Literally all you need for 1080p
Literally all you need for 1080p
1600 AF and RX 580 are a comfortable value desu
I recently ordered my first pc parts. I got a Ryzen 5 3600x and a RX 5600 rt
Did I do good?
i got a R72700x since i video edit occasionally and also like to future proof
It's a waste, just get the 2600 instead.
I've got a 3600. It's all I'll probably need.
It's OK, but I would have gotten the standard 3600 and played with budget for a better video card or better monitor
That is the opposite of future proof
why does everyone hate intel now?
eh whatever it plays the games good and wasnt overly expensive
Which one should I get for 1440p?
3600 or 2700x
Everyone has hated intel there was just no other option. They monopolised the market, and refused to innovate for the better part of a decade.
any discounted vega56/1070ti you can find and hang on for the revised gpus at the end of the year
rtx is a fps tanking meme, 5700 radeons are DOA drivers
I was gonna upgrade my pc to a r5 3600 with a x570 tuf gaming, but my currency took a hit, and i changed my mind to get a r5 2600. Is the x570 overkill? Im not going for 4k 144hz or anything of the sorts, perhaps vr someday.
Shit, I need to upgrade. I still have a 1600.
/g/ has always had a hate boner for Intel. It boils down to process stagnation, borderline extortion on some products, and poor design/vulnerabilities. Intel toothpaste was a big meme back when delidding netted double digit temp drops
You're not wrong.
3600 is the CPU to buy for almost any build
If you want more performance in games just buy a cooler for it and play around with precision boost
No point in X570 unless you NEED PCIe 4.0
Get a B450 with a decent VRM.
Go with an i9 9900k.
not him but could you recommend a few 1440p 120-144hz monitors?
>PCIe 4.0
What actually NEEDS PCIe 4.0 at the moment?
1600 should be fine for 1080p
>tfw got lower fps in cs:go when I "upgraded" from i5 to ryzen
here's a tip, for video games running at 1080p you literally only need Ivy bridge
source engine is a mess, tf2 runs like absolute shit nowadays
nothing is close to maxing out pcie 3.0 already. 4.0 is merely for futureproofing down the line.
when are they going to design CPU coolers that aren't a 2 hour installation process?
check Rting
i recently got a monitor from checking their ratings
Dell S2719DGF, got it for 275usd and sometimes its less expensive.
i got it only for gaming, prioritizing response time and clarity in motion.
I can't vouch for anything in particular, but in my opinion you should have an IPS panel and FreeSync support
Before you ask what the difference between them is, some things are hard to quantify. If one has speakers or a greater FreeSync range, that might be why it costs more. Otherwise it might be a more expensive panel or brand tax
Certain high performance SSDs
Maybe niche workstation uses
Literally just use Noctua
27gl850 is the best you can buy
Actually what i need to keep me warm this winter.
Literally all you need for 1440p
>Literally just use Noctua
I'd rather not buy grossly overpriced poopfans
it took me like 5 minutes to install my aio.
>screw down cpu plate
>screw radiator+fan to case
whats wrong with AIO coolers
Then enjoy your brainlet hell
Value, performance over time, ease of maintenance
You wouldn't put a gigantic heatsink in a mini itx build
It's going to be awful once Ryzen 2 APUs come around
literally all I need for 1200p
>ryzen fags settling for 1080 in 2020
7600K buyers really got cucked
I'm looking for a 3700X now that i'm starting to see their prices come below $300. is that overkill? i don't want to have to upgrade for a long time and i haven't upgraded until now since 2012.
Ryzen is as close as you can get to drop in upgrades
Just buy a 3600 and a good motherboard and you should be able to more economically get a better CPU in a few years
AM4 is a dead platform after 2021
Any suggestions on a b450? I just checked amazon, and i dont see that much difference in pricing between a x570 tuf gaming and some b450.
yeah I kinda regret it now but all the games I play run well with it and it's not at 100% usage so I'm fine
I got MHW for free with my gpu and I'm afraid that might just be too much
I'll wait a bit and get a 4600 (or a 3700x if prices go down a little)
how hard will that fuck me in 8 or so more years when i feel like upgrading again?
they can always do am4+ like they did for am3. just need a bios update and you're good to go.
>got a 5700XT because my 480 died
>R5 3600 coming on monady
feels good to finally purge my system of Intel trash
get a 2600 and like a 1080 or some shit, iGPU's always stink, even i know that
B550s come out this summer, just wait.
I'm just saying. People are freaking out thinking they need to upgrade every two years. If you're running 4c/8t in 2020, chances are you won't need to upgrade for another 2-3 years. That's enough time for DDR5 to get cheap.
True, but I doubt they do it.
>Did I do good?
I still run my 4790k and it's been great so far. I think they kind of sat on their laurels far too long and stagnated, but then again AMD did the exact same thing as well so they kind of trade places every few years.
There's no way to know if AM4 will get new CPUs, but even then you should be able to find 4th gen for much cheaper.
MSI's lineup is pretty good. You might be looking at boards like the tomahawk which are pretty expensive for B450 but that's because they are built to a higher standard. I think the gaming plus is a good choice
I don't see why you arbitrarily need to upgrade every 8 years
Just spend less per upgrade
>just wait
>4c in 2020
I'm pretty sure you'll need other components such as a GPU and RAM, user.
that is a GPU silly
>buy a 3600
>later upgrade it to 3950X cheap on the same mobo and memory
AM4 is a blessing
Thinking about getting a 3400G because it's enough for PS2 and GC emulation.
Why are GPUs so expensive user?
I don't hate Intel. AMD just has a better product.
>tfw 3700x and 2070 super
it's an APU, dumbass
I got a 3600 recently, bit worried i made a mistake going with 6 cores instead of 8 any /g/ fags think 3600 will be good for next few years?
PC gaming is dead, they have to milk last "master race" kids with RGB leds and overpriced products
i just want a fucking 8 GB Ge force. i thought about AMD graphics card but apparently their drivers are shit for things like Emulation which is the most important factor in me choosing a graphics card.
Nvidia lost billions during their RTX cards on release.
99% of modern games still run on a i7 4400. You will be fine.
4 cores is still good today. 6 cores should be good for a while.
Everyone has hated Intel for 25 years at least. But for most of that time there were no other competitors.
AMD’s Athlon was flat out superior to their shitty P4s in the mid 00s so Intel started engaging in all this illegal as fuck monopolistic behavior to keep the situation under control and got away with it all. They are probably doing similar today and will of course get away with it.
The good thing is that if x86 ever dies then Intel is going down with it.
Fuck, I'm torn between 3600x vs i5 9600k.
lack of competition, simple as that. if amd were competitive again then you would see nvidia slashing prices to compete like intel.
you're pretty much buying a new console. that's why
Not an argument, AMDcuck.
Nvidiots have an effective monopoly until AMD gets their shit together when it comes to GPU, which I wouldn't be holding my breath for.
You do get stutter with 4c/4t
Not unplayable by any means but np longer optimal
any 3900x chads in here?
Go with AMD because they're less jewish than Intel then. The only concern I have with AMD is emulation.
I used to emulate PS2 games with a R9 290. I've never encountered driver problems that Yas Forums always talks about.
Look up benchmarks. 4 cores/8 threads in 2020 is still very viable in gaming. Since we're on Yas Forums, I assume people use their PCs for gaming
Ryzen CPU and Vega GPU in one unit
There is no reason to buy Intel
I love how they put out years of CPUs maxing out at 4 cores with .0005% performance gains every time (even though they hyped up new architectures), then the same year Ryzen came out, oh here’s a 6 and 8 core part guys.
Fuck Intel.
I bought an X its a meme, very little performance gain
>4 cores is still good today.
they had to do it, else it would have just killed AMD completely
Literal chad combo
Zen 2 is great for emulation user.
>The only concern I have with AMD is emulation.
Is this still a legit concern, though? I know when PCSX2 was becoming normal AMD CPU's really had problems.
Just switch to Linux if you wanna use pcsx2 and citra.
It's gonna be enough for the whole next gen, i'm still holding up with a fucking 4460 from 2015
thank god for amd. if it weren't for them we would have intel selling us 4 cores in 2020 for $400
I use an i7 6700k from maybe 6 years ago and can still run everything on ultra at 1440p with only 55%CPU usage at max. I just upgraded my GPU but that shouldn't make much of a difference. As a new buyer the only time I'd buy the newest and/or high end hardware is if I'm trying to future proof my build.
Just keep in mind 9600k doesn't come with a stock cooler so that means even more money.
>bought an 8350 with an GTX 980
>still run everything at 1080p max settings
I bought BFV this morning it was the first game in the 5 years of owning the card to actually require me to lower my settings to hit 60fps. I can still play at 30fps at ultra.
I should upgrade but I want to see how Doom Eternal fares on it.
When I do upgrade I'm gonna turn this sum bitch into a dedicated quake3 and zandronum server.
4 cores with hyper threading is alright for now but without hyperthreading you'll run into issues with 100% CPU usage especially if you're playing at higher framerates which stresses the CPU more. Even at locked 60 fps you will still get 100% CPU usage in games like assassin's creed.
I played the new RE2 game with a 2500K and it ran just fine. I'm sure there are a games where a old CPU like that will give you minor problems, but it's still good for pre-2020 games.
im still using a 1600. still serves me fine because i mostly play fighting games as of late
>4 cores is still good today.
Sure, if your fetish are microstutters.
Do you just spend all day making shit up?
>Oil APEC thing happens
>local currency flops again
>middleman retailers started to increase prices like local currency will flop at 30% at least
>even for DDR3 RAM(which got 100% price increase over last 2 months)
>my plans to survive on 8gb i7-4770 are failing because next gen are getting pushed out for like a year
Probably will have to buy used motherboard+cpu+ram combo again.
My rig arrived this week and I'm so fucking stoked with it guys.
>Zotac 2070 Super Mini
>R5 3600
>B450M Mortar Max
>16GB of 3200mhz CL16 Corsair RAM
>1tb Pioneer SE20G (NVME SSD with DRAM)
I moved from a laptop I got for college with a 950m and i5-3600HQ with 8gb of shit RAM to this and my dick has never been harder.
I'm picking up an aftermarket cooler for the 3600 to keep temps below 70°C but I'm already hitting 144hz on ultra at 1080p in every game I've played. Feels fucking amazing.
Cheers for reading my blogpost.
6 cores will be the sweet spot for the next 5 years.
Don't listen to /g/
There's only two Intel CPUs to get. The 9900k and 9400-f. The 9900k is stupidly expensive. $500 for the CPU, $150-$200 for the motherboard, $80-$120 for a cooler. It's just a bad purchase, especially when the 3600 is within 10% of performance and it's 65w, can use a stock cooler and B450 boards are like $100. The 9400-f is solid for being a budget CPU, given the security vulnerabilities Intel has, I'd just go with AMD.
Why would I? I upgraded from an i5 to a used i7 in the last year and that is exactly my experience with it.
why on earth would you buy this over a 3600?
They would've gotten a monopoly and be broken up by the government if they gave us more cores earlier. That was the only selling point amd had before Ryzen.
throwing my anecdote here, I had a i5 2500k @ 4.6ghz and even though the average framerate was hovering around 60-ish fps in demanding modern games, you would get bad framepacing and occasional stutter. you could also forget about multitasking in the background or if you have a 2nd monitor.
upgraded to a 1600af and the difference is like night and day in everything. from temps, performance, power usage, etc.