This game is criminally fucking good. Dead Space 2 is a masterpiece

This game is criminally fucking good. Dead Space 2 is a masterpiece.

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It's a better game from a gameplay perspective (also not a shit port) but DS1 is far superior as a horror game.

DS1 is still pretty weak for horror. Its no Silent Hill.

Isaac turns into a walking arsenal pretty fast though. It's hard to be scared when you're walking around with a flamethrower in a game that dumps ammo on you.

Silent Hill 2 is great, but it's psychological/atmospheric horror. It doesn't really actively make me afraid to run around etc.

SH1 and 3 are better at being horror than SH2 is. SH2 is still above DS1 imo.

try survival mode buddy. No ammo no hope no casuals.

Pretty sure that's only on normal difficulty.
I wouldn't even put DS and SH in the same category.

they need to remaster it

Yeah Aliens is a shitty horror movie too, but it's still a great fuckin movie.


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Best weapon?

I don't think it's that fast desu. Armor for the better weapons are relatively scarce and expensive. You mentioned the flamethrower. I never used it. I thought it sucked. Pulse rifle and that saw blade one are where it's at.

pathetic retards should probably get their sub 80iq heads out of their asses and learn how to play the fucking game. dead space 1 on its "hardest" difficulty is easy as shit and youll drown in ammo the whole way through as long as you manage your credits intelligently and dont spread yourself too thin with a uselessly large loadout of guns. Dead space 2 is better in LITERALLY (in the actual meaning of the word) every fucking way. if you thought dead space 1 was "more horror" youre a fucking special ED kid. Its literally the exact same action game as 2 but in industrial hallways instead where necromorphs jump out of vents. If anything its fucking dead space 2 again with memorable scares and setpieces that people still talk about like the daycare/ elementary school sequence or the eye machine

>I wouldn't even put DS and SH in the same category
neither would I, I'm just comparing the horror aspect of both games but everything else is unrelated outside of both games being Resident Evil clones.

Well yeah, I never said I dislike DS2, it's a great game.

It beats RE and SE that's for sure. Probably the beat horror game I have ever played.

Honestly I prefer the silent Isaac from DS1 because it added to the horror and made the game feel more isolated and dark as opposed to being able to hear him talk and see his face more in DS2. It felt as if the game traded some horror to advance Isaac as a character.

Plasma Cutter


I'll agree that 2 is across the board better but that dude banging his head against the wall til it exploded is creepier than anything in 2. Not to mention the silent protagonist gives it a more atmospheric angle and NICOLE IS DEAD was decently executed.


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Who gives a shit? I'm not a virgin who defines his self worth by beating a hard game. And I always drown in resources in all the games I play because I explore everything.

give me your best shooter games.

im in the mood to just shoot things.

Is DS1 still shit on PC? I tried playing it in 2012 and the aim/mouse was impossible to deal with.

>i-it was better as horror though
>youre stilll a walking arsenal
>p-play on the hardest mode lol!
>its far easier than even the second hardest in dead space 2
>uhh uhhhhh uhhh w-well HA AT LEAST IM NOT A VIRGIN AHAHAHAHA

go back

That's the beauty of it - you're well armed but the game is still scary and has opressive atmosphere. Seethe more.

There's a moise fix but a controller might sill be optimal. DS2 feels much better with KBM

Javelin gun with the explosion module

I just reinstalled Crysis Warhead and it's still as fun as I remember it.

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last time i tried to play it it changed the difficulty on my save from hard to normal because i clicked continue on the main menu instead of load

It's possible to play with the mouse fix but you still have 2 different mouse sensitivity levels - one while moving around the camera and one while aiming.

man, Crysis looks like complete shit now

Good multiplayer until everyone figured out the Camping Spitters strategy

Why? Isn't it hd already?

The laser line one, fully upgraded plasma cutter, saw blade and pulse rifle. Not counting the godly finger gun, of course.

Interesting 'cause the reason why I love DS2 so much is the psychological horror element mixed with the Alien feel.

>Why? Isn't it hd already?
no, the console one runs at around 720p at 30fps
it needs to be 4K at 60fps and with updated textures and lighting

i actually liked DS3

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Replaying the beginning of the game is a pain in the ass tho

Being able to do more stuff is exactly why the game is so much fun. You feel like an actual human being, not a limited robot "for gameplay purposes" like in Resident Evil. I prefer a game that let me stomp my enemies, run, have different weapons and enemy variety and hordes of enemies than a game with fewer enemies, less weapons, slower movement speed and zombies that are made of titanium.

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how can one of the greatest intros of all time be a pain in the ass to play?

Apparently EA don't remaster games, which is funny because it would be almost free money for them.
>remastered lighting
after seeing other remasters I don't want them to touch the fucking lighting and smoke effects

>Interesting 'cause the reason why I love DS2 so much is the psychological horror element mixed with the Alien feel.
It is interesting but I felt the psychological element in DS2 was too on the nose. Isaac's vision of Nicole is kind of ridiculous compared to James and Mary in Silent Hill 2. At the same time an Alien artifact makes more sense than a fog covered town.

Don't forget the third sensitivity while walking on the flesh covered floors.

I'd like to see a trilogy remaster on consoles. My friend has been wanting to try 3 with coop for some weird reason. I still find it crazy that 3 is still not on Steam.

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With co-op right?

Why? You just gotta run through a few corridors.


Yea all 3 games are pretty top tier even though the 3rd was a step down. Not sure why they just killed the franchise... I imagine it was pretty successful for them. I guess in the state of modern game development a game can't be a success unless it is pulling fortnite numbers.

>Armor for the better weapons are relatively scarce and expensive
I see you didn't play the game.

It drops ammo based on what weapons you carry. It was common for people to carry only the plasma cutter and either the line gun or contact beam so they could sell its ammo drops.

The only way to play is on Hardcore Mode.

>if you die your save file is deleted
>only three saves allowed

fuck that shit

ive been playing 1 recently after have played 2 years ago but never touched 1
this franchise is fucking awesome Yas Forums, too bad we cant get the zealot suit for the dlc suits for 1 on pc

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What are the devs doing now?
Would love to see them pull a kickstarter.

i thought that was just me, thats so fucked and weird.

Horror Masterpiece
Action Masterpiece
We don't talk about that

Remember this is EA.

Horror != scary - if that’s what you’re looking for then no dead space is it.

the main directors of DS are on Activision, working on COD i think

Force gun 90% of the time, plasma cutter otherwise.


DS1- Horror Action
DS2 - Action Horror
DS3 - Sweaty asshole

btw is that Negative Atmosphere game still being worked on?

fuck you, they needed a job after EA dismantled their studio and fired them

The thing about DS3 is that it's not a bad game, it's just not a good DS game. If it was anything else I would have thought it was alright. I did like the moment in DS3 when you discover an advance alien race that also got fucked over by the marker and I wanted to know more about them

Why does everyone ignore the awesome horror in ds2?

EA made these games 300% more expensive on steam in my country overnight. guess it's time to pirate them.

>I'll agree that 2 is across the board better but that dude banging his head against the wall til it exploded is creepier than anything in 2.

The school/daycare, the needle, the dude turning into a necromorph in your face during the intro, the return to ishimura.

mad as fuck

Is this the only game in existence that has the perfect UI? I like the fact that everything is built around your suit so you don't have to worry about a mini-map,health,ammo,etc. placed around the corner of the screen. It really let's you focus on the environment nicely

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