User, put on your gas mask. Breathing without it in The Zone is really dangerous

>user, put on your gas mask. Breathing without it in The Zone is really dangerous.

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>women in the zone
onahole with a pulse

Behead all those who insult the monolith.

>user, put on your gas mask. Breathing without it in The Zone is really dangerous.
Yeah rip woman because no eye protection and coronachan flies into eyes lol

So if STALKERs had a hard fucking time to enter the zone through the military cordon, how do they leave? No way they permanently stay in the zone, right?

They are some barely guarded areas with holes in the walls or vegetation. At least in the book.


Some do. But if they can get in, they can get out as well. They’re all smugglers and freelancers essentially.

guys i got a Zhang Xiao Yu, is this really the top product before sex dolls?

I’m so glad the STALKER series doesn’t have a single female character in it. It just lets me enjoy it so much more and it feels like a friend I can always go to that isn’t a pussywhipped cuck.

Why do you care if I put on my mask?

I can't remember, did the book specifically say that there were no female stalkers?

No. I think people just assume because it was written in the 70s. Well, commies were quite progressive when it comes occupation.

No but since it took place in Russia you can assume that all the women were at home and the men were on the field because rural Russians abide by traditional roles.

the only females in the zone have been forced into prostitution

It takes place in Canada.

wow, it's 2020 you bigot, women aren't just sex objects, grow up.

They are to me you thought bigot

>it took place in Russia
pidorashka hands typed this post

So why don’t women act like anything more than sex objects on average? It seems to me that’s what they desire for themselves looking at how they dress up when going to work or how they get drunk nonstop at bars.

Abdul go back to your mudhut. Your disgusting looking shitskin sister needs a rock to be thrown at her.

fuck you hip

Confirmed that this is true. All they are good for to me. I just do not want to hear them talk after.

>mask without padding
enjoy your rush and then infection retarded woman

lol ok simp

>in the zone

>with a pulse
Not for long

go back to 2ch nitpicking retard

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How many filters does this mask have? Are there another two attached to the hose?

Everything east of Germany inhabited by slavs of various ugliness

The zone in the book is different from the zone in the games

>Not a single woman in all 3 games
Are all stalkers faggots? How do they satisfy their sexual urges? Do they run into trees or hide in bushes to jerk off?

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the games are very loosely based on the book

Bandits and regular stalkers do. Traders however bribe the military to allow their smugglers to pass through, or they have secret routes. Ecologists have legit papers and can pass through easily.

better things to do in the zone than coom

You're right she isn't, yet.

>all the women were at home and the men were on the field because rural Russians abide by traditional roles.
Both men and women worked fields and in factories. 50's USA is not what most of the world considers traditional.


I only know that Freedom fucks bloodsuckers

Same way people working for weeks out on sea, oil rigs, or on deployment.
Normal people don't go to the zone.

>why don’t women act like anything more than sex objects on average
because your perception of women comes sole from the internet

>tfw no monolith gf
feels bad bros

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Do female suckers have teeth in their vaginas?

>an American political activist tries to tell us what Russian rural life is like

Fuck off trannies


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>what are bloodsuckers?

>tfw no emo bandit gf to ambush stalkucks with

>he thinks normal people will turn into Yas Forums psychopaths if things are bad
The siege of Sarajevo happened. No food, no water, no medicine, constant artillery barrages, sniper fire everywhere. People became NICER to each other, communities grew tighter, everyone was looking for a shoulder to lean on, not for a hole to rape. You are wrong, and will forever remain wrong. You will never be right, What you are is always wrong.

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based and rousseaupilled

Women are cattle.

Everyone in STALKER is a faggot, including it's fanbase.

Big tiddy monolith gf

Yes but Serbians and balkan people are intelligent humans whereas snowniggers and larping germanics are nothing but barbarian scum

Go back to fallout 76

implying 4 months ago they were?

When you have to actually think about your survival & how you're going to eat in a few hours or fend for your life, I don't think that "tfw no gf" is a very common thought, coomer.

And that's a good thing.

Thats why loners are bros most of the time


Marriage is ancient institution. Thou shalt not rape thy brothers wife.

Nigger did you read the book? Also it's written by Russians.

Which book are you referring? Roadside Picnic? Pretty sure that wasn't set in Russia.

It was set in Canada.

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