What happened to SMT threads on Yas Forums?

What happened to SMT threads on Yas Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We're waiting for SMTV news

>in-franchise warring between SMT and Persona
>wait for SMTV opens up rampant shitposting
>that one guy who doesn’t shut up about Ryan or whatever
>your game is shit but mine is better!
Basically these

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isn't that the game that's supposed to be released on the switch but the devs underestimated what an under powered piece of dogshit it was and that's what's taking it so long.

I'm new to this franchise. Once I become a real fan I'll be sure to shit up Yas Forums with threads.

Gamecube only released

the overall decline of Yas Forums and these

It became shovelware from 2014 until 2018 then evolved into it's current state, vaporware.

Go to /vg/ dumbass, we don't wanna attract secondaries to this series.

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No one knows what SMT is anymore

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It's too late. Too many zoomers and Persona fags (who only played 3, 4 and 5 mind you) started to play (mostly watch it on YouTube) SMT.

Abandonware when

Discord trannies

why make secondaries when you can make them primary?
pastebin.com/aEfTizYS play something here

They went away because the game series has always been mediocre and Atlus pays their reviewers to give the games a good rating

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>Oh nooo, new people are playing my secret game that no one should no about!!!
Suck a testicle

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wheres the games m80s

Scores have been reviewbombed by persona fans after they deemed SMT was a franchise for incels and toxic misogynists.

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Personafags always ruin it.

persona was review bombed too
only revelations the demon slayer wasn't

>Metateon on TV
Fierce Battle isn't what plays for him tho

some people think it was a TMSfag

is the original novel worth a read?

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Yeah but you need to know Japanese.


>it's not translated

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I mean if they actually play and enjoy the games then I don't give a shit. It's preferably to them giving up on Nocturne or SJ two hours in because the characters are boring or the dungeons are too ugly/hard and bitching about it

I summoned a demon and now she won't go away. I don't want her to cause mass-hysteria and cause a nuclear apocalypse. What do I do, Yas Forumsros?

>everyone points this out everytime i post this
Its just a me me aaaaaaaaa

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sneed megami tensei


>someone links Nocturne music
>somehow feels like I've never heard it despite playing it a week ago
>oh wait
>set youtube link to play at 2x speed to match emulator

SMT went to shit and transitioned to a persona knock-off.

shoot her or stab her if you don't know magic

Will 2020 finally be our year bros?

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>most SMTards haven't even read the Digital Devil Story novels
>haven't played Megami Tensei 1 or 2
>haven't even played SMT 1 for that matter
> yet complain about "secondaries"
Very hilarious

Yeah, they're fun. It's in English. The first two. Third novel isn't but there's a summary.

it's translated
it's your average light novel with a demon summoning twist, nothing special

>got a shit ton of coursework to slog through
>but I just want to make a dent into my collection that I've picked up and dropped
What should I continue with?
>Majin Tensei II
>Soul Hackers for NG+ and EX dungeon
>Start P3
>Start apoc
>KMT as I left it after Bien in MT1

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oh alright then, should I also play the original two megami tenseis or kyuyaku is way better

I understand people not reading the novels but not playing MT1 and MT2? That the epitome of "secondaries".

Should I finish DDS, feels like I'm halfway through and it's fucking easy and boring but has a sky high encounter rate that estoma spray doesn't help at all.

>smt 2 anniversary
>the only thing we got its gacha event
>the gacha is fully developed by sega the only thing atlus did is throw assets at them

Kuuyaku is way better

Watch the anime


I got bored of MT1 myself. Granted that was after playing SMT1/2 back to back

>Atlus is too lazy to even re-release their shit on modern systems

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Ignore this guy. The anime adaptation is horrible.
There's absolutely no reason for anyone to skip MT1 and MT2.

Can't help my autism bro

Anons finally realized it's a trash series. who am I kidding, Yas Forums always has shit taste so they lap this garbage up greedily

Nah, they just need to tack on more plot, a new girl and some QoL first.
I'm just surprised P3FES/P4G never got ports.

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It fucking amazes that despite the success of Persona Atlus continues to be a poor as fuck studio, I think before Persona they were in massive debt or something.

its because more people worked on presona 5 than shit like skyrim lmao
you can guess what it does on the budget

more people seriously worked on a shitty one-note adventure friend simulator? i wonder if they ever felt like they were wasting their damn time.

Why is sega too afraid of doing something about atlus? Its pretty clear that they are just wasting their ips.

I take it that you were from /jp/ correct?
You fuckers don't even play Majin Tensei.

Majin Tensei II

marry her

>I take it that you were from /jp/ correct?
I am.
>You fuckers don't even play Majin Tensei.
I did. Just not the mobile games.

They're so bad but you'll enjoy them

Maybe they enjoyed it.
Nocturne didn't do as well as expected, PS2 games were them mostly trying to make something that would make money before sticking with milking P4 to no end, Index collapsed meaning that they got fucked over for no fault of their own before sega saved them, and Handhelds are dead so no cheap ports now

I need to stop being a casual and play SMT1 for more than a few hours. Really like the art style and feeling of mystery.

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user, the true Yas Forumserdict is no other than otakufags which they unironically play Persona games.

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Switch and pc ports are cheap ports