So do you think they'll work their way up to N64 and Gamecube games in the next 2-3 years or is that a pipe dream?
So do you think they'll work their way up to N64 and Gamecube games in the next 2-3 years or is that a pipe dream?
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N64, maybe, but i'm already doubtful
Gamecube, never
Only once subscriptions start dropping will they add an influx of SNES games. N64 and Gamecube games are more likely to be released as fully priced ports
I think we will eventually get every past console available on VC on Wii/Wii U, and then remakes and remasters of GameCube and Wii games.
haven they already re released some N64 games on the eshop?
They datamined references to TWO other emulators, most likely GBC/GBA/N64, Highly doubt Gamecube.
No, seeing how slowly they shit out snes and nes roms the Switch would be 8 before we get to a 4th console.
They’ll probably be released gradually as the Switch gets older, to keep the interest in the service high over the years. I don’t think they’ll keep doing it at this same rate forever.
gamecube games are way too big to be released in the same way as nes and snes games. if gamecube games do happen, they'll probably be downloaded/sold separately.
Well. they have Wii and GC games running officially on the X1 via the switch in China.
But for fucks sake, when are they gonna do virtual console in addition to this garbage? 3DS This early in its lifespan had NES-GBA and had a much larger library for all these consoles. The less powerful Wii U already had a decent N64 library?
Can you at least inject roms, into the subscription service emulator like you could on 3ds virtual console?
the subscription is primarily for online, once theyve sold enough people on the online pass, they have no more incentive to continue porting games to the service. we will be lucky if they keep adding super nintendo games. i just wish they had a fully fledged virtual console because all this work will be pointless 5 years down the line when they shut down the servers like they did the wii
>X1 via the switch in China.
I meant shield. They have official shield ports in China on an official emulator.
No. They can barely get NES and SNES games.
eShop? Haha, what's that?
We sell games only 40 year olds remember user.
New games WHEN
>2-3 years?
More like 5-6 fucking years if I'm being honest
only realistic posts in this thread. Don't get your hopes up.
Probably a pipe dream. There’s hardly enough SNES games available as it is. I’d consider getting Nintendo Online if there were more to choose from.
>once subscriptions start dropping
NSO is the only optimal way to play Smash and Splatoon so I doubt it.
Id rather play locally, even if my opponent had Covid-19 and I had to shake hands after.
Just buy a Wii U, can play games from every Nintendo console before it, including DS. And it's one of the better ways to play DS games outside of an actual DS too.
Releasing 2 games every 2 months from a system thats got about 500 games, fuck no
I have a wii U. It's not a handheld.
>N64 controller
Give me one of these instead.
Just emulate the games you fucking mongoloids, you're all acting like you're at nintendo's mercy to play these games, they're literally all free online.
No, next is probably Gameboy. Then, Gameboy Advance the year after.
>still havent added donkey kong country
Watch it be because they’re remastering the OG Trilogy in HD.
How in God's green Earth is the fuckin Wii VC so much better with Nintendo's current online shit? The hell happened?
why do you people always forget about handhelds.
we'll definitely get gameboy series before N64
If it's not the GBC version I grew up on, I could care less.
There is something about Japan and tone deaf executive decisions
And you think westernshit would do a better job?
>in the next 2-3 years
In the next 2-3 years we'll get a total of 7 more NES and 3 mores SNES games at the rate they're going
Isnt it the same as the NES version?
No. It doesn't play the same.
I’d be okay with this if they added online link cable emulation
Microshafts BC has unironically done a better job and they were way behind coming into the generation. Don' get me wrong. They do dumb shit as well. But Westerners do dumbshit out of greed, and just do a 180 if it doesn't pan out (think xbone launch) Nips do truly backscratching shit, for seemingly no reason and just double down when it doesn't work. Must be some honour /face saving bullshit.
Literally just emulate
It's annoying tho. Emulating within Horizon has issues, so you need another SD card with Android (Which has analog stick issues and is clunky) or that linux distro that is just Retroarch, which is not quite as good at some emulation. And then to dualboot. I would like to be able to just run the games from my homescreen within Horizon.
I don't understand this shit either. They really are coonsumers.
Emulation can fuck up textures and shit
Official ports eliminate bugs
>durrr emulation HARD
Nintendo's using emulators when they emulate those games you fucking retards. All it takes is a simple google search to fix almost all issues with emulators.
>"We're suing you gaijins 2 million dollars for downloading out 15-30 year old games that you legally can't acquire anymore. Please understand."
>Proceeds to wipe their ROMs off the face of the planet
This will be the future in the next 5 years, since it's already happening now.
>Official ports eliminate bugs
VC emulation is in almost all circumstances inferior to anything mednafen or Higan related, and at best on par with shit like snes9x and FCEU
You can literally just go to the intenert archives and download zips with near every older console library. Download them now and you'll have them for the rest of ever if you're not retarded
I already have most sets so it wont affect me.
>Nintendo's using emulators when they emulate those games you fucking retards. Al
Yes and there emulators are generally better because they have more information on the system they are emulating and don't need to worry about reverse engineering or optimization for their own hardware.
>All it takes is a simple google search to fix almost all issues with emulators.
Great what do I google to get Wii/GC emulation running as well within Horizon as it does on Nintendo/Nvidia's official emulator that they released for the shield in China? I tried OCing and everything?
I mean can I at least google something to get it to run as well on Horizon as I can on android?
Something tells me you haven't actually fiddled with emulation on switch user.
>porting it as is
There now it's more realistic
>es and there emulators are generally better because they have more information on the system they are emulating
LOL. Not even close. Canoe is a fairly mediocre SNES emulator compared to other options (BSNES)
Gamecube is a pipe dream. Even Linux -> Dolphin via hacking runs like ass. They could maybe do better in the future than Dolphin, but it'll never run everything as good because the background app for Gamecube emulation is too taxing on the Switch. Switch is basically a midrange mobile APU.
yeah on winblows with a decent x85 chip. But injecting roms into VC is definately the best way to do it on any Nintendo system by a mile.
I doubt BSNES ported to the arm chip in the snes mini would fair much better either.
Pipe dream. They're not willing to put the effort into N64. Best we'll get is GB/GBC/GBA. GameCube will literally never happen.
Nintendo already got Wii games (SMG) running on the Shield through emulation though and it was great
>Only 20$ for an entire YEAR
>Comes with free NES/SNES games
How the fuck are they making a profit off subs? They release so much free shit for so cheap.
Ya on the Snes classic you had to swap if for some games due to transparency issues.
Even then, you'll get at worst equivalent results to canoe running snes9x. And with that through retroarch you're also getting access to things like runahead for less input delay and shaders if you're into that sort of thing
I played through Super Metroid on my switch via snes9x using runahead and a CRT shader and it ran perfectly. No reason to have played it through VC at all. You can't even remap the fucking buttons through the Switch's VC which is just sad
now try Dolphin user.
Snes is negligible difference from optimization.
I mean even aggresively OCing the switch you don't get to shield performance but yeah, Should be able to get some games running fine like Radiant Dawn. and GC should be easy.
I haven't had faith in Nintendo's ability to competently operate a virtual console system since the Wii. Wiiware had some amazing shit and the VC even had some games that had previously never appeared on a Nintendo console. The WiiU's VC was barely a step forward, if at all, and AFAIK the Switch's VC is in the same boat. Nintendo's pushed me right back into emulation.
The switch literally isn't powerful enough to emulate wii or gamecube, let alone n64. There's a video showing the switch running Android, and playing NSMB Wii on it and it stutters at some points. NSMB wii is the easiest game to run on dolphin too, was one of the first to be fully playable. Yet the switch struggles. Proof:
Unless nintendo does some black magic, I do not see anything higher than SNES ever being added to the Switch's Virtual Console.
But that's okay, n64, wii and gamecube games can be run on a PC or WiiU with ease.
And I'm never buying anything from them since you couldn't port the games you owned to the switch.
You can inject the Wiiware games and VC titles into the Wiiu but your point does still stand.
I owned majoras mask on the wii eshop
>Unless nintendo does some black magic
yes it's called a better understanding of heir own hardware and APIs( wii, GC, and Switch) Also N64 is fine on Android same as lots of GV games.
But you are right. I can not emulate OG Xbox with a 2080ti and 800x at 5.2ghz so Unless Microsoft has some sort of black magic it will never run on Xbone X let alone 360! The reality is Nintendo has documentation, manpower, money and experiance that your average homebrew emulator dev does not have.
For reference
Shield has better clocks then you can feasibly OC the Switch too. But not by much and they have officially increased clock for some games before. So GC is pretty much garunteed to work. And Wii U already had N64 so I don't know what drugs you are on.
Someone reminds me again why Yas Forums hates Androids when they're powerful enough to do stuff like this
Of course never, each gamecube game is a gigabyte and the system only hold about 32
You have to dualboot via a second SSD, and as it stands the analog sticks are read as an 8 directional DPad. Though yeah you could get a POGI or whatever it is called for your phone.
I know this is a joke but I just wanna say that you suck at making jokes
i've never seen Yas Forums shit on Android aside from "lmao nice console with a phone processor" anytime something uses tegra or whatever
wheres super mario rpg and earthbound wtf
They still don't have GameBoy yet.