Lads, i hope you help to

Lads, i hope you help to.

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Sorry, I am on a toaster and need all the power I can get.

But the jews said they had a cure.

make the bitcoin fags do it my computer doesn't have time for fake illness

Imagine being such a cuck that you waste your electricity and hardware resources for reddit points.

israel, canada and germany all have a potential cure but more testing and safety need to be done before it can be dispatched to the general public.


>china's overseas real estate project, GERMANY, and ISRAEL
Why don't I trust any of this?

Attached: yess.gif (326x326, 266.81K)

The more boomers die the better.

Didn't read but most likely a ploy to get people to install Geforce Experience

But they also said 400,000 americans are going to die

Attached: 400,000.jpg (589x745, 145.77K)

>boomers die
>zoomers dont know how to care for themselves
>wipe themselves out of hoplessness
Heres hoping.

Nice one plebbit.

boomers don't know how to do anything besides sit on high ranking non-jobs for 7 figures

Molecular dynamics helps shave off years on the hit-to-lead pipeline for generating candidate compounds, I'll admit it, but I've yet to hear a good argument for prioritizing antiviral compounds for transient viruses; only makes sense for chronic ones like hepatitis, HIV, etc. Focus should be on vaccination, especially since there's a shitload less scientific work and research that generally needs to be done compared to the host of in-silico/medchem work for developing antivirals.

just use the super computers. i'm not gonna pay for electricity so that some pharma can get big money and save 10 chinese people

There is unironically going to be such a huge fallout to the blue collar boomers dying. SO many hundred+ year old buildings running on ancient massive machinery.

If you can't trust German science you have already lost

>all stores about to close down in a few weeks
>can't buy shit to repair PC's afterwards
>asking us to waste our power and reduce the lifespan of our computers when we can't replace it
Fuck off. They have supercomputers with GPU processing that can do this.

Attached: techy.jpg (500x418, 37.94K)

Will this affect gaming performance

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If you think any computer at a geforce owned property has a dedicated GPU installed you're crazy.

>Nvidia telling people to mine Coinronavirus for them for free
Not fooling me.

Nah. Supercomputers just tend to utilize GPU processing since it's mostly AI garbage which GPU's excel at working on.

Well duh, not like americans can afford the cure.

I trust it to WORK, I don't trust it to help me.

Soon it'll be

>hey faggots
>mine some bitcoins for us lol
>uh I meant mine some corona data for us lol

Come on goy, put your rig to work! And when it wears down, buy replacement parts from us to get back to work!

lol the media (especially American) are making such a meme out of this latest mutation of the common cold (mutations happen all the time fyi)

Also the Chinese provided a full genome sequencing of COVID-19 within the first week of the outbreaks in Wuhan. They already have vaccines but it's just not worth it to mass produce because it's not deadly.

You can add the Dutch to that list. Dutch academics are having research on their version of a working antibody published in Nature magazine.

They pulled an old work-in-progress for SARS-1 from ice, and it holds up for this strain of Corona as well.

It's orders of magnitude more lethal, causes orders of magnitude more hospitalizations, is more infectious, likely won't die in summer.
Also, no, they don't have vaccines. They have ideas how to make one, but nothing that could be mass produced.

>Just install a bitcoin miner on your $1200 PC goyim
Fuck off

>likely won't die in summer
Good time to start wearing down your GPU now that everything is fucked.

most zoomers are children of Gen X. they'll just do the bare minimum and scrape by like their folks.

are nvidia and stadia dedicating their massive GPU farms for their shitty game stream services?

eat shit I want all boomers to die an agonizing death

Attached: boomer time.png (500x404, 306.09K)

So does Japan.

Keep your rat hands away from my PC you filthy JEW

All incorrect. You are a fearmongering mutt. There are literally thousands of coronavirus types that mutate every day. There’s a reason we don’t do vaccinations for it.

google has a quantum supremacy quantum supercomputer

fuck off with your botnet bitcoin miner.

>It's just a flu, bro
Yeah, sure buddy. Multiple researchers, news outlets and so on are all wrong. We better believe user no. 499fuckwitt898.

So, are you buying computer parts now, or are you waiting for the flu to get over? I'm still debating myself whether I should replace my eight year old graphics card.

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Apparently I already am



Trust the plan, Qtard.

Why is it always anglos that are such lemmings?

put your rig to work, goyim, what are you afraid of botnets?

Because you already overdosed on memes and redpills. Get some help or leave your basement once in a while.

don't be fucking retarded

>news outlets and so on are all wrong
uhh, yeah

>fight covid-19
haha just get it a little bit
spread that herd immunity around lads
happy days

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>get corona
>cough everywhere and spread it to all the chads
>suddenly I become the chad after they die from their shitty immune systems due to their grooming-oriented lives

Attached: a toast to my friends.png (1023x484, 257.44K)

***tinfoil brigade entered the chat

Just nuke fucking china already
Those chinks have had it coming for decades

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Said the fearmongering mutt. Get back in your bombshelter bro. Don't forget your gasmask!

>Kills boomers
>Kills chinks

Fuck no, let em' die

yeah but we need one for humans too

Why can't fucking google or literally anybody else except the end user do this shit? Like I'm going to strain my already old rig and waste energy so that these billion dollar companies can have good PR. Fuck off.

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I wanted to upgrade my 770 for 4 years now but I either blow that money on drugs or just on nothing
It's ridiculous how well this piece of shit still chugs along

>trusting germans

liberals believe everything they're told by the news because they have to trust it otherwise their world view falls apart because they are atheists. when we are kids we have to believe that our parents have the situation under control, when we grow up we don't lose this need we just realize our parents aren't that good, the believer in god is protected against this fear but the atheist has no choice but to trust government and talking heads as good and in control less they have to fear.

this is the real reason liberals push so hard for big government, they don't even want to consider the idea of government not being in total control.

I bet you think it causes sterilization, too

do i get a free 2080 Ti?

Holy projection

what's the projection, that the left has more atheists, that the left pushes for big government?

Me on the right

>the left

Based boomer

your ideas of this control finds its way into everything you liberals believe, like that the boomers are in control of wages and money just falls from the sky like mana and they're hogging it all at the top.

Don't worry about it my mutt friend.

but i don't want my parents to die bro

It's too late for me, friends. I'll end up in a hospital and die.

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That's great champ.

>trusting """german officials""" after WW2

>tfw your ideas are laughed at and your party is hemorrhaging and losing to a game show host but you still find the confidence to act like a twat

>German science & engineering
literal meme

>thousands of coronavirus types that mutate every day
Except this is the 19th recorded mutation, hence Covid-19.

german GDC equivalent officials, including the discoverer of 2003 SARS, developer of SARS 2003 and Covid 19 testing kits Christian Drosten said:
>no immunity since unrelated to influenza
>expect 60-70% of people to be infected in a 1-2 year timespan
>20% require hospitalization
>5% of people require artificial breathing assistance
>relatively heat unresponsive, wave will likely continue through summer unhindered
This is official shit
if you still believe its just a flu I dunno what to say desu

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I'm not even American you fat shart. You don't think I totally support Americans getting Trump as their president? It's fucking great for the rest of the world.

I wish their was some sort of betting going on for this, I would put all my money on nothing happening. Fuck coins this is the next moon.

careful you might pull something stroking yourself off that hard