What vidya opinion did he share?
What vidya opinion did he share?
Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
I like (videogame)
Bloodborne is overrated
Danganronpa V3 ended the series well.
botw is not good
in any context whatsoever
It’s funny because it’s true
Why is white boomer media full of men who hate their wives?
>white american media
>ahhh look at my wife, i hate her. She no like sportsball rahhh
Is it another another anti family propaganda attempt by white people?
It is to he honest. I was expecting a journey into madness and what i got instead was a pretty good somewhat creepy action game.
Komahina isn't canon
Why do all boomer comics look like same?
It's fake bonding.
They married a bunch of roasties and lived to regret it
Half the environments in Bloodborne are the same old soulless grey and brown shit that people raked Gears of War and Call of Duty over.
Somewhere around the halfway point, maybe after Romm, the game goes to complete shit.
Cainhurst and the DLC were good though.
Kek bless ya lads
I'm gonna buy FF7 Remake.
Christ, I lost harder than I should've.
No, Savage
Be honest, how many of you chose to fight him instead of using the kill phrase?
That's terror
I unironically loved the ending. Not so much because it was good but because it had to top the absolute fucking insanity that was 2's ending, and it actually did.
true art
Imagine a world were everyone gets married. And nerds get married to roasties.
Toppest zozzle
hit the showers
I don’t get it
Use your nose retard
What if i told you that marital relations didn't degrade and weren't any better in the past, it's just that we today have more ways to access to information and is harder to lie long term or make an act, that's why couples erode faster, people in the "old world" had to settle with what they had available and didn't have the scope or reach that we have today, if you try to get yourself a partner just from the pool of people you met in the habitual social places (school, college, etc) you probably won't find the person that's actually a good match to you, and this was the case in the old days as well.
This happens in every other thread here
Not on my first playthrough. Same with Anna Navarre. Also sneaked by Simons.
redditors are just mad they weren't the first ones to get to the toilet paper, so they have to settle with pretending toilet paper is stupid.
like the fox and the grapes
Is he still alive? It's been years since I seen him tripfagging here.
The majority of Yas Forums is non-white, though.
lol, boomers think the virus makes you shit, or they use an entire roll to wipe. Went to 7 stores yesterday, all TP was sold out. I actually was low, not just panic-hoarding. Bought a bidet instead, leveled up my b-hole
>words words words
Calm down Buckley
I just bought kleenexes.
I don’t get it
>1 paragraph
>words, words, words
Yas Forums is illiterate, I guess.
>provin the point
Holy shit you can't make this shit up
In prison, or banned from the internet by his parents after he said he'd shoot up his school.
Lol all I did was buy a box of hand wipes for when I go to work. Never got why all those people stockpile toilet paper when you can just hop in the shower and shoot water up your ass for a 200% cleaner ass and no hemorrhoids
>game panders to perceived diversity standards
>minorities still don't buy it
What is wrong with his face.
>Game panders to Yas Forums
>Yas Forums pirates it anyway, and autists still lose their shit over it
Gee, I wonder why more game companies aren't pandering to GG and Yas Forums.
sasuga Yas Forumsermin
The brainwashing to make everyone "equal" is hard on "1st world" countries. Elsewhere in the world people still remember that differences exist between us.
>your skin color and the accomplishments of OTHERS in your race blah blah..
>there are SOME non-whites who've accomplished more than blah blah..
It's basically a non-argument then?
Show me where Yas Forums touched you.
I think the woman with white hair that looks 20-30 years older than him is not his wife but his mother in law
>implying there's anyone between "games are only for dudebros" and "we're taking games away from dudebros"
>using GG as a descriptor for a group of people
>game includes diversity
>doesn't noticeably decrease sales and gets free good press
>some people buy it who otherwise wouldn't've
Thaaaaat's capitalism, baby!
Literally covering your ears and coping AHAHAHAHAHA
>now i will have a wet shit covered bootyhjole and will have to dry it with a towel meaning all my towels are now covered in shit
top job owning the boomers
Yes, your point being?
source on that pic in the bottom right?
Including diversity and pandering to perceived standards are two very different things. Diversity in any form of media should reflect that of the real world in a realistic way, which is obviously a lot more than some obsessed idiots make it out to be, and a lot less than other obsessed idiots make it out to be.
Gamergate isn't a group of people you retarded faggot it was just a sequence of events and the following discussions. The hashtag was being used by both sides.