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You're a cuck and so is Nia.
You'll both be stuck in the cuck zone forever.

But you'll never know the feeling of Shulks seed flowing inside you.

Melia's fanart production when DE comes out will be proportional to how much cuck she is.

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she's gonna get mogged by Fiorung, the best Xenogirl since Elly.

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It didn't happen when the original game came out, it didn't happen with 3ds remake, considering how almost all the fanart productive xenoblade fandom came from xbc2, i think they will lach into the local "Nia", Fiora has too less screentime than the blade sisters so she can't overshadow Melia.

I just hope no user ignores this game because they didn't like XC2 or something. XC2 is very different and even with 30h clocked in, it's an absolute pain to play through compared to XC1.

>Such a colossal cuck it infects her alternate universe counterpart


The XBC games seem to suffer from a slow start before the games get exceptionally good. I remember putting down Xenoblade Chronicles 1 down for a couple months before picking it up again. XBC games are the vidya equivalent of a 5-course meal

>A cuck.
That was fixed, there is a reason why cuck fanart of her plain up stopped.

It's not fair, she should've fucking won.

>XC2 is very different and even with 30h clocked in
Kek you haven't even started with that game.
XC2 endgame once everytrhing is unlocked has probably one of the best combat systems in any JRPG, ever.
The issue is you gotta put in 100+ hours.

non canon. Cope harder niacuck. Only cucks identify with Nia or Melia.

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LMAOing at ur life tbqh


It's even sadder to think that she's not a cuck because of an Easter egg with no romantic connotation added because of vehement Niafag screeching. Nia is every bit as perma friend zoned as Melia.

Can't wait for the revival of the Melia fanbase!
By that, I mean I want to fucking kill myself.

As someone who 100%'d 2 in about 200 hours, I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of cool things you can do but if you consider balance part of a 'good' system, 2 fails. The most efficient DPS in the game is mostly brainless artspam. The best overall playstyle in BOC is evasion pumping since running Mythra Rex with 2 AGI commons and solo Shulk Morag you hit like 98.5% evasion and will never die.

>There are a lot of cool things you can do but if you consider balance part of a 'good' system, 2 fails.
I don't.
Some of the greatest JRPGs ever made have really shit balance and OP builds.
That's just how this genre works for the most part.

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The remake will have an alternate (canon) Melia route. We'll have the last laugh.

But this time she will get loads fanart and doujins and damn sure 90% of those doujins will be NiaXShulk.

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Fuck, i mean MELIAxShulk.

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Don't reply to me, you secondary faggot.

>XB2 is a girl meets boy story between Rex and Pyra/Mythra in the same vein as Xenogears was for Fei and Elly or XB1 for Shulk and Fiora
>Nia is explicitly friend zoned in the game
>Pyra/Mythra is explicitly the girl he loves
>Nia becomes happy just being Rex's blade
>Crashes the title card as a joke on NG+
>"Wow it's officially a harem thank goodness Nia's not cucked"

Look well Meliafags, this is what awaits you


The game isn't even out yet, and people are already discussing doujins, and dead ships. I don't know if there's any hope left for this fandom.


There's a story in the XC1 Monado Files artbook that covers Melia awakening a High Entian healing chamber in Tephra Cave to heal Fiora's body in. Effectively, Shulk uses Melia to heal Fiora, and this is also in line with how she said that she'd help protect Shulk's happiness when he was in coma. This is more than likely getting added to Definitive, so yeah. Enjoy your double cucking.


>The game isn't even out yet
it's been out for nearly a decade.

This game is 10 years old.

I'm clearly talking about Definitive. I've seen tons of comments here from people who either haven't played it, or started with 2 first.



Will they get her back for the DE?

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And? I don't want XC1D threads to suffer from the same shit that inevitably happened with XC2 threads.
>People discuss the characters, gameplay, lore, story, and world for awhile
>Eventually they get bored, and the same group of people end up lewdposting as usual with the newfound artwork, or go around posting "I wanna impregnate X!" for threads on end
>Some Xfag tier boogeyman, or Xfag himself, has a seizure because of that, and decides to go on a rampage in the threads of months, or possibly years
>A majority of the threads are now ruined
Granted, this happens to a majority of JRPG threads on this board, but still.

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It all depends. Will she love her role enough to return, or will her budget be too big to have her record new lines? I truthfully don't care who they get to voice the new lines, so long as they sound identical to the old VA's, and are good at that. That's the main issue, will they sound identical, or good?

Fuck off, falseflagger, I am tired of your obvious strategies.

Or maybe she would love to return but her agents ask for too much money and she can't do anything.

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Jenna used to live on my street, when she was a teenager.

Xfag was shitting up XB2 threads from the beginning. Telling waifufags "no!!!! don't talk like that!!!" under the assumption that it's somehow going to prevent shitposters is a waste of time, because you aren't going to convince any of them of shit. How much they infest threads is largely going to depend on how much lewd fanart XBDE gets, because the people that spam up every thread with their awful posts like are fans of the fanart, not the games.

Depends on how much she likes the role. Has she ever talked about Xenoblade since it’s western release?


Do these celebrities have any form of agency? Fuck the agents. I want to see her return. Then again, she doesn't speak about her role as Melia, like ever.
? Are you cool, user?
I honestly didn't see him emerge until about 3 to 4 months afterwards. I guess you have a point, though. I just want threads to be wholesome again. It feels like a lot of them just turn into a sea of bait these days.

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>"Haha, I had a role as a princess in this video game once. It was cool, I guess"
That's just about the only thing she's said about the game. There might be some super old tweets, but otherwise, no.

I want to pull her headwings while I give her a good dose of anal.

I'm going to give you a good dose of anal. Now bend over.

Can Melia fly with those? That other pure high entia could but her head wings were much bigger.

She's half Homs, half High Entian, so her Entia genes are subdued. She can't fly around like the other people of her species.

Ironically being "subdue" was a GOOD thing.

Tyrea flies and is part-Homs. Her wings are much bigger, though.

>Gaur Plains = Gormott
>Satorl Marsh = Uraya
>Eryth Sea = Leftheria
>High Entia Tomb = Spirit Crusible Elyps
>Alcamoth = Indol
>Valak Mountain = Tantal
>Mechonis = World Tree
>Fallen Arm = Morytha
>Agniratha = Elysium
Any other paralleled areas, since the two worlds are paralleled?

>Pure high entia
Scratch that, i remembered that she was "impure" too but her wings were big enough and nobody could tell.

Goddammit, i was writing specifically to avoid this but i wasted too much time fixing typos.

Her percentage of Homs DNA wasn't sufficient enough to subdue her High Entian blood, though. That's why she eventually becomes a Telethia after Zanza whips out his dick.
Half breeds are usually more powerful, or are a good thing in most Japanese media. Tokyo Ghoul, Devilman, I guess Devil May Cry, some other shit I'm forgetting.

I was talking about how half breed entias were inmune to zanza's bullshit.

>Tfw you return to Alcamoth after Zanza wakes up
>All the High Entian NPC's are Telethia that you can kill
Damn bros..

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>Her percentage of Homs DNA wasn't sufficient enough to subdue her High Entian blood, though. That's why she eventually becomes a Telethia after Zanza whips out his dick.
I'm guessing you never did her quest? She doesn't turn.

What? No, she didn't turn into telethia, hell, she had a quest specifically to kill some familiar of her that did turn into a telethia, this is where she revealed she was half breed too and said sorry to Melia for being a racist (and hypocritical) bitch, then she flew away.

It's been awhile since I've played the game, but I recall Tyrea becoming a Telethia, or gradually shifting into one. Either that or she was controlling a Telethia in a boss fight with her? My memory is hazy.

On the topic of Tyrea, I'm going to be kind of upset if she becomes an extra party member or something. We already have a High Entian in our party. It's Vanea time, and we need a true Machina rep in the gang. She also technically joins the party during the story, so +1

You are confusing Tylea with Lorithia, the evil and hot super bitch who kissed Melia's turned into telethia brother just to fuck with her, damn, that was hot.

The first time you fight her, she's controlling a Telethia. Her quest takes place after the big transformation, the party helps her kill her transformed mom. She's totally fine and just fucks off after that (by flying into a cliff).

It’s funny that the fees doujins for the game are already Melia x Shulk