Doomguy and Doomslayer aren't the same perso-

Doomguy and Doomslayer aren't the same perso-

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nobody seriously denied they were the same character after the january preview with the betrayer cutscene

keep in mind, this is Yas Forumseddit
a lot of people are stupid

if they're the same person, that means you're not dedicated to doom lore unless you care about the story in previous games before the reboot

what did he mean by this?

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alt timeline bro.

>have played Doom since I was 12 years old and one of the few that played Doom 64

Yeah, I would say that I'm dedicated. I really want to see where they go with things and next is to see if the Martian Hero in 3 was actually Doomguy as well. They seem dedicated to the idea that all WADs are canon and they even reference Serenity and The Hive in Eternal.

just being contrary for the sake of it
literally just a doom 64 sequel bro

>They seem dedicated to the idea that all WADs are canon
so the erotic WADs are also canon?
wtf i love nudoom now

>Doomguy would even sacrifice his virginity if it meant beating Hell

The man is dedicated. I can only imagine Hdoom happened when he wandered into the Sphere of Lust, since we know Erebus governs the sphere of sloth. They thought that Doomguy could never bring himself to fuck hell, but he proved them wrong.

Thats just the classic armor unlocked that shows in 3rd and 1st person cutscenes.

Nah it's a flashback sequence from the vimeo leak.

HAHAHAHA, no. This is a flashback scene. There are even murals, done in the same vein as the Seraphim watching over the Slayer that show the classic armor. They already confirmed that the armors in the Hub are canon, they aren't just there for flair. From the 2016 armor, the gladiator armor and the classic. It's all armor that he's worn at one time and has kept.


Moreover Doomguy speaks in the flashback and in subtitles is labelled "DOOM Guy"

You'll see it once the game comes out. Apparently the Gladiator arena flashback happens when he gets back to the arena, which is mission 8. It's where Graav is located, along with the Maykr Deacon. You kill the Gladiator and Graav tries to offer you a place at his side and you stab him in the chest, the Sentinels rush in to try to kill you, but you just open a portal and leave.

Who's Graav?


it's dead


One of the three Hell Priests. After this, Khan Maykr goes ape shit because the Blood Ritual failed to consume Earth into Hell and she moves to revive the Icon of Sin, while you go to Taris Nabad to get the Crucible to be able to kill the Icon, since it has been augmented by Maykr armor.

Graav-in demons by the pussy

so we fight angels?

more like aliens that look like angels

it would make no fucking sense to fight angels since the seraphim hinself gave doomguy the power to fight hell

>the good armour is in
absolutely based

so is heaven even a thing in doom?

No it isn't dumb faggot.
Leak shows that Doomguy was stuck in Hell since Doom 64, then he had to fight in an alien Arena and then he kicked everyones ass and they accepted him as their own until he essentially became a Spec Ops leader.
If leak will not be put up again wait a bit, game is coming out this week or some shit.
They are literally, in story, without any second guessing, the same person.

not sure

The Maykr are kind of angels, but not. They apparently live in their own dimension, instead of a planet, but they aren't immortal, nor omniscient. They use to be nice people, but the current Khan went kind of crazy, since the main means of the race survival, the "Father" energy, suddenly disappeared and without it, a new Khan can't be born. So she's focused on sacrificing other races to make Argent energy to increase her life span to make sure their race survives.

This time travel?

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So far it's looking like the Seraphim is the Maykr's missing "Father". The energy at the source of their planet that use to be a sentient being that birthed all of the other Maykr when he 'died'. It seems like he knew that the current Khan was always bad and left to create a counter measure against her, because otherwise, she would never die and the Maykr would kill all sentient life in the multiverse for their continued existence.

No, the Icon of Sin works like the Spider Mastermind does, it is a demonic entity that is seperate from it's body. The Betrayer's son was used as it's vessel, making a new body. But the Titans went to sleep, to await the end time and the Icon is their leader. It is resting, until the Khan wakes it up.

Aymore spoilers?

only stuff we got from artbook and that video preview

Really glad those champions models are being put to good use

Oh ok. I thought we might have more on Samuel Hayden.

>one of the few that played Doom 64
Why are you acting like its obscure and you're special for playing it?

So Doomguy basically doesn't solve the demon problem since they always come back and he only fights them after most of humanity is fucked and genocides a race of aliens for no reason I guess.

Doom Slayer is the new Father.

I feel like the shitposting surrounding this game is caught between extremely dedicated autists and Bethesda figuring out how to get attention on Yas Forums.

No, hell is an infinite dimension can not be defeated ever.
He fights them perpetually and permanently for ever so that they always have troubles and are occupied/can't invade others.

They never have troubles then since hell is infinite. He should try diplomacy.

>no reason
No, for a very good reason. Khan Maykr is one of the reasons that Hell has had such ease of expansion. Killing the Maykr will be a big blow to Hell. It will work out even better if the Seraphim really is "Father" and returns just in time for the Khan's death. Which will mean a new Khan will be born and hopefully one that will join in the fight against Hell.

I like the idea that the past khan give doom guy his power.

Will w fight the sexy angel villain?

Haha imagine wanting to lick those abs

Yes, she's the final boss, apparently.

is she though? I'm afraid there's gonna be a third one

Obviously there will be a third game. There are still the Hell Royals, the Nameless One and Samuel Hayden to take care of.

So after Eternal should id make a another Doom game or do a new version of Quake 1?

we need an actual quake sequel

I'd say maybe take on a separate project but return to Doom in a few years. I think Doom Eternal is part two of a trilogy (the "Argent Saga").

>new version of quake 1
Nu-id should hever touch quake. They cant do the atmosphere justice. Just play arcane dimensions


hire quake modders for that

Machinegames would do a great Quake 2/4 reboot/sequel.

I have been but I have doubts that I'm in the right...

you've been denying that it's the doomguy? why, to be contrary on purpose?

i agree, remaking quake for mainstream appeal would ruin it in the process.