Why did you stop playing Mordhau?

Why did you stop playing Mordhau?

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minmaxing drags and accels

patch keeps crashing my pc and I can't be bothered to look into it until they release their next map

community was good for a while but furfag redditors have taken over and will log out of the match, log onto discord and report you directly to the devs in a PM

devs used to be based but after i got global mute over nothing i quit
fuck you weakling faggots yiff in hell

Never started it because only nazi incels kept shilling it, which is always a sign that it's a dog shit game.

>guy says nigger
>complain to the devs
>now he can't talk in game
dare i say based

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>cry to the devs because you got styled on with short axe grip

The weird circlejerk between the devs and the ex-chivalry players turned me off. I like competitive games - I don't like competitive games where there's a certain group that had access to the game 3 years before everyone else did

I sill play, but game needs more maps ASAP.

It's alright and the customization is fantastic. However it uses stupid mechanics which promotes looking down doing weird move and spinning accel and lunging. Weapon should have a peak damage based on range and hit timing based on swing. A spear should hurt you if you are hugging the enemy and weapon should have different combo pattern etc.

keep crying about shields functioning as fields, faggot

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i definitely dominated your asshole in game

This is actually in Mount and Blade, at least sorta. You can't attack with a lance if you're standing 1 foot away from your target. Idk if this applies to bladed weapons, it was more for polearms.

This. It got ruined by the same tryhards that ruined Chivalry.

no mod support
i wan't to play on tf2 mario kart

It has mods and auto download upon server entry retard

I go back once a week and hop into random duel servers just because I like getting good
I like jump kicking but it's sad that servers can now ban certain weapons
Tricking people into bear traps during "muh super serious duels" was fun

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All the maps and gamemodes suck

Pretty much every medieval multplayer game attracts nazi incels

I got burnt out after playing for a week straight and when I tried to come back I got killed by everyone and everything because my skill vanished

yeah this
tryhards look like clowns and it's impossible to read their inputs, that's fucking stupid game design

apart from that it's a great game

It applies to long 2handed weapons too, although to a slightly less extent than thrusting polearms.

A weapon will do the most damage at about the 4/5ths point down the length to the tip of the weapon. So long 2 handed weapons do less damage the closer you are to the target. While 1 handed weapons will almost always land a solid hit at close range.

Mordhau system sucks for not accounting for this, not accounting for the speed of the weapon on impact when factoring damage, and for allowing full damage hits when mouse dragging a thrust when you lightly tap someone with the side of your weapon.

i still play sometimes but it gets old sooner than it used to, just cause of the small map selection and mode options

Every match plays the same. Love the sandbox but the mode & maps lend themselves to steamrolls.

Blocking/parrying is just a bad mechanic that will always ruin this type of games. It sounds dumb, because its how sword fighting works, but it's not actually that great a gameplay mechanic as soon as you think about it. It will always push the meta to a cancerous place where everything is about dumb body distortions or just ganging up on people.

Imagine an FPS where every player has the ability to block bullets and imagine what the meta would become. That's basically what every sword fighting game ends up as. Just a test of patience or trying to find glitchy ways around things

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The only mode worth playing is despacitos skm server

So what do you want dude? Just a parry to parry best stam drain weapon wins every single fight?

But it's all about mind games
You can block in literally every fighting game and that's how you have to treat this

So players should just be able to evade by moving and otherwise have to eat any hit that they can't walk away from?

Except in this you can't tell when someone is committed or if they are even attacking.

Because mount and blade is coming out

shit netcode

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shittier netcode

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content drought
devs letting whining beta males win
mod tools never coming
general burnout of the gameplay
bannerlord next month

chivalry 2 will be dogshit and steal stupid players that think it will be any better though so it will make the already shrinking playerbase smaller, so that's an additional issue

i stopped playing right before the numales really started bitching, and people started using exploits. i clocked in a good 80 hours though so i'm not mad. fun game while the good times lasted

>bannerlord next month
this month :^)

Funny, I just started playing it again. Fun game, just wish there was Team Objective like in chiv and that it had funny custom maps like TF2 used to have.

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chivalry 2 looks so fucking bad right now

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Played with /mhaug/ for a couple of weeks after release.
Stopped because burnout or something idk

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Same reason chivalry and Natural Selection 2 are dead, some people will naturally grow bored and move on. So they're left with the uber try hards that value nothing but winning who will stomp on the normals by finding the optimal build/strategy and abuse it to the point of ruining any sense of creativity or fun.

bannerlord waiting room desu. combat gets boring fast.

of course it does, torn banner and tripwire are hilariously incompetent and make the perfect duo for a perfect turd of a game. also
>epic games store

just fucking tweak drags to not be the end-all be-all. If you master dragging, feints and chambers become completely obsolete, why are these game mechanics even in the game if dragging beats everything? It's like rock, paper, scissors, but scissors beats everything and the guy with the better scissors wins. Think feinting is good? Wrong, you lose. Think chambering is cool? Wrong you lose. Drag and you get a chance at winning, but only if you autistically stretch the game mechanics to the limit, so far that it doesn't even resemble a swordfight anymore.

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>implying the release didn't get postponed due corona-chan

It's funny how bastardized the chad vs virgin meme is at this point. Autists just didn't understand it at all and now it's only used as a mouthpiece for things they like. It's not even really a meme anymore.

it didn't

It'll be garbage if it has the same basic design and balance.
>Archer able to do massive damage from a range
>Also able to block a zweihander with a fucking thrusting dagger

no female soldiers

not enough content
there's only like 6 maps and last time I played there wasn't much in the way of community content. Plus I've never seen a giantslayer mod server with people in it and those were the most fun part of chiv.

pro tip: don't be from down under

Do people even make Virgin v Chad memes anymore? I made that image almost a year ago and even then it was just for shitposting in the general.
I always liked that meme

Half the players were using the rapier/short spear with a kite shield, and only attacked with scroll forward, which became incredibly boring to play against.
You just had two people scrolling at each other until someone else interrupted the fight.

Mordhau? I hardly even know her!

Honestly I have no idea how to fix it, but sword fighting games pretty much all die the second the novelty value wears off

Just wish block/parry gets super nerfed. Maul should be slow but pretty much knock your weapon away after 2 hits if you block the hits instead of chambering.

lul just join despacitos server once, die cause you suck and spectate players to see drags are not the problem in anything except zwei and halberd

the game has embarrassingly low amount of content despite how long its been out

chiv had nearly 2x as much at this point

I remember when its major advertised feature was that there wouldnt be any chivalry ballerina bullshit. Pretty funny

>he falls for feints

Autistic game abusing mechanics that the devs dont want to fix

It's like the game is meant to be played by only a very small number of specific people

The first couple weeks were a blast then all that was left was faggots turning 360 degrees whirlwinding their swords after the devs explicitly said they wouldnt have any of that shit in the game.