Name a better champion rework
Fiddlesticks Rework
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why do you hate video games user?
I quite like Warwicks, Yoricks and Sions. Fiddles.... doesn't seem like much? New Passive and E and then slightly different Q/W/and probably R? Eh. Aesthetically he looks way fucking cooler but it's essentially a visual update and a minor rework. They put his an Voli's reworks on a pedestal and I honestly don't think Fidds turned out too interesting but we'll see I guess.
this lmao, who cares
his Q and R are basically the same, you now have a cd on each champion you fear so you can't fear the same person twice.
>not posting his music
Big changes though, Q now has a passive that makes any ability he damages with fear whoever it damages after leaving vision, which means his R can be a massive AOE fear now
It also does percent HP damage and doubles the damage but does no fear if they were recently terrified
It's legitimately the only good multiplayer game out right now. CS:GO is stale and nothing else is nearly as good :/ ;:/
>which means his R can be a massive AOE fear now
this champ is for crackheads god damn
That's why I said slightly different lol. Ult might have something new attached to it though.
Wow ok this is big this is why I said we'll see. I knew they'd do something to make him actually different. Very nice
if you think lol is a good game, you have a VERY low standards.
wow you sure do fit in :) popular game bad!!! take your Yas Forums gold, sir!
Have you even played it? What makes the game so bad to you?
but i play popular games and like them ? if they are good ofc.
League reworks peaked at Sion
Its a boring version of a boring game, and terrible models and champion designs really dont help.
And if somehow a fun build is discovered like AP yi or soraka, it gets deleted from the game, so you cannot have any fun whatsoever.
it was cool until he start running at you in all four.
double digit iq confirmed
Thanks for your input mongoloid
>Its a boring version of a boring game, and terrible models and champion designs really dont help.
Could you at least try to say something of substance, honestly the champion designs are one of League's good points, they're all recognizable have cute personalities and are well made, without coming off as tacky garbage like most other moba's do because Riots art team actually has professionals and is easily their best department
>And if somehow a fun build is discovered like AP yi or soraka, it gets deleted from the game, so you cannot have any fun whatsoever.
Ap Yi and Soraka were both polarizing as fuck and so unfun to play against, fuck off, a champ build doesn't immediately become fun because it's not the "meta" build.
When are they gonna rework this piece of shit?
Awww, poor dotard getting triggered by other game?
I want to FUCK Lamb!
first post best post yet again free hong kong may winnie the poohflu claim all Leaguetards.
You could at least use an example that actually was fun and unique like DFG Garen or AP Gragas or AP Gangplank or AP Sion instead of absolute aids "healer casts heal"
Why do you? When i hated video games i played league for 4 years, now that i like video games i no longer play lol
I know youre shitposting but he was never jolly.
OG fiddle was some mage who fucked with his soul too much wasnt he?
It's ok to like boring generic designs, but i dont.
And playing characters the way designers didnt expect is fun to me, and that is all that matters to me.
And reminder that ap yi and soraka werent even all that good, veigar or other dedicated nukers can shit all over them in the burst category, are they unfun to you too?
"league" isnt a video game, its a piece of garbage faggots waste their time on.
You have shit taste
Look at this fucking brainless faggot thinking that to hate this garbage you need to like the bag of shit on the other side of the road.
stop playing garbage
>What makes the game so bad to you?
what makes literally ev ery multiplayer game bad other than lol according to op?
>the dotard gave me a (You)
>claims to be a neutralcuck
Le retard Frog poster
>ap yi
>wasnt good
shut the fuck up retard
Its dog shit, they completely chanced and ruined his old theme, new abilities seem fine but lore is shit
Almost as bad as the nunu rework
Haven't played League in a decade, how is my main manlet Veigar these days?
Big no.
Basically killed his BASED lore, skill changes are ok.
Wtf is this trash, Fiddle was peak soul and now they're turning him into generic horror movie garbage
Underage and zoomers out.
>league is good
Sunken cost cope. Play a better game and stop wasting your life on chinese fapbait garbage.
Actually alright. Niche pick as an APC bottom, sometimes a support.
I love Lux and I love tits.
>DUDE just make him edgy
good riddance I dropped this shit half a decade ago
The greatest rework in MOBA history is objectively the rework to Pudge back in DotA since the new design has persisted for so long and has been replicated several dozen times by its spiritual successors (and obviously its sequel).
Look how they massacred my boy...
I'm glad I grew out of league with 16
what theme
>It's ok to like boring generic designs, but i dont.
how are league's champ designs generic?
And playing characters the way designers didnt expect is fun to me, and that is all that matters to me.
That's honestly just stupid, why wouldn't you just ignore that and play what's fun to you rather than this arbitrary shit
>And reminder that ap yi and soraka werent even all that good
install smite, nerds
Doesn't look too bad. I hope he's a decent jungler, I want to see more AP junglers.
I'm glad the obnoxious bouncing bird is gone that shit was fucking annoying.
>Nidalee spear is the longest skillshot in the game is easily avoidable
>Nerf its damage
Thanks for nothing, Phuck
>While out of combat and unseen, if Fiddlesticks’s abilities damage an enemy, they become terrified, fleeing in the opposite direction.
Could be interesting. I'm actually more interested in the effigy mechanic. Seems broken in ARAM, which is fine.
>implying i play dota
there are more games then your garbage mobs
anyway have another (you) faggot
>you are wrong
>you're a bad person for liking a video game
>anyone who likes this game is retarded and I'm better than all of you
>LoL thread
You just know this thread is filled with underages.
Don't bother replying, i'm gone.
Press R to win.
It's even better now because it's just an execute that deals thousands of damage instead of scaling based off the enemy's AP.
>Lose 2/3 to 100% of your HP from a character that is uncatchable
Zoe is AP Nid but actually fair.
stfu dotard
>People ITT are actually defending old fiddle
Holy shit how can so many of you be blinded by nostalgia old fiddle's kit was so trash and he was ugly as fuck, move on
I played league for over 4 years from 2009 to 2014
I didnt like any of the reworks they did except karma (who I liked fine beforehand) and sion was one of my most played before they changed him completely
They deleted the only 2 fun maps with twisted treeline and crystal scar though and I have absolutely 0 desire to go back because summoners rift is a boring piece of shit just like all the things in the game riot decides to push
Smite is fucking awful because of its nonexistent playerbase.
Most of the people who play are either doe-eyed newbies or sunken-cost 24/7 smite turbo autists, so have fun with your STOMP, GET STOMPED matchmaking.
Riot might be incompetent but theyre not Hi-Rez incompetent
What? Zoe is much worse than Nidalee. She's such a fucking trash champ design. She just sits halfway across the lane spamming her bullshit CC until it hits you and then she takes off 80% of your HP or more. Fun design 10/10 thanks for the 200 fucking years riot.
>he actually liked TT and dominion
>Most of the people who play are either doe-eyed newbies or sunken-cost 24/7 smite turbo autists, so have fun with your STOMP, GET STOMPED matchmaking.
that's not really true though.
most of my games have account levels all over the place.