>We don't use the word 'fun'
Massive crunch at Naughty Dog
All that for a shitty 5 hour cinematic game with no replayability.
>higher ups set retarded deadline
looks like you have to crunch now :/
Theres a massive difference between working to hit a deadline and being forced to work 12 hours extra a week without pay
You dumb fucking retarded piece of shit
This is why we need Communism.
>zoomers working as developers
Not for a few more years
>Be movie game studio
>Work employees like movie studio
Imagine fucking that. Stop buying movie games and this will go away, Yas Forums
>only one job exists
shitty companies can't impose crunch on nonexistent employees
>without pay
Doesn't happen, you stupid NEET.
Nobody gives a fuck. If they don't like it, look for another job.
>inb4 hurr durr it's not how it works, etc.
Yes, that is exactly how it works, fuck off.
>pirate left for dead 2 fan fiction novel
>find and replace some names and words
>record voice actors
>reskin gears of war
>make little cutscenes with the voice actor lines in the little isolated house rooms between gears of war areas
>throw in sharp+stick=1 use weapon garbage crafting system
Sure, it's a little bit of work. But come on, those 12 hour days are beating off to the models they made for the little girls.
He doesn't know how salary pay works
Prove to me that they are being paid for working overtime and i'll show you court cases that prove otherwise.
If you think this is a new thing that is just starting to happen you are dead fucking wrong.
what will naughty dog give their employees in return
i still dont get this
publishers were mocking the devs?
mocking the score?
saying they dont care about the score?
setting up an ironic reversal when they go on to make anthem goty?
Trying to make a negative into a positive
EA is run by literal drones
Anyone else miss post-Uncharted Naughty Dog?
>silent for years
>get fired for incompetence
>hey fellow redditors did I tell you how BAD the company actually was haha?
Third party here. Why wouldn't you just immediately open up by posting links to the court cases proving him wrong? You asking him to post proof first makes your position look weak, like you don't actually have anything and you're banking on him not having anything either by calling it out first.
It's in the contract, zoomer shit. Learn how real world works, lmao
>its in the contract that they can legally force you into what is basically slavery and you aren't forced to leave without getting fired
Care to show us that contract? Would've helped a lot to the people in court.
>don't finish your work on time
>expect to get paid for not finishing it
>expect to get paid more to finish what you couldn't do on time
It's a mystery why people even agree to these sorts of terms. Just collapse the industry of weak project managers and lazy developers.
It's just a hunch, but I think Naughty Dog is to much of a penny pincher and they only hire pajeets for their engineering stuff instead of Carackesque Technowizards.
if they die, they die
>setting up an ironic reversal when they go on to make anthem goty?
This one. They thought they made an amazing game and that it was going to be the next big thing. So they were mocking the low metacritic score. They believed the game was going to be a huge success, sell a ton of copies, and be the big looter shooter on the block.
Druckmann is a hack on a level above Kojima
No one in this thread would work 12 hour overtime shifts to make the last of us 2, dunno why anyone would defend such a shitty company for a game you guys don't even like.
This. I know Kojima is a fucking meme at times but at least he knows how to have fun with his writing.
Druckmann is on a whole other level of pretentious writing that's just plan boring.
>not using a archive link
Kill yourself shill
zoomers aren't even in the workforce retard, let me guess you're a useless ass millennial?
get a real job then you fucking loser.
Make me
You mean pre-Uncharted Naughty Dog, right?
Very based indeed
lol if you think Kojibo's work isn't the most pretentious thing on earth, i don't know if you even play his games
>always heard of the horror of vidya dev crunch time
>ever really knew how bad it gets
>Naughty doge supposedly notorious for thiers?
>up to 12 hour shifts
>possibly even weekends! Oh god no :( not my weekends when will I be able to watch my brick and mortar?
That's actually pathetic. Home construction is that for the whole year. Out in the elements busting ass. Should have expected it to be completely exaggerated by silicon valley fags. Cant imagine how good naughty dog pay up for it.
This game has been in development for almost a decade, I have no sympathy for these retards.
That's great to hear, user. Any company would love to have you and your willingness to do extra work with no overtime.
Is this like a new concept to people?
Fucking seriously
>oh no I had to sit at a desk with frequent rest breaks, a 2 hour lunch, and air conditioning for 12 hours and I even had to work 2 saturdays a month!
So lesbians jews kissing is the result of crunch?
I would rather pick proper working conditions anytime then.
who gives a fuck
>hey you know I eat shit so everyone should
>goyims defending the practice being jewed
Oh it only gets better, keep it up, based degenerates. You are the reason 1% owns 99% of this planet.
crunch makes you gay?
it's hilarious that 90% of the work on this game is just cutscenes, graphics, animations, you know irrelevant shit.
>naughty dog getting btfo for the horrible treatment of their devs and not their blatant identity politics pushing in their games
whatever I'll take it.
>Jason Schreier writes another report on how badly a company is treating its developers
>Refuses to report on Dangen because he's friends with Ben Judd
The Japs are working Americans to death/hospitalization because of muh games. Who would have thought this was possible 100 years ago?
>nobody is shaming Neil Druckmann for this on Twitter
>The Japs
PlayStation is American now, idiot.
Who cares about crunch? I don't. I'm not one of their employees.
Keeping yourself and other wage slaves down. Keep up the good work goy.
It's incredible how much effort Uncharted and TLoU require to make, yet I had way more fun with the Crash N'sane trilogy. What's the fucking point? Just to feed the ego of a jew? There are hundreds of TV shows way more interesting than these games too.
God damn I do. They used to make fun games before fun became an F-word you can't say around their sand monkey boss. Colorful world of Jak & Faster replaced with a zombie game. Real original you retards, have a game where you fight Nazis next. My brother bought a PS3 that came with tlou and when he went to sell it at GameStop he got like 2$ because they have literally every copy they ever sold brought back. Shitty movie games have shitty gameplay and zero replayability since the only thing it has to offer is the story. Fuck nu-naughty dog, fuck it in its stupid ass.
Working 12 hours in a row by itself is dumb. Outside of menial work it reduces productivity dramatically, and even in mindless drone work you'll see a loss of productivity after that time.
Californian trash suffering isnt a bad thing.
>nooooooo my office """"""job"""""""
Is the game industry full of such low test people?
Just say fucking no if they want you to work overtime, its not like you are being paid to do so and that you owe it to yourself to create a youtube movie.
At worst you get replaced with a tranny who can actually code better than you.
This is like when women complain about how it's so much harder for them to be successful at work, yet you don't see any women being construction workers or any other job that requires physical strength or is risky at all. Men are literally second class citizens.
>spic can't see past muh grafix
Of course.
>Men excel at at physical labour and thus get jobs requiring strength
>Women excel at cerebral tasks and yet men get all those jobs too
But yeah men are the second class citizens
>company does diversity hires
>company exploits workers
>company is literally being racist and sexist for doing this
burn naughty dog
>company crunch time
>boss asks me to put in extra hours without pay to meet the deadline
>I tell the boss I'll work extra for no pay when decides to pay me extra for no work
>get fired
You can use the word fun when you're making a fun game.
>Americans crying that they have to work too hard
>95% of the game is outsourced to asian sweat shops
>they never once complain about this
>Men excel at at physical labour and thus get jobs requiring strength
That's sexist, it's because women don't wanna do those jobs actually.
>Women excel at cerebral tasks and yet men get all those jobs too
That's reverse sexism, the first part is a lie, the second part is wrong, companies even hire less qualified women just because they're women. The thing is that women get all they want, but they're the only ones complaining.
this image causes tendie butthurt
Only dumb cheeseburger eating cousin fucking yanks think this is true. Kenichiro Yoshida can fire Jim Ryan anytime he wants.
You need better worker rights mate.
>>Women excel at cerebral tasks
Okay, so women get everything they want, and whenever there's a discrepancy it's because women don't want those jobs anyway, and yet despite that women are saying what they actually want constantly and not getting it.
and this horrid treatment of staff is partly why I don't support Naughty Dog games anymore. Not worth my money.
Women don't want shitty jobs, why are you even denying this. They just want the good jobs.
articulate why