why the FUCK is this allowed?
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
Buy a banner, Billy.
why the FUCK is this allowed?
>Holding an IRL tournament with Corona around
Gay retards did him a favor
Based Rick.
Capitalism was a mistake they can't even deal with corona
>combo breaker
These gay retarded niggers need to be beat up. Internet stalking like this needs to stop.
That's gay and retarded
That's wicked retarded, gaylord.
This. LuL
Based. Its 2020. Homophobes will no longer be tolerated.
Enjoy getting crowned you gay retards.
The dude banned was a fucking retard himself so it's no real loss.
The funny thing is he could tweet "fuck heterosexual white males" and nothing would happen.
maybe he shouldnt act like a gay retard then
The same reason bullshit like Jimquisition is allowed: freedom of speech.
It's just a flu bro, do you expect this shitshow every single year from now on?
Anyone want to tell it?
Freedom of speech is a two way street. Working as intended.
at least thats more interesting than this gay ass retarded thread
>why is this allowed
Because it's a private event and the organizers get to decide the rules. Welcome to a free market capitalist system with free speech. Enablist slurs are going to become less and less tolerated so youd better get used to it. Or you can just fuck off. Nobody cares about your opinion.
consider suicide, commie fascist scum
why isn't the website that published the story banned for using those words as well?
And again, why do THESE Yas Forumstards WRITE like fucking UNABOMBER? Are they RETARDED or VICTIMS of MKULTRA too? What's their FUCKING problem?
So I get this is the new cool outrage we're supposed to get mad about, but remain passive?
I'll skip the anger and be passive instead. 12 years of online butthurt and not a single action undertaken.
He probably said something about sonic gayfox.
>actually defending Star Citizen
I used to like reading this guy's articles until he turned into Alex Jones 2.0, but FAR more autistic. At least Alex is self-aware.
He's also an IRL nigger mutt & a closet SJW who's trying to hide his past, btw.
retard and gay are now seen to be as bad as nigger.
It's almost like hetero white men are privileged and the mentally disabled/gay aren't.
>unironically spout Yas Forums memes on twitter
>be surprised when everyone bans you from their events
woah so this is the power of "free speech" advocates...
I legitimately Hope that in my life time I get to see people who say stuff like this without a hint of irony hang. Yada yada satire post etc.
>one impotent incel
Buy a banner ad.
Billy's not a true conservative. He's a neocon who'll bend over backwards for more shekels. Fuck him.
I've read all of this dumbass wall of text and refferences, but I see nothing in there that confirms homosexuality being an unnatural thing or some sort of disease. I'll give him props for sourcing his rant though.
We don't have any power, we can't do shit really. And once you do have power, if you don't go full pro SJW/black/gay/trans, you will get blacklisted by the people above you. I remember back in the early days of the FGC commentators were cursing and saying whatever, then they got sponsors and shit and had to go pg-13.
Based rick. Combo Breaker and CEo are both way better events for actual fighting game players than evo and have been for years.
A literal who as far as I'm concerned
>saying something is “gay” or “retarded” is now Yas Forums speech
Burn it all down
All this means is that minorities are insecure as fuck. They can't handle bantz so everyone has to take up for them like they are senstive little kids.
>but I have to!
>behave like a gay retard on twitter
>get banned from public events
That's pretty sensible.
You’re incredibly gullible if you think that’s why he was actually banned.
>talk shit about white people
>nothing happens
>talk shit about other people
>you get fucked
I don't see the privilege.
Are you legally retarded (and gay)? He was banned for being a gay retard sperg.
Fucking niggers m8
Yeah that's because sponsors have money and they have demands before they hand out the money.
Since E-sports are about to go as big as TV spots for actual sports, it's not hard to add 1+1 and understand marketers and sponsors don't want swearing because they'll try to mass appeal with E-sports.
>could make this thread with the actual source
>shills oag by spamming the article instead because it's how you make money
fuck off Billy.
Retarded people should just keep up with the bantz... my guy you know how stupid you look?
>call someone white, “cishet”, incel, etc
>call someone gay or retarded
When you read the "They had to build polynomial quantum drive" it makes you think he's being ironic, but the rest of his post makes me doubt it.
Retarded isn't even a slur, they are literally retarded.
You know what makes a great event? The players.
Evo is that 1 time of the year when all of the best players from every game and from all over the world come to compete in the biggest fighting game event.... And that's why the shit coming out of your mouth is pure retardation. There is nothing that comes close to Evo.
>esports thread
Why the FUCK is this allowed???
>>call someone white, “cishet”, incel, etc
So far no attender posted that nor bitched/sperged about white heterosexual people on Twitter or other social network.
>b-but this scenario in my head in which I'm the victim
You're mentally ill and obsessed with homosexuals. Future 40%.
>being scared of faggots
combo breaker is better, evo became a convention more than a tournament. Evo is more about fighting games but combo breaker is more about the FGC
>combining form
>suffix: -phobia
>extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group.
Keyword: "or".
Why is racism against white people or prejudice against straight men ok?
Fuck the FGC.
Who said is OK? Are you legally retarded for real?
So where's sonicfox's ban for insulting people and was wanting to help someone who assaulted a woman
Because you're too much of a fat lazy worthless fucked sack of shit to get out there and run your own events, and even if you did you'd quickly find the type of people to attend to be insufferable shitloads you don't want to be around anyways. I miss common sense, it used to answer shit like this.
Because we live in a society of oversensitive faggots.
How many times do we have to have this thread?
How long until words like "lame, crap, shit etc" get banned