Sekiro thread

I beat the chained ogre, thanks for all who gave me advice in yesterdays dark souls thread. This game is brilliant. I slept on it when it came out and bought yesterday finally. What is some good advice for my early stage in the game?

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Take every opportunity to try to eavesdrop on NPCs. There are some quest lines that require you to eavesdrop on certain conversations and you can easily miss them.

from where you beat the chained ogre, backtrack a little bit past the first vendor, then you will see a small cliff, hook up all the way to the top and you will see a 2nd vendor that sells firecrackers. Firecrackers are an essential ninja tool make sure to pick that shit up early and get sculptor to install it.

>2020: I am forgotten

It's really only two quests. The shopkeeper asking what Ashina soldiers need and the purification ending which OP should really just look up.

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Don't worry about not being able to beat headless. They rape if you in the start especially since you don't know what to do.

Nah there’s no need to look shit up for this game. Things make enough sense if you stick with a playstyle. The regular ending is just for people that didn’t really explore, Shura ending is for people that want to finish the game quicker, Return ending is for people that explored, and Purification ending is for people that were most interested in the characters.

best advice I can give you is to get the fuck off of Yas Forums and just play. fromsoft games are best played blind and the more you learn about Sekiro here, the less you'll enjoy it

Remember that your grappling hook is a thing and yeet out of danger.

I dunno man, never gets hinted that the player can eavesdrop on main NPCs.

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The skill that lets you stomp out thrust attacks is super strong, and should have been just built in to Sekiro.
Don't forget you have infinite stamina. Run, Forest.
Holding block replenishes your stability, initially playing on the mind of Souls veterans, where they are taught to not hold guard

I get what they were going for with Fountain Head palace being the Gorgeous View Ahead reveal typical of these games like Anor Londo and the Ringed City to an extent, but man, it just did not deliver the same grandiosity that those two did. I don't get why its called the "kino" portion of the game. Not that it a bad area at all.

If you ask me, the entire Senpou Temple area takes it by far. The rich reds and warm atmosphere of the entire mountain make it feel very unique to the rest of the game. There's far more stealth set-pieces for creativity as well. Very beautiful area with some nice secrets and side paths.

I mean, just look at this view. Nothing in Fountainhead beats it.

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Thanks anons, good advice. I'll be sure not to know too much going Forward, but do I need to worry about rot essence? I didn't have any before the ogre fight and now I have 3

listen to, in general I would say to explore thoroughly to find useful items and ninja tools, also you can and should deflect, not block, almost all attacks, except when they do a perilous attack, then one with the red symbol, then you have to act accordingly, by either jumping and then pressing a again for sick posture damage, dodging or countering with the mikiri counter for even sicker posture damage, also get the mikiri counter skill

You have not played the game because it is literally the third thing the game teaches you after walking, jumping, and shuffling on walls.

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I'm keeping this thread open. OP I hope you keep playing today so I can monitor your progress.

If a boss is super difficult you can always sprint around (infinitely) and get a hit or two when they do a slow move. No boss can shut down sprinting. This strategy is really lame and not fun, but it does work.

>What is some good advice for my early stage in the game?
Proceed through Asahina till you beat giga nigga MY NAME IISSS Genobu spear man

Then go back to the temple and meditate at the statue to go on a vision quest to fight an old lady who does funny things to my penis. MADA MADA.

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ps make sure you get the grappling hook attack skill

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rot essence indicates that an NPC is sick. you'll figure out how to cure sickness eventually. more sick NPCs means less chance of divine intervention (where you lose no money on death) and some dialogue/quests are locked if an NPC is sick
NPCs cannot die so letting them be sick until you need/want to heal is fine. A healed NPC is exactly the same as an NPC that hasn't ever been sick
Sickness accumulates every time you die and resurrect back at an idol. If you rez in-level you don't build up sickness

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get all passive skills, except for the ones that give you more emblems because they are a fucking waste of skill points

Eavesdropping on enemy NPCs is really obvious because it gives you a fat yellow circle and the button prompt shows up a mile away. The window for eavesdropping on friendlies is much smaller requiring you to be in the right place to activate it. It's quite easy to miss.

>DSP browses Yas Forums

I am with you user. Getting to fight through ashina is pure ludo and i wish i could experience sekiro for the first time again.

wrong picture?

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Mikiri Counter is super important. Also, Shinobi tools are used much quicker in the air than on the ground, once you have to skill to do so. A bunch of them become WAY more useful when they don't take for ever to deploy. Also the skill that lets you do a dash attack after using a tool is very good too. Vault is another really important skill, but you won't need it for a while.

Upgrade the firecrackers first and turn the game into a cakewalk. Buy as much divine confetti as possible.

>I think you meant to post this same Senpou Temple screenshot for the millionth time
no, not the wrong picture

just make sure to have done Emma's questline so you can cure infected npcs.
But it's really not a big deal because Dragonrot has been nerfed before release, originally it was supposed to kill npcs

OP here. I can't reply to all of you but I am reading all your responses. Lots of helpful stuff. I killer that general guy after the ogre really easily, and I've just been going about exploring and practising the mikiri counter. Off to lunch now ut I'll be playing all day, I'll tell you all how it goes.

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Senpou is very beautiful, but it's kind of mundane. Fountainhead was the area that really delivered the otherworldly beauty that places like Anor Londo and Ash Lake had. Still, I think every area is great

Right, which is why you should be trying to eavesdrop on everything all the time

True. But I literally didn't discover a single NPC eavesdrop on my first playthrough. Was just never standing in the right spot to trigger the prompt. They really should of had the first one with Emma and the Orangutan trigger just by standing outside the door or something. It would have given players the heads up that they can look for it with friendlies as well.

then maybe you should have posted a picture that isn't glitched if you wanted to bring your point across.
And you know what, I'm feeling nice today so I'll give you this =
Fuck off


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Deflecting is your primary defensive option. Posture is your second hp bar, you recover it by holding block. Posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting.

Jumping and dashing have few i-frames on them. Jumping/dashing through attacks is possible but timing is tight. Use them for repositioning and escaping grabs.

Running is good and you can run forever in combat.

Get the deathblow hp regen and mikiri skills asap. Mikiri obliterates all thrusts in the game, this includes kicks (just press B, no directions). Jump sweeps and jump again on their head for posture damage.

Firecrackers are a free stun. They are also very good for crowd control.

Once you get comfortable with enemy patterns you will find that this game rewards aggression. Running in their face and eating their posture until they deflect you works very well. Most bosses have more dangerous options out of neutral compared to out of deflecting your attacks.

Why does he wear the mask?

I discovered the Emma/sculptor eavesdrop on my own because I wanted to see what was behind the dilapidated temple and I saw that I could hug the wall while looking inside and voila a prompt was there.

I'm getting filtered by lady butterfly. Am I taking her on too early?

There is a point in the game where you are given a choice resulting in you either getting to fight a couple of more bosses or you just end the game after fighting one more.
Choose correctly.

what boss have you done before her?

Also contrary to what somebody may have told you, if a boss is giving you a hard time, don’t just sprint around the map and getting 1-2 hits while the fight becomes 15 minute unfun shitfest. Its a pussy way of playing and is completely antithesis of having fun.

try to figure out what you are doing wrong and learn to avoid doing it. Figure out which attack pattern or combo is getting you and understand the timing and counterattack to it. Feel free to experiment with the prosthetics and the ashina/senpou arts. Some of them can absolutely destroy bosses.

Yeah, unfortunately the only chance for that is when the sculptor's got dragonrot. If you don't end up back there during that time, you'll never see that prompt. I don't think it's the worst thing in the world, but the Sculptor/Emma and Kuro all require you to be standing in pretty specific spots to trigger. Isshin is probably the easiest one to stumble upon, but you won't be visiting him that often

he wanted to hide his handsome face

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Maybe. Or perhaps you’re not getting the hang of deflecting just yet. She’s really easy once deflecting clicks with you. Also make sure to use shurikens when she’s dangling above you on her silk ropes. You get major health/posture damage on her whenever you interrupt her acrobatics with those.

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Just the chained ogre and the fat bastard before her.

>I'm getting filtered by lady butterfly. Am I taking her on too early?
No. You have to lower her health to build posture damage. Dodge her jump kicks, and if you can her mid combo kick and then hit her. Also, when she jumps up you can throw a shurikan at her to anti-air her, which does solid hp and posture damage. You don't have to deflect every move of the combo. Blocking some attacks is alright, and back off if your posture is high. Better you get yours to 0 and let hers go down to than the other way around. For phase 2 you can use snap seeds to get rid of the phantoms. If you don't have any left, just run around until she turns them into butterflies, run away from those, then resume the fight as normal.

Best advice I can give is to just stick with it. I was absolutely awful at this game and thought it was mediocre at best until it finally clicked and I got good. Once that happened my enjoyment skyrocketed.

WHICH IS WHY I TOLD THE OP TO TRY TO EAVESDROP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Stop complaining about difficulty already.

good luck
hope you won't get filtered

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She is the tutorial boss. Easy as fuck. Don't progress if you can't beat her

>tfw you'll never get drunk with Isshin and listen to his stories

That was a bit too early to fight juzou and the butterfly, come back to hirata when you're against genichiro

At least you didn't get filtered by that miniboss

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If he can deal with Juzou and his posse he can deal with lady butterfly. That fat fuck is far harder desu

Did he get filtered by Juzou?

Sounds more like Seven Spears or that other General in the Outskirts before Gyobu.

he got filtered by the general miniboss

You probably have it already but thrust counter is a game changer and should be unlocked immediately. Also learn to do sweep counter, if I remember correctly you don't even have to time it properly, just make sure to jump once you see the red mark and you can mash the counter button in air.

Get a habit of using deflect, you're gonna need it sooner or later. Try out which attacks you can deflect because I can guarantee you that you aren't deflecting attacks that you should. After a succesful deflect you can often get one or two free hits in, and then some blocked hits after for more posture damage. Super useful against human bosses.

Apart from Genichiro and Isshin, honestly found most of the mini-bosses to be harder than the games actual bosses, relative to when you fight them. Snake bitches gave me far more trouble than the Papa Owl or the Demon of Hatred

Oh I see. Lone Shadow was much worse for me personally

she's not impossible at this point, but she will close to a very high challenge which if you arent accustomed to the game yet can be overwhelming and pointless. Go find genichiro and come back for buttefly. it will be a far more balanced and a fun bout. Dont handicap yourself by fighting her too early

I fought her as the first boss. It's pretty doable and you learn so much it really pays off

>having trouble with butterfly
>just go fight Gen
jesus, user

well to get to gen you'll have to fight ogre, 2nd general, Gyobou, bull, 3rd general, get past 1 billion nightjar ninjas, quickdraw master and then finally genichiro

I did too, but it took me 1-2 hours and just felt like fighting against a boss who had a spongey healthbar and could end me very easily.
Well the path to ashina castle and genichiro is the only other option at this point besides Hirata no? Also genichiro is easier than butterfly imo.

Just replayed this for the first time in since release.

It felt a bit frustrating at points but by the time I fought Genichiro+isshin at the end, it only took me 2 tries to finish it off.

I had more trouble on the lone shadow longswordsman than with Isshin.

Fair point

>so hard fags just cheese him

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Anor Londo
>beautiful, preserved architecture in a highly elevated, bottomless city
>highlited with brilliant golden sunlight, being the location closest to the sun
>meet two deific NPCs, a giant and unusual blacksmith, many enemy types
>almost labrynth like level castle
Ash Lake
>similar but opposite effect, being the furthest location from the sun at the very bottom of the world where all convoluted timelines converge
>very complex path to even reach the bottom
>unusual beach aesthetic unique from the rest of the game
>meet the eternal dragon that offers a rare covenant
>arguably the greatest hidden area across the franchise that rewards exploration and curiosity
Both areas are sharp contrasts to anything you experience in the rest of the game that is deserted, hollow, long gone civilizations.

Fountainhead is the opposite of the rest of the Sekiro game in a bad way that makes it feel more similar to everything we've experienced prior Souls games. Old city with destroyed architecture, uninteresting npcs to encounter at that. Versus the rest of the Ashina world which was is full of life and people to intereact with, which was a change of pace from the old games throwing you in a world beyond saving where everyone had gone mad.

I guess its pretty but the only thing it has going for it is literally water (and fair enough the giant lake was a brilliant design choice it is beautiful and atmospheric to explore). There are two fucking boring and extremely contained characters with no charm and lame backstories that you could remove from the area and would make no difference. You can tell they were afterthoughts when they realized there were no NPCs in that area and they just threw some shit together. I guess pot noble if you really want to reach. again not a bad area but Senpou Temple is way better.

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>beat Genichiro+Isshin in two tries after almost a year of not playing
>took more tries on lone shadow
Yeah, nah, I don't believe you.

I discovered that you can do it far too late into the game and I got the ending where you kill Kuro.

might want to spoil that user

Demon could be cheesed? Same way as Gyoubu? I just enjoyed learning him, one of the best bosses from has made so far imo.


not him , but i believe him. These games are pretty much unique in that everyone has their own weaknesses. Lone shadows have weird delays and combos that make them different from someone like isshin who while is a challenge, can be absolutely trivialized by a deflecting god

>Also genichiro is easier than butterfly imo.
You fight genchiro much later so it's not surprising. The tomoe thing makes this fight a bit harder though in my opinion

Most people don’t even know this fight exists:

it was fucking cancer