Mosaic Thread : The Secret Of Monkey Island

Alright, Monkey Island time.

>How does this work?
Claim a tile, edit it, submit it, wait for final result. Tiles that are too low effort will be rejected

>Tile size?

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaic.jpg (3000x2500, 1.41M)

Never pay more than 20 bucks for a mosaic thread


He's in.

Attached: 1584206746421-.jpg (360x366, 52.74K)

Claiming E2

Gimme E4

E2 claimed

E4 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.39M)

Claiming C4

I claim A1.

I'll take C-1

E3 here baby

I'll take B1

Claiming C3

C4 claimed

A1 claimed

C1 claimed

E3 claimed

B1 claimed

C3 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.32M)



Attached: hdtf mosaic.png (1030x1448, 1.43M)

Attached: C4.jpg (380x429, 94.54K)

claiming a3

C2 claimed

A3 claimed

you're in

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.3M)

Ok I made a small mistake

Tile size is supposed to be 380*431, not 380*429

Also posting the last mosaic we did for those who have not seen it

Attached: Coomin.jpg (3366x2100, 3.31M)

D4 claim

Attached: C3.png (380x431, 147.71K)

Here's a resized version

Attached: C4 two more pixels higher.jpg (380x431, 94.91K)

A3 here

Attached: A3.png (380x431, 64.41K)

Someone with more typography skills than me can turn M into D

claiming A4

D4 claimed

you're in


you're in

A4 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.28M)

E2 completed

Attached: Monkey Island collage E2.png (380x431, 200.98K)

page 7 bump

you're in

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.28M)

Gonna take A2

A2 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.27M)


Attached: file.png (380x431, 31.63K)

Here's B1!

Attached: Mosaic B1.png (380x431, 149.31K)

Holy fucking based smashbro

A4 done

Attached: A4.jpg (380x431, 47.64K)

no its not

you're in

you're in

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.27M)

you're in

monitoring thread for final result


Attached: e333.png (380x429, 42.16K)

Not really happy with it but I have to leave. Feel free to replace it no hard feelings.

Attached: Zero Effort C1.png (380x429, 275.85K)

you're in

you're in

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.27M)

here's D4

Attached: D4.jpg (380x431, 87.93K)


Attached: C2.jpg (380x431, 126.75K)


Attached: E4.png (380x431, 187.17K)

you're in

you're in

you're in

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.26M)

Can I have D2 senpai? I'll work hard on it

D2 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.25M)

user thats D1

good catch, my bad

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.25M)

question how much should we edit?


I claim B3.

>You sunk my battleship

Attached: 1266283156863.gif (351x336, 57.07K)

>makes no attempt to connect with A2 and A3

E1 claimed

B3 claimed

Attached: SecretofMonkeyIslandMosaicUpdate.jpg (3000x2500, 1.24M)

I smiled

Check the completed tiles in the thread, some are drawn and others are edited in photoshop or similar.
A simple edit can make a tile worthwhile, just don't do mspaint shit.

Attached: e9bc0b7f64203bcdc071b674b5c8a8b6706e3f4b.png (587x829, 664.74K)

imma use ms paint

B3 reporting.

Attached: B3.png (379x431, 314.87K)