Do any of y'all play games while on a substance of some sort? I enjoy getting high and playing WoW Classic, or getting drunk and inting in competitive games.
Do any of y'all play games while on a substance of some sort? I enjoy getting high and playing WoW Classic...
...Lmao? Why do y'all always come in here and ruin my threads? Weed is an incredible medicine, let's just have a normal conversation. Do you enjoy using any substances, user?
God I hope weed never becomes legal in my state. I went to LA last year and the entire city smelt like weed and shit. It was like huffing a skunk's ass everywhere you went. I would never fucking go outside if it were like that here
>let's just have a normal conversation.
then just talk about games, there's no reason to add the rest.
and yes.
I know, right? You make a thread about games fuel, nobody cares. Make a thread about games to play when drunk, nobody cares. But make a thread about games to play when stoned and faggots come crawling out of the woodwork to bitch at you. Is it an American thing?
It's a nu-conservative thing. Not necessarily american
I can't stand the hypocrisy of it.
Yeah i'm a partaker to the dudeweeder ritual. I feel like it keeps me willing to learn.
>Is it an American thing?
American thing is praising weed. No wonder Americans are fucking dumb
That shit did wonders for my social anxiety.
DARE, nigga. Just Say No, nigga. Winners Don't Use Drugs, nigga. Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue, nigga! All America's ideas.
if you don't grow your own you're a faggot normie getting ripped plain and simple. You only need 10 square feet to grow enough to smoke an oz a week and you can guarantee quality control with no capitalistic bs.
it's not as noticable but you always get the BEER AND LIQUOR TASTE BAD guys
Sugar and caffeine, literally drinking a coke right now.
mcgruff the crime dog went to federal prison for possession
It's an acquired taste, I'll give them that. I used to hate beer, but I grew to like it. I mean, I fucking love Marmite, that stuff's basically the leftovers of beer brewing.
Unironically this.
I can drink whiskey more than i can drink beer because i cant fucking stand the taste of beer.
I go on 3-5 day long amphetamine binges a week and usually just grind some RPG or throw myself against DMC/Sekiro
I've beaten a lot of fucking games in the last year like holy shit
Gaming while stoned is actually one of my favorite things. Depending on the strain I feel like I can play/focus better and I get way more immersed in the world, and the game itself.
I especially love getting super baked and throwing myself into Splat2's Salmon Run. Max hazard is a ride.
>doing speed to play single player
I'm looking forward to fishing in NH just got a 1/4 from my homie. Comfy quarantine soon bros.
As i'm an anygry, hateful boomer I like to play racing games while drunk at times - i've a fondness for wreckfest as being good is entirely optional.
I wonder what it would be like playing VR games on psychedelics.
I recommend stoners in this thread play a short hike I think its still free rn very comfy game especially high
He was the warning we didn't listen to.
dude substance ayy roflmao
Kill yourself.
post the uncensored version
Enjoy jail.
reminder quentin was right
he predicted the soilent male menace
he fought against epic DUDE WEED BRO CMON ITS HARMLESS COOF COOF people
he was only trying to help us
>burger sensibilities
Ah yes, where weed gets you more jail time than murder. Truly a scourge on society.
Marjuana and Fate/Stay Night
wtf, I love the Great Gatsby now
You've never left your home town
Hope u came
Remember weed is great but like all things should be done in moderation.
bruh, us beaver-bros can grow up to 4 plants "legally"
The rest of the plants the gov dont need to know about.
That being said, games with a dark atmosphere click with me when baked
can't do the time don't do the crime, weedbrain.
Just got back from the weed store this morning.
I just popped an edible.
I'll smoke more later.
Just played a lot of CoD:WZ. It was wonderful. We killed a lot of people while on a roof. I can be a cynical person, but today I'm optimistic about many things.
I have difficulty finding my way through games like Dusk or Quake when high.
The other night my WoW Classic guild had to summon me while in the instance because I was too high to figure out where they went when I was AFK.
I notice more details when I'm high; I think about strategy in a different way.
>his state allows weed
enjoy crack hobos
I used to get together with some friends and grind the fuck out of Dragons Crown for literally 3 days. Online games are fucking trash you can keep your dickwaving contests
Imagine willfully ingesting poison because "it makes me feel good". Fucking idiots.
>he thinks that Yas Forums plays video games
I like to play Ghost Recon Wildlands with random people while fucking baked.
I used to be pro legalisation, but having shit smells in every alley and homeless people everywhere is kind of terrible.
I remember when he got doxxed and it was some 15 year old fuck triggering the entirety of Yas Forums with MSpaint comics
fucking hilarious
Why do muricans assume everyone else is merica?
Is it the fatty deposits caking up their brain?
This, most pot heads hate the dude weed archetype.
How can you claim to be straight edge on a site like this? The same niggers saying dood weed are the ones jacking it to shemales at the same time.
Listen, I know some of y'all don't like weed. It has its drawbacks. Bear with me on this: THC can be considered a mild psychedelic. Psychedelics erode social, physical, and emotional boundaries. That's why traumatized 90s kids who grew up on Yas Forums can cool their anxiety by smoking it. But the erosion of those boundaries can be annoying to those who don't care to have a psychedelic experience.
Feels bad when people shit on your hobby (that's the best way to use weed; like a hobby, just like gaming or cars). Every hobby has its morons who poorly represent it. So give us a break.
Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll just write sober people off as avoidable.
Going on drug benders with your mates is awesome.
Friend of mine had a bag of molly that we ate like sherbert while smoking stardog and smoking gin.
Then his friend came over and I was admiring her big ass all night.
buying seeds is legal. Growing is illegal, but no one will care if you don't put it on display and keep to yourself
>you can keep your dickwaving contests
t. small dick
>constantly do weed to play games for years
>within the past couple months, start having anxiety whenever I get high
>get really nervous that people are going to flame me even though I have never had a problem with that before
>can't enjoy playing games high anymore
I quit weed cold turkey now for a bit. How long should I stay off of it?
I can pretty much only tolerate videos games when i've taken 4tsps of Kratom and a few cups of strong coffee. Any other time in my day and i'm entirely disinterested and they seem very boring.
Everything is a poison if you consume enough of it.
well duh, or does yours grow on speed? didn't think so nigger
he predicted stupid threads like this.
until you feel like smoking again.
if the weed has stopped doing anything for you, you gotta look inwards for the reason why
These are so stupid, but god i miss old oc.
I'm not gonna say weed isn't addictive or not a drug it very obviously is but it is remarkable how little damage it will do to you. Smoking it doesn't even harm the lungs.
Your not wrong. Thanks brah
This Fucking Game
Haven’t done it in years though, I swear though this is visually one of the most interesting games I’ve ever come across and the setting escalates that, especially when tripping on anything dissasociative
Okay, so some of you don't like stoners. I guess it's because they fuck with you...?
Do stoners fuck with non stoners?
My very first experience was hitting a big fucking dab and then freaking the fuck out for like two hours while throwing up and trying to figure out how to take a shit and wipe properly when I half-asleep and unable to focus (I almost fell asleep on the toilet like 4 times).
Now I just stick to edibles. Terraria and Mystery Dungeon are so good on edibles.
What? That's not the issue. The issue is the fucking terrible smell and the personality of the sort of people it attracts. Dont care about weed or even drugs in general, I just want nothing to do with the associated people
I'd rather hang around people who do actual psychedelics than people who smoke weed
I'm really good at soulsborne games while using mescaline.. beat fume knight in DS2 without getting hit that way.
that said, i personally think it's a fucking waste of time and drugs to spend the high playing videogames, watching tv, or consuming media.
go for a walk, think about your life.. why mix two forms of escapism? you're asking for trouble. I still do it every now and then (game while high) but wouldn't recommend it. If you're a "stoner" - take a psychedelic, come to realize that it's better to be sober 99% of the time, and then get really high once or twice a year. Maybe once a month...Daily? Fuck that. Losers.
the weeds not the problem its your ego, either git gud so flaming doesn't affect you or stop caring about it
Anyone quit smoking because you'd get a weird reaction where it turns everything into a nightmare? I would vividly hallucinate falling into a black abyss and could barely string together a sentence. My body became 1 inch circumference noodles. Any sound would scare the fuck out of you. Another side effect is sleep paralysis. I remember opening my eyes after sleeping and seeing a women staring directly at me, then she ran out of my room. I was so confused, it legit felt like a real person broke into my house and then darted off. I can recall her face perfectly.
What's your issue with the personality it attracts?
I understand there's some conflict between non-stoners and stoners, but my non-stoner friends don't seem to have much of an issue with me. I'm not doing anything to intentionally fuck with them. Where is this problem coming from exactly?
I'm so fuckinnn hiiiiigh like whoaaaaa dude
people who do actual psychedelics regularly are like the bad hippy part of the stoner crowd times 10
I've got like 5 grams of oil cartridges and can't wait to get comfy with AC and the quarantine next week. It also helps me concentrate on fighting games, but I do tend to make less optimal decisions since I don't think as fast.
Nobody can stand being around potheads either.
enjoy your lung damage from vaping
>It was like huffing a skunk's ass
Still not hearing a concrete reason why potheads are a problem. It's just "I don't like them because I don't like them and they smoke weed". I understand smell could be an issue. But nobody's blowing it in your face, are they? If they are, I'm here to tell you I just smoke it at home and I keep the smell in my room. I'm not bothering anyone.
You can smoke weed without making a smell at all, I've perfected the technique for smoking at work.