversation
You are delusional.

Yas Forums haven't cared about HL in years, faggot.

You sure know a lot about the image's history. How many times have you meaninglessly posted it? Be honest about the number.

pretty much this though I think you're forgetting a portion of what makes Yas Forums retarded and the need for this image.

>game is popular
>Yas Forums instantly hates it

this is a fact, hince the image above.

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>Yas Forums haven't cared about HL in years
Good to know you're fucking blind, because there have been HL threads at least a few times every week. I am not talking about Yas Forums in general either too you fucking mouthbreather.

Don't worry once BOTW2 comes out it might be ok to like Botw.

you might as well say the entire Zelda series
also pic related and Smash Bros

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Not him but are you retarded?
That's like saying someone who saw a murder happen is the murderer.

But...once you edit out Zelda and replace it with another game, it's suddenly not okay anymore.
Quit justifying it.

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I mean, isn't Yas Forums just kind of a shitshow in perpetuity?
Also I love talking criticism with BotW. What I don't like is that most criticisms aren't true; like one guy tried to tell me ingredients for cooking are impossible to find even though they're literally sprouting out of the world's every book and cranny, even in the goddamn desert and the freezing mountains.
Or they'll be mad that there's no 'reason' to explore, even though them not liking the shrines doesn't exempt them as a reward for exploration, ingredients, seeds and other general attractions aside.

Admittedly the game needed cooking to feel less binary, and the world needs way more going on than just shrines and seeds, four dungeons wasn't nearly enough and another three or four feature length dungeons would be radical, especially if they make use of the tablet rather than focusing more on the dungeon manipulation mechanic. Combat needs more rewards, different specials/functions on all weapon types (moreso than now that is), and to have more variation in baddies and camp types. Less HP sinks, more skill checks.
The four guardians needed extra characterizing. DLC goes a step here, but they could yet have used more in-game stuff to really make them feel involved. Guardian powers were pretty sick though an on-use and a passive effect both for all of them would have felt cooler (if both functions expended charges that would be fine).
Locations needed more going on. Like towns should have had different conflicts/struggles to quest out, like the Yiga shit going down in Kakariko.

But see it's not the criticisms, it's the fact that all such are thinly veiled excuses to shit on a game that really isn't all that blatantly offensive unless you're shilling out for Bethesda or MMO worlds, where you're essentially stuck by wherever the walls get placed and you can stairway down mountains with fuck awful collision.
There's never a lot of actual discussion with critics.

>murder analogies
do african americans really

>Yas Forums is comprised of 90+% PCfags
>Also Yas Forums is somehow mad over a game playable on PC at 4k 144fps

Can anyone explain this logic to me? Because from where i'm sitting, it seems like a forced meme by Nintendies trying to have their own "Bloodborne NEVER EVER" moment.

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Every other one came from the Zelda one.

Man, I haven't beaten it since 2017.
I feel like I wanna replay it now bros.

yes because of the recent alyx trash. before that HL threads on Yas Forums had been a rarity for years

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user did you ever think that the other versions were being used only to deflect criticism?
Take persona 5 for example, you'll see it and cries of nincel any time you say the quality of the game dropped off or that royal didn't change much before the third semester.

Go back to Twitter.

Pic related as another game you can't criticize

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The fuck are you talking about?

nice cherrypicked webm

Try to find a white person to read it for you, nigger

That also being an example of a game that receives justified criticism from fans but has a large and very idiotic hatebase just like BoTW

Most "criticism" just comes down to people complaining about the direction the game took as opposed to pointing out actual flaws with the game, like the lacking enemy variety for example

This is another game you can't critize and Platinum games in general

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Criticism is criticism, no matter how many goal posts you move and mental gymnastics you pull. If I think its poopy pee pee butt fart, its poopy pee pee but fart.

3 years later, and there are 10 threads a day on average about this game

>no one has posted a single applicable game
Here's one you really can't criticise. If you do then you just get people screeching at you.

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Literally who

Literally the whole game is like this. I like the open world, the difficult enemies, but the item durability thing is hilariously awful. That item right there is pretty damn rare too.

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movie-game with shallow as fuck gameplay is literally undebateable.


3 years later, and you still defend it.
The fuck you talking about? People call it a movie game all the time along with calling it a boring. Were you THAT pissed at BOTW being the OP image?

its overrated liquidshit
only literal söyböys like this shit

>takes babby meem
>applies it to his game
you do know this only makes you look autistic, right?

I love Platinum.
I fucking hate this game and this was a major disappointment.
Kamiya's autism poison that infected Bayonetta was in full effect with this game and I hated it outside a few particular missions.

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I've been banned for criticizing BotW here, not even joking.
I nearly every single thread there's valid criticism about the game, everything from how the game is basically a tech demo with an empty world, barely any enemy variation, weapon durability, Ubisoft towers, all shrines being basically the same and there's nothing worth exploring.

nice assumptions and cope tranny

cry more.

>People call it a movie game all the time along with calling it a boring
Yeah and you know what happens?
Every single time. They don't want to discuss the criticisms like every other game posted here they just want you to think it's perfect.

There's a difference between providing a legitimate criticism of a game and just posting "game bad" to stir up shit, and a lot of criticism posts I've seen (at least on Yas Forums) fall into the latter category.

dilate more, i can smell your rotting flesh through my keyboard nigga

I think the game has horrible combat. Not the one who created the image either.

Did you not see the endless shill threads when the kickstarter for the remaster were up?

Let me guess, your "legitimate criticism" is just shitposting loudly.

Just because a few handful of consolewar tards sperg out doesn't mean the same for everyone else, but BOTW is on a whole new level, you can't say literally anything.


"Game is bad because I don't like it" isn't valid criticism

What's wrong with it?

>use height and range weapon to abuse an enemy
pretty based. you are a retarded faggot that can't cope kek

>Just because a few handful of consolewar tards sperg out doesn't mean the same for everyone else,
You'd have a point if it weren't like that at every hour of the day. The TLoU defence force here is like a cult at this point chanting the exact same thing day in and day out.

>Criticism is criticism
Yeah except for when that criticism isn't factual.

Your face isn't valid criticism

Your mom still likes it because she rides my dick every night lol

The whole game is centered around a gimmick that gets stale and boring really fast. And with the recent Kickstarter shill threads you got lynched if you pointed out that the company is partnered with Tencent, that they already got the money and there's absolutely no need for a kickstarter.

The fans of the game acts like the game is one of the best in the world, when most people thought the gameplay/gimmick was boring as fuck.

My mom told me she fucks your boyhole though.

I see the issue now you believe you can't criticize the game and I felt as though I could never say anything positive about it.

>People only post that image if someone said something fucking retarded.

What an idiotic statement.

>when most people thought the gameplay/gimmick was boring as fuck
Most people literally didn't understand how the game was meant to be played. You can say that's a fault of the games tutorial, which is fair enough

why is platinum games allowed to make the exact same game with a different skin over and over and its ok?

How come NintoddIers take it so personal when you critize a Nintendo game? It's like they HAVE to defend it or something no matter what.

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Especially on twitter
The amount of blind praise for this game is scary, Nintendo "fans" are wild

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you didn't even attempt to make a legitimate criticism

>most criticised pokemon game to date everywhere
Really user. It hasn't even been a year and you're already trying to revise history.

>most of Yas Forums usually LOATHES Kickstarter and think it's a scam unless it's maybe a small indie team that really needs money
>but it's ok when Platinum game does one even if they got the money already!
>I can say with confident that almost everyone on Yas Forums hates Tencent and despise them
>but it's ok when Platinum game partners up with them!
>most of Yas Forums hates shitty DLC's
>But it's ok when Platinum game does them!

Why are they like this? Not even the most fanatic Nintendo and Sony fans are like this.

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Because they don't? Play MGR and tell me it's the same as Astral Chain


It's funny since you proved your thread right just by this singular post. Look at all the rabid nintendo fags biting you for this. BotW was really not good. The world was completely bland and empty, the same fucking groups of enemies just have dumb encampments placed here and there, weapon durability makes the game a chore, the fucking ubisoft tower syndrome that nintendo fags all of a sudden love now, shrines are boring and uninspired, ect. I hope BotW 2 is better.

They never do because it gives them archive "proof".

No one really likes Sword and Shield though. Nearly every comment I've read about it is either fapping to the waifus and/or lambasting Game Freak for being lazy pieces of shit.

Subhuman sonygroes can't deal with the fact that Bloodborne is garbage compared to BotW

All I see in this thread is whiny bitches such as yourself crying about BOTW

Nier automata is over rated as shit. call it bad and wait for 1000 (You)s and ass pics from seething faggots that never played action games before and think the story is some deep 10/10 master piece

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>>most of Yas Forums hates shitty DLC's
>>But it's ok when Platinum game does them!
Which Platinum titles have shitty DLC? Also the Kickstarter was to gauge interest and the Tencent partnership was so they could pursue self publishing

I agree with everything you said besides the DLC thing. THere is a righy and wrong way to do DLC. Torna: the golden country taught me that.

>gauge interest.
Oh ok! Good to know they will be refunding everyone's money :)