Sony Bros?

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ban twitter threads.

>Nintendo admits they need more time to finish the game properly
>Sony says "fuck the employees" and overworks them to try and save face
Which sounds more honest to you?

ban twitter posters

If I cared about the thoughts of a literal who I would've asked YOUR opinion.

Do you think Nintendo doesn't crunch?

Why and is this Yas Forums related? Twitter in 2020 or in general?

lmao, the graphical fidelity is the crunch? Naughty Dog burns out its devs so they can smooth out 70 more pixels of texture while the game still runs at 30 fps?

I mean, Sakurai crunches himself but outside of him I've never heard about Nintendo doing it to their employees. Feel free to correct me tho.

It's pretty much only American tech workers and Amerocan media that even complains about crunch. Granted, Nips and Europeans in industry get compensated better for their overtime and don't have to deal with rentjews of California.

what is that retard even trying to say

I mean, he's not wrong. New AC looks like they just ported the mobile game.

>Slavery is fine as long as I can push my political agenda
Reminder that its fine if they act like nazis

>Andrés Gutiérrez
>spic flag
>"I care about the end product"
>likes Sony games

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A big difference is when Nintendo enters crunch-time, EVERYONE on deck enters the crunch-time. Iwata worked himself to an early grave and always would put himself through crunches before having devs lower on the totem pole start crunching. Sakurai's doing the same to himself. Miyamoto made a declaration he'd take a more lax approach to game development recently since he probably realized putting himself through a crunch plus his god-awful temper would put him in the ground too.

animal crossing looks bad because they didn't crunch to make it look like last of us 2

It really doesnt.

When's it coming to pc.

>capitalism good cause me liek vidya

>I don't give a shit about them, I care about the end product.
This should be the mindset of all "consumers".
They're making the product to make money and you're the one paying for it.

>jirengamer 2.0

why is a sony autist is always from one of the spic variety it's so weird
is it because they embedded cult worshiping from football or something

>everyone missing the point

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>compensated for overtime


>NEETS don't understand how overworking someone is a problem

>Iwata worked himself to an early grave
Yeah working hard totally gave him cancer

>ban board culture

No crunch looks better.

What is a crunch?

Crunch and being overworked is just the status quo for a Japanese worker. No point in complaining about it for them.

get your twitter screencap garbage out of my board
ampharos poster I summon thee

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yeah totally the fucking same

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lack of rest, obesity, stress, and hormonal imbalances can all give you an increased risk of cancer and guess what extreme fatigue just so happens to have all of those as symptoms

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>sonyfags are congolombians

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The thing is a shit game like tlou2 isnt worth the crunch time.

Could've sworn around like 5-6 years ago normies were all like "we don't need graphics we need good games" or some shit and now they've gone full circle

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El Hermano

So it's okay to work people to death with no lay offs or breaks to the point where they're mentally unwell or don't get enough sleep? If you want to run a proper business your top priority should be making sure everyone is in good condition. Putting money over lives is selfish. That attitude is exactly why corporations like Disney and Amazon are frowned upon on Twitter.

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>Crunching on hardware that's like 15 years old at this point that must be cheap as fuck to produce for
God the return Nintendo makes on software is probably ridiculous.


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fine by me. still looks miles better than Naughty Dog's sixth consecutive game that's trying too hard to be a boring holywood blockbuster movie.

probably only Nintendo can afford and cares such things in Japanese gaming industry

>Naughty Dog's sixth consecutive game that's trying too hard
will Naughty Dog ever make another game with any amount of color and fun (Crash, Jak)? or is that studio only doomed to make tryhard serious shlock from now on?

Working yourself to the bone brings result, who would've thought 0.o

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I mean you arent wrong but we dont live in some utopia where corporations give a damn. We live in a time where corporations think you should be thankful they havent exported your job to foreign workers.

What does the shit on the right even mean?
Crunch: movie game. No crunch: game game? One guy made a game, 800+ people made a game?

I bet he took Adderall

Everything is built on someone being exploited.
You wouldn't have the computer you're typing on if Chinese workers weren't allowed to be underpaid and overworked.
All the manual laborers in the United States work all day with back breaking labor at minimum wage so you can enjoy the things you have.
Unlike Chinese workers tho, game developers can quit if working is too hard.

No, i dont think that a company where the ceo takes a personal hit to his income so he doesnt have to lay off employees, because he believes that people who fear for their jobs cant make a fun game, does crunch.

Its a snoynigger and a spic. They are literal subhumans without a brain. Hes not saying anything

Corporations that care more about money than the health of people working for them can burn for all I care.

fuck off tourist

Honestly i doubt theyll ever go back to gameplay over graphics which is disappointing. I mean look how many uncharted games they've shit out and it's pretty much just the same graphics circle jerk over and over.


>that's not very gaman of you, aniki


there was a time where Yas Forums didn't rely heavily on Twitter Screencaps
it isn't board culture, it's a forced meme that this board has been infested with for the last 2 years

If Nintendo put in the ammount of hard work and effort put into the Last of Us 2, then Animal Crossing New Horizons would have roller coasters you could build, paintball with villagers, and playable arcade machines.

Board culture isn't video games
That's why console-tan faggots are limited to shitposting in their containment thread only once a week

I agree but as long as people throw money at them and buy their products theyll continue to be the way they are.

Woah, who knew blatantly ripping off an existing game was so hard

>the last 2 years
It's been way longer than that

I always had more fun in Uncharted climbing around shit. I wish the puzzles weren't braindead easy because it woulda been cool just actually exploring and figuring shit out. Nah fuck that. You just entered an ancient tomb from the only entrance to be found by man or beast in the past 300 years? Here's a horde of shitheads that somehow got here before you because fuck you shoot more shit.

>woooow what do you say, I have to follow contracts I signed YESTERDAY? FUCK NAZI HELP PAPAGOBERNMENT I'M GETTING RAPED HELLP

I wish I could get some. Aniracetam got me through uni.

That's honestly the only good part of this whole corona virus shit. I just want to see these disgusting, abusive, greedy mother fuckers get what's coming to them.

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>no crunch
>devoting 800 people for one game

While that could all be neat they've still done a lot of changes that make the game/franchise better. Finally being able to put furniture outside for instance. I do wish we had more group activities with the villagers instead of hide and seek.

Fr I would have

>sonyroach is a third worlder

every time man