Fuck off
Fuck off
>have to buy chocolate bar trash to get the full game
>uh oh we're out of this DIGITAL item whoopsies
Defend this
Serves you right falling for shitty marketing like that lmao
Did you at least get the theme?
Land of the free
>we ran out of this digital item
its not about stock, its about limited edition square enix is willing to give
You are giving DLCs for free anyway
You FF7 Remake fanboys should be ashamed of yourselves. I know your game is going to suck, so I hope you get diabetes.
>game isn't even out yet
>run out of dlc
>Game is not out
Someone explain this to me
It's that popular.
>Friend works at SEQX
>Get all the codes for free
>no snickers or reeses
absolute trash tier fat bars
Who was worse?
>have ISP-locked DLC that is not only America-only but also region-only as the service is available in less than 45% of the country
>have to buy ten candy bars and make yourself feel like a fatfuck degenerate for a coomer waifu theme
ISP locked DLC no question. Candy bars at least are cheap.
Holy fuck it does look like a bearded David Cross
Not really fair. Crash did its own candy promotion with sour patch kids and you got the items with just one candy, with this FF you only get codes for every two bars you buy.
But the Japanese did this, obsessed-kun
Yeah this. How the fuck does that work? It's why digital pre-orders are retarded.
>You are giving DLCs for free anyway
wrong. It wasn't free. It COST MONEY to buy candy bars.
you buy candy for DLC codes. these codes were for a tifa theme and in game accessories. it was limited to 100k. looks like it ran out quick since the promotion was slated to run through may.
You bought the candy for the candy retard, the DLC is a bonus. You didn't pay anything extra for the code, the bars with the code don't cost any more than the bars without the code.
>not cup noodles
oh no....
Why is her foot blushing?
>limited digital dlc
Beyond fucking Jewish. At least the ctr limited plane dlc was for charity and the candy shit was unlimited numbers until the promotion was over, and that's fucking ACTIVISION. Beyond anti consumer to have LIMITED DIGITAL SHIT.
No, most people didn't buy the candy for the candy (though you can return the candy because the codes are not in the packaging in any way)
Wow the game looks like trash...
They only got a limited amount from SE? Are you dumb? Of course SE can generate as much as they want, but that is irrelevant and Butterfinger needs to go to them if they want more.
>candy bars
limited digital shit that forces you to buy physical product to even get it, natch
No because the the retailer processed the butterfinger as candy, which is what it says on the receipt and S-E wouldn't accept it.
jesus christ
>They only got a limited amount from SE? Are you dumb? Of course SE can generate as much as they want, but that is irrelevant and Butterfinger needs to go to them if they want more.
Which begs the second question.
Why even do this
Promotion is beneficial for both sides, but you don't want to give BF basically unlimited shit, because why would you
I bet we see those bars in-game, probably not as hamfisted as XV's cup noodles but as a cameo. Final Fantasy has been more direct with its product placement lately.
wasnt this game below mediocre?
That's not even the fucking start
I bought 10 bars, then turned around and sold them to some kids. Free DLC
the game was good but the marketing was awful
I want Tifa's theme but I'm from Europe so I'll never be able to get it unless someone goes through the tedious process of getting the code and sell it to me and I would still have to change my account's region in order to redeem it, talk about bullshit.
the game itself is solid but that shit and the ending is what ruined it
That's a literally what Activision did for like a year with sour patch kids and ctr. SE is just as big of a company. The fact that you're willing to make excuses for some giant faceless corporation that is going to make bank on this game is pathetic.
Because there is no downside to SE. The point of the promo is to sell candy, SE's codes do not cost them anything to generate.
I doubt it, since this was just a USA promo.
>Because there is no downside to SE.
What are the chances that SE will sell the Tifa theme at a higher price near release
>even participating in this stupid shit
Me calling somebody a retard is making excuses for a corporation. Ok, whatever. Keep asking retarded questions then.
>Because there is no downside to SE.
The downside is that SE won't be able to profit from selling the DLC later at a higher price
chin up mindless consoomer at least you still have your delicious candy bar
It's certainly possible, but given this shit was a promo to begin with I would think they would wait a while after launch. Otherwise why bother with the promo?
>they forced you to eat the candy after you bought it.
People who did this have no free will.
How about not owning a Sony scam machine?
It's a wonder you people put up with so much bullshit.
Be the change you want to see you dumb nigger, or just keep bitching on irrelevant Cambodian basket weaving forums.
>inb4 deflecting
I don't even own a "gaming PC" I just sold off all my worthless bricks and found new hobbies while this destitute industry keeps fucking itself and its market.
Keep getting fucked and pretending anybody but yourself is the problem.
I mean for fucks sake, VIIR doesn't even look like a fun game to play. It's just mashing a button until you can watch an overlong clusterfuck of effects. (You) have so little involvement in the gameplay, and fuck all in the narrative, it's a wonder that people actually give half a fuck about productions by this busted corporation.
The Shin-Ra of video games.
So is the Tifa DLC gone forever now?
>You are giving DLCs for free anyway
only if you're a shoplifting nigger
I had no choice but to get that console in order to play the remake, I can't wait a year for this one.
Im sure a few months after the game os released they will actually release it on the PS storefront for real sheckles
>play FF14 couple of years ago
>Square releases a Dr. Pepper crossover
>mfw had to drink 24 cans of Dr.Pepper for a mount and cosmetics
>have to buy ten candy bars and make yourself feel like a fatfuck degenerate for a coomer waifu theme
Wasn't it only just 2 candy bars?
Butterfinger>Crunch>Baby Ruth
They ran out of DLCs? What butterfingers!
>Dr.Pepper promotion
hello kraut
I give him a taste of my butterfinger if you catch my drift
I used to like bf and crunch as a young lad but as an adult they taste weirdly artificial and too sweet. Snickers are so much better.
>limited dlc
>3 month promotion
>no more dlc codes in 1.5 weeks
2 candy bars for the theme.
8 candy bars for 4 pieces of in game DLC.
The absolute fucking state of the Ferrara Candy Company.
They should be able to just fucking ask square Enix for more codes.
>went to pax couple weeks ago
>every time I went past the square booth people would be throwing butterfingers at me
>"Take a butterfinger user!"
>every. single. time.
It needs to stop
turns out that tifa theme doesn't need the game to be unlocked