Rimworld thread. Post your comfy bases

Rimworld thread. Post your comfy bases.

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take this shit back to plebbit

this is a minecraft board

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you could have at least said dwarf fort you casual

>tfw can't stop making hideous roomblobs

just build comfy dude its easy

Make me

>those tiny ass rooms
just keep barracks until you can afford to build some decent shit

Is there a rimworld for dummies pasta somewhere? I'm bad at the video games.

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How the hell do I get good at this game
I thought I was doing good in my last run but winter came in a Boreal forest and fucked me up

Honestly just run the game and learn from your mistakes. Half the fun is watching your colony fall apart and fixing it. Switch the teller to Randy, and play. Most people who make mega map sized bases cheat in resources or start conditions anyways. Play the game however you want.

The difficulty scales somewhat with how well you are doing anyways.

>3x5 rooms
4x5 or bust

learning and getting your ass handed to you is literally the gameplay, after that it get pretty boring, and mods become a crutch to keep enjoying the game.

This game is trying it's hardest to kill me.

A fucking dry thunderstorm, fires on all sides, two fucking raids back to back during said firestorm again on all fronts, 50% of colonists got flu, the rest got plague.

I had to shoot one of my colonist point blank with a shotgun to keep her from killing someone else. She went on a rampage after her lesbian fucktoy died from plague.

Now everyone is on the brink, I'm drowning in shit I need to sell but I don't have the balls to spare anyone to send a convoy.

I have another 40 fucking ducks I need slaughter, should have known the AI was trying to bone me with the whole "10x tamed ducks just wandered to your base" shit. They breed like fucking locusts, devour 500x kibble per day. The area I'm in is turning to fucking desert because they ate all the grass.


I wish i had the money to buy it on GOG but i'm too poor.

>not 5x7

lmao roomlets

>building in a mountain

> Cooker inside a dirty workshop AND not directly adjacent to fridge
Lmao enjoy ur food poisoning and walk time

>being casual

Had some deaths in the family recently, plus a bit of moving things, so we aren't at our best here.
Location is really nice though. I hadn't played Rimworld in a while, but the DLC got me to return, and this location inspired me to keep going. A river, a lake, and a mountain as natural borders. But the mud prevents me from closing off completely. Rushed for geothermal and power has been really stable. Did a few quests for the empire too. On one we got the plague while on a caravan, that cost me two colonists...

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Also simulating my IRL coronavirus life in this little corner.

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Dont do it. All the fun is in the journey not the destination. Once you "solve" rimworld it becomes extremely boring and you have to resort to self handicaps to get any challenge. Plus the game is designed to fuck you and punish you for playing well. So just do whatever the hell you want.

Oh gods, that might've been a mistake. I can't afford this shit.

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Yeah, I've started pushing all the royalty shit off to late game when I can afford it.

Now I'm at the point where I can build these faggots gem encrusted thrones rooms.

Here's my shitty little vanity project:

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I really don't like diagonals in this game, or any square grid games. Hexagons are supreme.

I don't like the rough edges either, and I wouldn't make them at all if the pathing didn't pick straight lines. If they were zig-zagging down them I'd trash the whole thing.

I've never seen anyone build a hexagon...

I meant the grid should've been hexagon rather than square. Better for combat too, for flanking math Better when calculating adjacency bonuses from furniture, etc. Fits the futuristic theme better.

>Take in refugee
>send out group to create new base in better location
>everything is going fine for a couple months then start getting alerts back at my original base
>refugee has gone insane and is cannibalizing the camp
>aliens come and obliterate what is left of original camp soon thereafter
Fucking Randy Random man.


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>commie shacks
>tons of looted stoneage weapons and clothes
>making a bait post with a swastika
well I guess you didn't want a rimworld thread huh

If your base isn't inside a mountain you're gonna get rekt by mortar shits.

>swastika bad and offend11!!
hello plebbit

With the whole Corona thing I considereed buying this. Is it worth it? I heard something about the devs stealing mods and making them paid expansions.

What will you do when Randy spawns mortars to the top right corner?

It's been 3 years without a single source of components.

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You haven't strip mined or anything?

This is the comfiest world gen I've seen.

>i read a post on Yas Forums and immediately internalized it as gospel and a fact of life
Nah, don't buy it, its not for you.

Oh, I see. I'll have to fiddle around with that design.

I'm trying, you can see the tunnel at the bottom but my miner lost his fucking arm and it takes forever.

No, that was just TORtanic tier shitposting.

Tynan left the 1.0 up for people to use if they didn't buy the DLC.

>mining without an arm

That sucks bro. Hopefully you'll get a wanderer or down the right guy during a raid. I have going on 20+ pawns right now and not a one of them can cook above a 3.

>i read a post on Yas Forums
I rarely visit this cesspool so I haven't really read anything here.
>internalized it as gospel and a fact of life
If that was the case I wouldn't even consider buying it though. If anything your post reads like you are the one treating the game/dev as gospel.

I mean, when I read inane shit on Yas Forums I don't remember it, and I don't ask later about it. I recognize it as inane shit.
For example, I haven't bought or played Half Life Alyx, but when I read that its SJW feminist propaganda because there is a black scientist and an action girl protagonist, I immediately know this is a moron being moronic and not a sane take on the game.

There might be one on /vg/, if there isn't a general you can check archives
but it'll probably just tell you this:
Easiest way to learn is to have the wiki on one monitor and just look into different things while you're playing(cleanliness, beauty, and wealth aren't explained well in game but are important mechanics for food, medicine, and comfort). Find a way that works for you where you can get mortars and produce shells fast if not asap. Outside of that, where your priorities are is completely dependant on where you settle, what your colonists are, difficulty, and story.
Randy is a good way to learn since he doesn't really hold punches, you have to be prepared for anything to happen because anything can happen. You can change difficulty as you play but I'd recommend just keeping it high unless you're getting overly fucked and don't want to load a save.
For mods:
RPG style inventory makes it a lot easier to keep track of what people are wearing
and RimHUD gives you a ton of info at a glance
t. i do Naked Brutality starts with Randy on Merciless
some starts randy makes basically impossible(instant blight and doesn't bring in new animals to hunt) but most runs do fine
And don't feel bad about hitting the random button till you get colonists that don't have insane issues. Traits are whatever, you need to make sure they don't have bad health issues and that you have a capable cook, medic, and shooter.(skill of 5 or higher with at least one flame).

This colony is well past year 10, I should probably start another one.

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I should also say this is one of the best ways to protect your base early, it won't really work on raiders when they start getting sappers and can drain on resources if you rely on it too long

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Whats the deal with the petrol generators?
Back up power?
Complementary power for the geothermals?
How do you manage enough fuel?

You are essentially admitting the game/dev is gospel to you by treating the steal of ideas as inane because he did steal ideas that were later added to the game AND the expansion.

Some convoys will save your whole fucking village, I've had towns go down on a 1 man desperation convoy for food after losing my food stores and not restocking because of nuclear winters or something

besides the geothermal off-screen, it's my primary power. Biofuel refineries are actually incredibly efficient.

Love the matching uniforms, hate the artificial barracks feel of it. So straight, so optimized. I like the lived in, built over time bases. But these don't tend to make it as far as your design, I guess.
I just prefer the Mad Max feel to the elite space rangers feel.

Oh I always thought them as bothersome vs geothermal but then again, I've never really used them in masse or actually planned to use them that much.
Maybe in my next base

I did expand it quite a bit over time, but since it's digging instead of building it looks more clean. I'd be more inclined to make open-air bases if empty corners weren't a detriment to room stats.

I am essentially doing no such thing. But you are essentially, and quite literally, admitting that you are the person who posts such inane things. You also essentially recognizing that these claims are stupid, because you know better than to straight up state them - instead you said "you heard" these claims, and you are questioning and being curious.

Pretty pathetic lmao

my first colony. man what a wild ride. building a base in Rimworld is most comfiest experience I had in gaming.

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Last one before recent restart, had to because of some mods and shit finally getting updated.

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>I am essentially doing no such thing. But you are essentially, and quite literally, admitting that you are the person who posts such inane things.
Imagine being this deluded. How that dev dicks tastes?
>instead you said "you heard"
I'm not even that guy you dense fuck.

>No Zlevels
>Stolen art style
>Less than 10% the content of Dwarf Fortress unless you mod it.

I'll stick to DF.

Why you hating tho? Calm your tits.

>you are the person who posts such inane things
>you know better than to straight up state them - instead you said "you heard"

the lack of z-levels kills it for me too

they do take a while to generate fuel, so they're not practical on a large scale until you have hauling slaves.

then you get fucked by insects

Anybody here playing Rimworld With Chinese Characteristics? There's a fanmade english mod that translates most of the important bits, and the developers intend to release an official, professional translation eventually.

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insects are smalltime compared to mortars and drop pods.

Everything has been hard as balls on Randy Rough, i'm using budget Combat Extended mods until they update it and i have to deal with Mechanoids that will fucking oneshot my armorless colonists with a Charge Lance through the fucking torso, its fucking hard as balls i think i will have to retreat for now and hope they go into my turret firing range.

Also i always make sure to use Storage Mods for my colony, i hate having to build GIGANTIC food or item storages that take 40% of my base because for some fucking reason base game thinks its impossible for you to stack clothes, bricks and fucking rice on top of each other.

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been playing again

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what in the living fuck is that? how does that work

Are there must have mods for RimWorld?


I've been aware of it for a while, but, I'm waiting for the official English translation.
I feel like one minor thing could be mistranslated and completely change how the game works.

Animal & Medical Tab
Quality Builder & Surgeon

Theres just too many mods out there, but most of the time if you sort by popular you can find the most useful ones on the first 5 pages.

Modding on rimworld is like going shopping, you just go through pages and add the stuff that might look fun for you.