Have videogames peaked?

Have videogames peaked?

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Nah. But they won't do better than Breath of the Wild for a good long while.

yes, in 1998-2004

how does this game get so many perfect scores? its imperfect. the performance is shit for one and the gameplay is fucking ubitowers. I hate ubitowers.

The standard for what makes a perfect score has lowered in recent years.

nips can't into fps or sandbox. BoTW is the zipperhead equivalent of GTAIII.

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>its imperfect
No score system puts a value at something that doesnt exist

It clearly is that good

It got great scores at the time due to it being a new Zelda, on a new console, that was open world which was a big sell for normalfags.
>I hate ubitowers
Good thing BotW doesn't have ubitowers then.

I'm curious to see how well this would've done if it didn't have Zelda in the title

There's also far more review on metacritic for each popular game than their used to be.

>It got great scores at the time due to it being a new Zelda


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You could say that for literally any popular franchise.

Skyward Sword sold pretty mediocre though. Atleast compared to other Zeldas

I've been a Zelda fan from the snes times.
I honestly dislike BOTW, I liked the game that had the same formula every game.

Now this open world garbage has taken the front and I've been bored most of the game. Anyone else with this feel?

despite all the flaws it has, it's still a genuinely nice experience for the first time you play it, given you aren't constantly trying to pick at every single flaw you come across. There's no flaw that's gamebreaking or that for the first time in a zelda game doesn't feel like a fucking tedious chore to do (a la flooded faron woods in SS or the triforce pieces in WW). The intended mechanics work the way they were designed to if not more. It is a game that's good at giving the illusion of a great experience but it's only good. You can cry all you want, but majority liked it.

well deserved

I haven't touched a games console in about six years. Can someone explain what was supposedly so great about Breath of the Wild? What sets it so far above all the other open world RPGs out there?

it truly was free. The game was always at your pace, you were never really cornered except for maybe not having enough resources. It didn't trick you into thinking it was "open world", it was actually very open, un-restricted traversal of world. Add on the zelda lore and you got yourself a pleasant world.

My personal feeling for the game and why I like it is because it really felt like a ghibli world, very reminiscent of princess mononoke. It was highly enjoyable, but I wish it was more ghibli than it is.

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Rockstar always wins. Must be frustrating for Nintendo fans. Hell, breath of the wilds presentation in open world design was directly get a response from the success rocksars had the last 19 years with their open-world implementation.

nintendo bonus

Definitely NOT :
Still waiting for the game where next to everything is destructible (buildings, terrain, vehicles,everything).
Still waiting for the game where I can go inside any house/store/building & interact with the NPCs who ALL have actual schedules that vary depending on the weather,your progress/reputation/the world they're in.
Still waiting for the game where the renders are as good as pic related. (graphics shouldn't be the main focus though)
Still waiting for the game where the character can pick up & use any tool at his disposal.

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>says Aonuma

But he didn't lol.

You'll pretend all the review scores don't count because journalists can't be trusted but you need clickbait articles like this to stop yourself from committing suicide.

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>No one relevant like this has said the same about breath of the wild

Way shit kid

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>Have videogames peaked?

Its been 4 years and nothing has topped BotW.

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>Still waiting for the game where the renders are as good as pic related
Even if that becomes possible, I doubt any developers would be cool enough to do it.

if it didnt have zelda in the title it also wouldnt have 99% of the features on it

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>Can someone explain what was supposedly so great about Breath of the Wild? What sets it so far above all the other open world RPGs out there

Unlike other open world games, BotW offers complete freedom to go absolutely anywhere without restriction. There are no artificial roadblocks or gated story trigger-points. You literally CAN climb that mountain. And not only can you climb it, but you can choose HOW you’re going to do it.

Unlike other open world games, BotW's world is designed to be visually informative. Where other games are designed for you to constantly check your minimap and wayfinder icons, BotW keeps your attention on the actual visible world in front of you. You can see points of interest and natural curiosity will take you there.

Unlike other open world games, the map is not bloated with activity icons, objective quest markers or wayfinder pointers. Exportation is not only encouraged but actually feels compulsive, and it makes every discovery a personal one.

The game’s non-linearity allows players to indulge in its world based on how THEY want to play, not how the developer wants them to play. There are only two things the player must do

1) Complete the tutorial
2) Beat Ganon

Everything else is entirely optional. Main quests can be completed out of order or ignored entirely. The main story is an non-linear open narrative which the player can ignore completely or choose to uncover through actual gameplay of exploration. The game’s challenge curve is adaptive and dependent on the player’s own personal adventure, their skill level, their creativity and flexibility.

While other open world games will throw a series of features at the player, every single thing you do in BotW is connected to your main quest. There are no pointless activities in BotW.

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I honestly cannot stop playing BOTW it's just so good. Think I'm on my 5th or 6th playthrough now.

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Unlike other open world games, BotW is not a flat sterile world. Veriticality turns navigation of the overworld into actual gameplay. Travelling from A-to-B becomes a puzzle in itself and makes tiresome tropes of other open world games fun, engaging and rewarding.

The world has intricately connected systems of dynamic climate/weather/environment which inform the gameplay and force the player to adapt to the world around them.
The player can interact with the world around them in meaningful ways – using their own wits and resources to fashion their own solutions to situations in a nonlinear, non-binary way. This encourages and rewards creative thinking, allowing the player endless options for combat, overworld travelling and puzzle solving. Intrinsic motivation becomes the game's central focus.

BotW simply lets the player go on an adventure, free from the shackles of the tired, archaic game design of previous open world games. It is genuinely a glimpse of the future.

Haters will sperg-out and pretend none of this counts. They'll stack up every open world game ever made and pretend that individual aspects have been pioneered in other games without ever accepting that the experience of playing BotW is completely unique. Or they'll shitpost and try and belittle it all by autistically fixating on an individual aspect in isolation, as if it diminishes the overall experience of the game.

Only a fucking pleb would try to rubbish Nintendo's achievements. At least they TRY.

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BOTW is peak uneducated journalists and nostalgia over actual critical reviews and discussion.

BOTW is nice as a tech demo, but better as a sleep aid because of how boring the content was made.

>it truly was free.
So is Minecraft.

Such a stupid fucking argument. If it didn't have Zelda in the title it wouldn't have any of the Zelda elements I hate you fucking retards.

Not even open world games have peaked. But they will as soon as Elden Ring drops.

I love BOTW so much, I just wish the hard mode was good.

The game is literally praised for getting rid of many standard zelda formalities.

BoTW feels a lot more like an old school game in regards that you're not playing the HUD, you're playing the game.
How many AAA games these days have you only play the HUD? Enemies are the floating HP bars, Quests are the floating compasses, damage is the floating numbers, progressing is the walkie-talkie npc on the corner of the screen giving you lore and plot, exploration is SECRET FOUND +45 EXP.
BoTW is all organic.

>BotW offers complete freedom to go absolutely anywhere without restriction
So does Daggerfall.
Your point?

It's a game for kids younger than teenagers and yet everyone still gushes over it.

Shows you the maturity of people who play video games.

I only play FPS games and WoW.

yeah and minecraft is a very popular and well-received game
>two games can't be good for the same reasons hurrudururur

Pretty easy
>Heavy advertising at the Superbowl and other large venues
>Wii U generation was a huge flop, building up people that want more; had no Zelda game that entire gen
>Literally spending almost 2 years teasing videos of it, entire E3s showing just it off
>Giving away the game WITH Switch consoles to influencers, review sites, major publications for favorable reviews

Pretty easy to see why, because most people that play it find it pretty boring. I had more fun with fucking Skyrim and I consider that a lower tier open world.

In terms of flaws, lets not forget:
>the shitty combat
>the QTE gameplay
>the awful story writing and characterization
>the reward system
>the lack of new items and gadgets past the beginning of the game
>the reused assets and ideas over and over
>the god awful music

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>I hate ubitowers.
You aren't the only person who gets to decide what is good and what is not. Everyone is entitled their opinion and was brings enjoyment is subjective. Yas Forums has a hard time understand that their truth is not the only truth.


I'd like to think that people that make these statements dont play games. I get it though, Nintendo fans aren't people who enjoy games, they just gloat about them. Which is why many first time experiences end up being shitty ports.

How can BotW be the best game ever when:

>Tiny enemy variety
>Small number of unique map features / large repetition
>Pointless, easily broken crafting system
>Only 3 elements to proliferate in its ebin chemistry engine
>Horrid pacing
>Inverted enemy scaling / challenge
>Trivialized exploration

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Yez wrong on most points, but oi respec' ya right ter be tha' way

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You spend more time staring at the stamina meter and going into menus to instantly heal your stam and health than you spend actually playing the game. Not to mention minimap staring.

BotW hasn't topped Gothic 2.

Youre correct en every aspect

>So does Daggerfall.
>Your point?
Someone asked what makes botw enjoyable and they answered with their opinion. What is your point?

>Unlike other open world games, the map is not bloated with activity icons

I'm not even going to bother with the rest. You are completely doing PR speak on something non-fascinating by focusing on concepts rather than good gameplay.

>While other open world games will throw a series of features at the player, every single thing you do in BotW is connected to your main quest. There are no pointless activities in BotW.
Honestly, do you want to speak on a mic? I'm genuinely curious who would be dumb enough to make these statements

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Gothic is shit and BOTW is shit

This game plays absolutely nothing like the old Zelda games

It gets praised because the difference between this and the last title is massive but the game itself does the same thing other open world games do as well

A reminder that combat has gone steadily downhill in every zelda game since OOT

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Too bad OOT isn't a game worth playing.

Fuck off Arin.

That's one thing that was baffling about BOTW, the striking and combat was literally a 4 weapon cycle swings and thats it. Imaigne making new weapon types and still making combat worse with slow mo QTEs

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>Travelling from A-to-B becomes a puzzle in itself and makes tiresome tropes of other open world games fun, engaging and rewarding.
This was my biggest problem with the game because the exact opposite is true. There is no puzzle because you can make a straight line to wherever you're going with the only obstacle being time.

>ass creed with a zelda skin is considered the perfect game
The absolute state of video game reviewers

nostalgia is a hell of a drug. The real issue is, reviewers already go into games liking the title with a bias. There is no objectivity when it comes to the reviewing system. They can literally give a Switch fanboy to review all Switch titles.

zelda 2 and oot had directional sword combat with hitchecks on shields, where you needed to learn the patterns
then you get botw where you just spam attack to defeat any enemy

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Zelda II remake when?