I can't imagine a situation where this game turns out to be any good

I can't imagine a situation where this game turns out to be any good

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343 hasn't made a single good game

>literally just completely ignores everything from 2011 to its release in terms of story
>plays well

All Halos are good. Storyfags can eat my TP

>All Halos are good
Not with sprint

Microsoft is selling the idea of good halo instead of actual good halo

They spend millions on these trailers saying “oh boy we’re going back to the roots” and they also say “hey look we fixed mcc), meanwhile it’s still a buggy mess and we’ve had 0 gameplay footage of Infinite.

I can, I wonder how your Europoor ass thinks any Sony game is good.


Halo 5's core gameplay is good, the campaign and art design is what fucked it
Fix that and you're in business

If it plays like Halo then it will be good. If they warp it too much with rpg mechanics then I can't see it being good.


The situation where Microsoft scraps it and starts over with a restructured 343. Too bad that won't happen in this timeline

Will a modern audience accept a game with no ADS? without a skin economy

Kind of. The sprinting/mantling/groundpounding/charging shit was kind of goofy and I'm not sure I really liked the way it changed navigating maps so much. It was certainly better than 4 though.

>still caring about Halo after Reach

It's not like 4 and 5 were unplayable, just not Bungie quality.

Everyone at 343i dies and Microsoft gives it to another studio

Shit taste

>after Reach

how long till it crashes and burns

It'll probably be decent fun if you take it on its own and impressive through production values

Oh right, lemme fix.
after 343 took over Reach

How about after Halo 3, Europoor Reach nigger.

Nah Reach was good before 343 fucked it up

Halo 3 was the last good one, and the only contender for best multiplayer after CE

Reach was shit at launch, shit campaign, shit gameplay, shit levels, shit story, shit characters shit multiplayer before and after 343, shit maps, get the fuck out of here you fake ass poor Euronigger.

Besides your objectively wrong opinions you're also incredibly hostile. Why are you like this?

He is a total asshole but he's also correct that Reach is pretty much just worse than Halo 3 in every single way.

Go back to your cesspool, already, Europoor.

Compared to 3 sure but nothing will hold its own to 3, it had so much going for it. The one thing 343 did right with Reach was better maps. Reach's default maps were terrible.

I'm not a euro you wigger.

>I'm not a euro you wigger.
But you are a redditor and need to go back, Reach sucks, you Reachfags and the lorefags ruined the fanbase.

how dare you
halo infinities is the moast game ever like seriously actually
I can tell by the pixels
as a mattress of fax it doesn't even matter considering it's the lastest halo that means it's the best ever made how can you even consider the possibilities that it would be bad especially considering how trash 5 is, like seriously actually bro

have faith in based bungie they shall deriver the bestes game ever on the sex bone sex

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Halo post Reach are not canon, and in fact, they never even released. Halo 4, 5 and infinite were all cancelled.

I'm still fucking seething that Arby n the Chief started out with so much promise, and Season 7 ended with such a fantastically emotional bang, and now it's just this overly serious shit with braindead political commentary not even the current episodes of South Park would dare put in an episode, and lazy as fuck fourth wall breaks.

Jon really has lost his way. Season 4 and 5 were the apex. Making this shit way too serious about hacks was the downfall of Arby n the Chief.

As far as the campaign goes, we've gone about as far with the basic Halo formula as we could go in the Bungie games. With that in mind, I want Infinite to basically be Far Cry: Halo Edition. Big explorable map on the Halo ring, Covenant bases and patrols, Flood infestation zones, Forerunner facilities to explore, all that good shit.

>Microsoft is selling the idea of good halo instead of actual good halo
This is the most succinct description of Infinite I've seen

>Halo: Reach
Halo: Reach was Marcus Lehto's shitty canon not part of any canon.

Halo Infinite? More like Infinite Fanservice

Shut up e-sport faggot, Reach is good AND canon.
Suck my chode

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Your first mistake was thinking MCC was going to be good in 2014 when the signs were showing, your second mistake was buying MCC.

It will only be good if they retcon 4 abd 5

I hate them too
Ruined the fanbase and should be shunned.

The original Halo games were made by nerdy white men, and that's why they had soul. 343 is probably chock full of trannies and "gamer girls" who have never suffered in their life and thus will never be able to appreciate beautiful art.

Retcon Halo: Reach instead.

mfw i like all the halo games

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keep crying about reach dumb 343 shill

Maybe Reach should have been a good game instead of Bungie half-assing it. Competitivefags, Reachfags, lorefags, 343shills need the bullet that way the fanbase can get back on track.

your supposed to watch arby n chief bytez, nobody cares about the meme story, jon is a hack

Those aren't even funny either!

>only own a PS4
>have to constantly seeth about Forza, Gears, Halo, Cuphead and Ori while the rest of us have fun

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it's pretty fucking hard to surpass the kino that were the older ones

Yeah, those were funny, but I mean the new ones. He's just totally fallen off with his writing quality. All the jokes absolutely have to be on the nose and he's totally lacking in subtlety. What the fuck happened? Everything before Season 8 was varying degrees of gold; Season 1 was a dated but charming soapbox, Season 2 and 3 were great, and the movie was amazing, Season 4 was so fucking good it should be illegal, Season 5 was great and ended on a great note, and then Seasons 6 and 7 are just depression vents, but 7 has a great conclusion. 8 is just...all of these combined into one in the worst way possible.

Everyone likes to pretend Halo 4 and 5 are shit games when they're actually pretty fucking good.

I won't lie to you I sold my fucking ps4 for a sexbone S, it was 100$, with all gears games and 1 month of game pass included and I'm having a blast, after bloodborne absolutely nothing interested me in the ps4, uncharted was stupid, ratched and clank felt discount nintendo stuff, spiderman was inferior the the sam raimi based one on ps2 and god of war was a fucking snooze fest, I seriously do not know why people give so much praise to ps4 exclusives, they are worse than watching netflix

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no they are shit

halo 4 has the pretties graphics of last gen and the most sexy cortana, that's all the merits I'm going to give to that trash heap

halo 5 has 60fps and the best multiplayer around, that's also the only merit I am going to give it

343 needs to step the fuck up with infinite or I will bash their fucking head in

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Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy were surprisingly bad games, I don't remember last time a game bored me so much since I'm usually pretty selective, I don't just play whatever shit just because it gets praise, but I liked Uncharted 1 to 3. But holy shit, 4 and Lost Legacy are just so boring. It is actually better to watch a good TV show than playing shit like this.

i NEED to fuck this hologram!

We will have 60 fps on PC with Infinite and also big maps again. With split screen coop and all.

4 lost amy henning mid development I'm surprised anyone had any faith in that shit game, amy hanning is literally the only decent writer in gaming and I say that as a devout fan of legacy of kain
yeh I'll believe it when I see it, 343 still haven't proven shit to me other than the fact that they are willing to listen, 5 fucking years and still no infinite gameplay, they better deliver this shit ain't rent free

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>best multiplayer around

>no arguments
guess I'm right then fagit

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too fast for boomers

Nah, it's just the Marcus Lehto shills on Yas Forums and /hg/, most Halo fans enjoyed Halo 4's campaign with the general consensus that it's nowhere near as good as CE-3, with people liking Halo 5's mp, also many people are now having second thoughts on Reach considering 4 and 5 better, many are excited for Infinite, it's only Marcusfags that are angry about it, I bet they were the first to play Destiny and Marcus Lehto's new shitty Destiny ripoff.

>same shit people who made H4 & H5
>muh pizza skins
>muh retarded lore written by a 12 yo

It won't be good.
Last good halo was odst,reach niggers should stay in their armor skill guetto.

jon's humour is the same shit we have here, is is literally a shitposter in disguise, to a normalfag that is golden, to someone that stays here 24/7 it gets repetitive, seems natural

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