Time to reinstall and go through it again, user
Time to reinstall and go through it again, user
I fucking hate ubisoft for not continuing the present day story since syndicate
And I hate ubisoft for their tranny propaganda that started plaguing their games from syndicate onwards.
90 IQ writing I can tolerate, but tranny shit in the mix? Sorry honey the gameplay's not THAT good
bump for kino AC discussion, come on anons I know you have it in you
what's your
>favorite AC game
>favorite AC protag
>least favorite AC game
>least favorite AC protag
One of my favourite childhood games. I was 9 when I first played this. Now I’m 20 and bitter
Redpill me on ubisoft tranny propaganda
no thanks, I did it last year and it was absolute trash
why not just watch a playthrough on youtube
zoom zoom outta here boy
AC is trash since the first one
AC2, Revelations, and 3 are really good (though flawed).
I'd say Revelations is the best one.
I didn't even uninstall.
>muh specific titles
its literal zoomer trash ante litteram.
>l only do things if they make me look smart and sophisticated!
The mark of the low iq npc
>Time to reinstall
It had two chances already. It's boring shit and hidden in my collection.
When did i said this, you complete retard?
AC games have their place and have the best citybuilding of the entire videogame industry. It's perfectly reasonable to play and enjoy them.
>favorite AC game
Black Flag
>favorite AC protag
>least favorite AC game
>least favorite AC protag
>AC games have their place
prince of persia rejects
>the best citybuilding of the entire videogame industry
Oh, okay, you're clinically retarded.
>and have the best citybuilding of the entire videogame industry.
What the fuck are you talking about.
>best citybuilding
you mean because they use real cities or from the gameplay pov?
because if its the latest then you're just enjoying eating shit.
>100/100 flags
>100/100 another stupid useless collectible
here's your open world bro
>no argument
we're done here
There need to be more Templar-centric games like Rogue.
find me better sandboxes to walk around in, ill wait
That's it? The weakest imaginable virtue signal? I'm sure there's something in the actual content of the games that you can be mad about.
Its Ubisoft user, every sandbox they make is the same literal borefest. Just admit you have shit taste.
>jumping over brotherhood to praise 3
dip shit
garbage pc port really rubs on you after multiple playthroughs. I'd install it anyway if the series lore gone to shit after third game but know seeing the lost potential just hurts.
I remember watching the trailers of the first one and thinking "oh cool, a middleage stealth game".
Then ubisoft destroyed it all, with a shit tier open world, Animus shit, cringe characters and so on.
A shame, really.
>avoided the question
that's what I thought, now move along schizo.
White male characters are retarded and/or evil, women are clever mary sues, blacks are victims. That's the entire story for Syndicate
Be honest bros, is the Ezio collection worth it?
I've played and enjoyed (to varying degrees) every game from 3 onwards
Revelations is a straight upgrade from Brotherhood but without the shit useless story. Just play 2 and then Revelations
user, you literally asked if there's something better in terms of open world. I could tell you that every literal game did open world better,but i decided to laugh at you.
Revelations >>>>>>> Brotherhood
Literal gameplay upgrade, city is much better designed without those fucking unclimbable rocks, and better looking too. Story is good too because it deals with Altair as well as Ezio when he's old. Brotherhood is completely pointless
Name sandbox games with better cities. Actual names of games.
Kingdom Come, some GTA games, Mount and Blade, every Elder Scrolls game minus Skyrim, Gothic, Might and Magic.
The Witcher 3, while being decent, is still much, much better than every single ubisoft pile of crap game.
Gothic. But you're not gonna touch it ever, its zoomer repellant.
All of those games have inferior cities compared to AC Unity's Paris
Hell even AC2's Venice blows them the fuck out of the water. Mount and Blade? Are you fucking serious? Fucking nobody walks around the villages there they're so shitty
I played the first Risen and liked it a lot, close enough?
>Hell even AC2's Venice blows them the fuck out of the water.
you know shit about cities
t. italian
1. Cool where are you from? I'm from Tuscany
2. Elaborate or fuck off retard
the fact that you need proof to realize AC is a terrible series is trash is both sad and hilarious.
We're talking about cities here. I'm sorry you lack the IQ to follow a conversation.
Thank god coronavirus is gonna cull you and your shit opinions. Enjoy your catastrophe, faggot.
meant for
>favorite AC game
>favorite AC protag
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
>least favorite AC game
III, the last one I played
>least favorite AC protag
Protag of III, I don't even remember his name
yeah man those mount and blade villages.. what a fucking clown you are lmao
>X historical figure is evil
>Y historical figure is good
its incredible how despite having abysmal gameplay, map design, and such, the biggest cringe comes from the story.
not once did i mention revelations in my post dumbass
i mentioned how you had the audacity to praise 3 like it was a good game vs brotherhood which blows 3 out of the water
3's climbing detection system was the worst of the assassin creed games by far. it was the only game that i came close to breaking something because of how bad it responded to controls a good chunk of the time
don't coof at me user, coof at your familia, mama mia.
ok schizo
Who gives a shit about c*nsole users' experiences lmao
that's been there since the very first game and it's there mostly to cover their own asses over you killing jews in game
Please elaborate bro, i need you to elaborate your opinion.
No other game has as detailed cities as the AC series.
>that's been there since the very first game
No it hasn't, this is the message before syndicate.
No, dude, seriously, elaborate, either i can't understand.
oh shit he's having a meltdown
>Assassin's Creed set in ancient Greece
>ancient greece was the most mysoginist society in the world, especially during the peloponnesian war
>let's add female protagonist
AC1 unironically has the least cliched historical story out of all the AC games.
>black flag or brotherhood
>any ac game after brotherhood with the exception of black flag
>anyone who isn't altair or ezio
Syndicate and all games that followed it are pozzed beyond saving
Another good thing that's only in Unity besides the top tier combat and parkour is the holding a button to make the hud disappear function, without going into any menu
>mentor is ebil
It's still the least cliched. It was the only AC game with decent writing.
Story is the weakest part in every AC, and that's saying a lot.
Are there any mods to fix the blue filter on everything? It seriously kills the experience for me.
>favorite AC game
>favorite AC protag
Ezio is cocky, but atleast he has a personality unlike Altair
>least favorite AC game
AC III, which is also the last game I played before I stopped with the series entirely
>least favorite AC protag
Connor (probably)
damn, why are you so buttmad about a videogame series lol