Samus Aran

>Samus Aran
>Lara Croft

Who is the third most iconic female protagonist? Note that I am talking about only the leading lady of her franchise so supporting characters like Peach, Zelda and Tifa or fighting thots from large ensemble casts don't count

Attached: samuslara.png (270x270, 104.61K)

Fuck lesbian shit.
Not at all, fuck faggots too.
This is a heterosexual board.

are you a bot? why do you post this same thread over and over

>This is a heterosexual board
How can you be THIS new?

bayonetta or lightning

Last thread got deleted by janny

Aya Brea, Alyx Vance, Commander Shepherd, maybe Wii Fit Trainer for the porn

Imagine being a puritan on fucking Yas Forums lmao

Chun Li

only attractive females can be lesbian. gays OUT unless your funny and dont mention it

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Fighting thot

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Jill Valentine. Only because of RE3 tho

>This is a heterosexual board.


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Isn't the full image sfw?

Okami Amaterasu

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>Fuck lesbian shit.
>Not at all, fuck faggots too.
>This is a heterosexual board.

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literally the correct answer

Pretty sure most yurifags just like yuri because it's appealing to see cute girls together and nothing more.

Obviously Lara
Even normalfags know who she is (Angelina Jolie films)
No one knows who Samus is outside her suit except for weeb

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Gonna be Chun Li unless you want a meme answer, then Ms. Pacman

reminder only wh*te devils like yuri

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>being unable to read

Definitely one of these two, pretty close between them

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Isn't it kind of weird for China to look up Japanese porn? Isn't that like, looking up porn of your cousin?

Rip off of Sayo-chan!

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Germans confirmed non white

Kys coomer

Samus is not iconic
She's barely known outside of Nintendo

Chinese gal want Japanese man

Yes she is

Imagine if making porn was banned in Canada, which country do you think they’d get most of their porn from?

>anti yurifags are LITERALLY shitskins
Not surprised

Even if that's what you think (while I heavily disagree), that's not what the thread was asking, dumbass

It was asking who's the third most iconic character

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based españa

Imagine rimming Samus after Lara fingered her ass

girl love is the purest form of love.

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why did they make her a dyke? Is there even any lesbians in any games made by RED?

Definitely Chun-Li.
Even though Ryu is put front and center, SF2's story is about Chun-Li and Guile stopping Shadaloo. She's made just as many if not more appearances than Ryu in other material, even. A primary character in an ensemble cast and iconic beyond the games themselves, so much so that Samus and Lara are literal who in comparison.


>Street Fighter is Chun-Li's game

Based retards

Cooking Mama?

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>he says this on the board filled with trapfags and barafags
>is probably a repressed faggot as well

most definetely not

If I want to fuck the Anime girl I wouldn't want her to be with someone else
All the other characters I don't care about? Can fuck whoever, preferably girls cause it's cute

Anyone have that old image of the two wildly different trans people, ones a dude with a cunt and the other is a Chick with a dick. Cuz I think its right up this guys alley.

>She's barely known outside of Nintendo
What does this even mean? Outside of people who have played a Nintendo console? Nintendo fans? The Nintendo company? Please complete your thought.

Unbelievably based and incredibly redpilled

That's easy.

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I self-insert. What now, FAGGOT.

This is cunny and cunny accessories board.

I recognise that art

Rayne had decent chances to get there, sadly her franchise stopped

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Yas Forums is married to /u/ newfag

>This is a heterosexual board.


I want onee sama baaack.

Did you like Wayforward's game?

>Celebrating women in gaming
>Sexy redhead covering her tits on the front cover
Different times, huh?

not really my thing

And then sucking Lara's fingers