Should he be the next FighterZ DLC?
Should he be the next FighterZ DLC?
Well he is canon
He should get himself animated first. FighterZ is for anime characters only understand?
Fuck no. No one gives 2 shits about him.
So Arale should be in it? she'd kick everyone's ass
Hope Vegeta's the one to take him out.
Nah. He'd be better for Fighterz 2 whenever that is. There's better choices for villains at the moment anyway.
He looks kind of out of place for Super, doesn't he? He's way too detailed and doesn't have any of the over simplified clothing style.
He was designed by Toyotaro.
Akira's the one who's doing the simple shit.
I do.
>I don't need anyone I'm so powerful
>Let me get a team of mooks
>Let's get a bunch of money and resources
>Ok now I eat every planet with life on it
WTF is his supposed plan? It's clear he was written just to be a shitty plot device. What a waste of a character.
Goku hasn't even won a big fight since super started, no way Vegeta will.
He should be A character in FighterZ eventually. But the fight with him is just about to start, so it's a very bad moment to make the character. A good part of his moveset, specially the supers, is probably just about to be reveal, and it's unlikely Arc Sys would be able to work it into the character between the time the arc in manga is over and the release of the character is due.
Either S4 or the next iteration of the game, which could a sequel or an expanded edition. If by that time there is any indication his arc is getting animated in any capacity, it could even be a great promotional material as well.
Of course Arale should be in! What kind of question is that?
Not before the strongest Dragon Ball character ever.
Honestly, he may be the best Villain to come out of Super. Broly, Beerus, Hit, Jiren and most of the ToP cast are antagonist, but not really villains, and the very few characters of the ToP that could be seen as such, a secondary characters at best.
Zamasu wasn't a bad villain, but his arc was so convoluted (not to mention anticlimactic at the end) that his character ended suffering from it. So yeah, Moro may not be the most original character ever, but he is actually a very solid Villain, between his powers, design, and over all actions, more than the vast majority of movie Villains as well as the Heroes OCs. Between his design and powers, I wouldn't mind him in future Dragon Ball games. Including FighterZ, assuming we get his full moveset once it's reveal.
Looks like a faggot.
Go back.
>It's clear he was written just to be a shitty plot device.
That's most Dragon Ball villains in a nutshell... in all aspects of the franchise (Manga, Anime, Z, Super, GT, Heroes, the movies...) very few of them really stand out in that regard.
Most of the time, the best we can expect, is either a good designs or decent powers, and if we are lucky, a good personality.
Yes, but FighterZ shouldn't have GT shit in so don't get your hopes up
That's why Cell and Frieza stand out in peoples minds the most
Because he is actually from DQ7 but since that game is so long no one ever actually got up to him.
Farmer has a shotgun, he wins every fight by default. He could pop a cap in Zeno's ass.
>WTF is his supposed plan?
That's still a mystery you dumb retard, there's even another scene for that when he saves Seventhree. Moro is always planning something
Once he gets into the anime, so there’s better reference for his fighting style. Toyotaro isn’t very good at action.
so he is a big guy?
You are not wrong, he is Toyotaro's character after all, BUT though this an official art of the character, is also a highly detailed one. Most of the time, he doesn't look that complicated in manga. Heck, I would say that in comparison to most Dragon Ball characters, his
shoulder pads are the only detail that truly stand out among the rest.
You could argue the face, but we have seen many weird monster and aliens in Dragon Ball before, is just that we are more use to main characters to be more humanoid.
For Christ sakes, OP. Let him at least make his anime debut first.
Why not Jackie Chun instead? That guy's a beast.
Power? That's literally it.
>Expecting good writing in fucking dragonball
It's the series where people just level up over and over endlessly to win
4 [/spoiler]Gok[/spoiler]u
Niggers by the time he shows up in the anime we'll all be dead of old age
yeez user only use ctrl+s
This. The start of the Moro arc to him about to show up for the real right will easily be 50+ episodes.
>It's the series where people just level up over and over endlessly to win
Except this arc is all about proving this wrong
What's taking the new season so long?
Not him, but we are expecting at least one last villain, and probably two heroes. Jackie Chun is competing in a category different than Moro's.
Still, as much as this may bother some fans, Moro is not a bad pick for the Villains side, honestly kind of a better pick over Raditz, Gero, Zarbon, Toppo and Dabura (the last one being one of my personal requests). But still, I think we all expect one of the main three Villains of GT to make the cut this time. If not, a Movie Villain (going by popularity, either Bojack or Turles).
He’s fine designwise, but Toyotaro’s art is just kinda bad. I’d be nice to see him In Shintani’s style or something.
>Energy draining ass pull
>Guy gets beat in the next few panels anyway
Goku and vagina LEVELED up in their training too so again. It's shit writing. Just enjoy the fighting and don't think about it
Rumors say Toriyama isn't making much progress in the storyline, other than the supervision he gives Toyotaro in the Manga. I guess he may be burn out after working in the Broly movie?
In any case, Toei seems wary of working without Toriyama's guidelines, so they may actually we waiting for this arc of the manga to be over to be able to work in base of the whole storyline. It has been a long way since the Manga had any lead up over the Anime after all, and this may make things easier for them.
yeah we dont wanna a thing like the androids/cell saga.
Literally nothing you posted happened at all, retard
Ok, who would you pick?
(I actually agree with you, even if I wouldn't mind Moro)
>she'd kick everyone's ass
>gets destroyed
Gag manga tricks don't work on Beerus, buddy.
Not him, but, good picks:
Dabura, Radditz, Baby, Piccolo Daimao, Moro, Zarbon, Dr. Gero and 19.
Everything else there is trash.
She has a counter where she feds you poison food.
>thinking half of these are even possible
Omega Shenron, Super Buu, Majin Vegeta, Raditz, and Toppo are the only realistic choices here.
Omega, Super Buu (why the fuck not we have fat and kid already anyways), Baby, Bojack and Moro
Looking at the character selection screen it looks like the 3 last characters are
>a good guy
>a bad guy
>a neutral guy
So idealy we should get based Roshi, Merus and Moro, but that's too good to happen
To be honest, I agree, I just put together any character with any remote chance to make the cut, just because Videl was a thing (really, who saw that coming at the start of S2?)
I am 95% sure it would be Omega, if am honest, though other than Ribriane, I wouldn't really mind any of this guys. Also, Garlic Jr. is underrated and he deserves better, but hell will froze before he makes the cut, I just add him because he is one of the three movie villains with a "sequel".
It did though. The dude got rekt by the androids and Moro saved his ass
toyotaro's fursona will never be canon. all of the existing trash from soiper should be patched out and replaced with canon characters from db, z, gt, and heroes/xeno/dbo.
>Moro saved his ass
Why though? Is weird for Dragon Ball Villains to even care for their lackeys, and the final battle seems to be about to start. Whats the point of keeping 73 (7-3?) around?
I'm not sure. Toei wanted an anime out so bad that they cheaped out on the animation quality and forced toriyama to give them a rough outline because toyo was taking his sweet time drawing, which then forced toyo to rush the manga and gimp the tournament arc to catch up.
And now, nothing. Either shitting it out and coming up with wonky shit to fill the empty spaces wasnt as profitable as they thought, or toyo is unwilling to give them a rough outline so they can pull the same shit with his arc.
Either way it's been canceled for 3 years and waiting for anime appearance to qualify characters is NOT a good idea
>they get giran and give him an attack where he becomes omega shenron for one scene as a way to give us a db villain and a gt villain in one slot like "kid" goku
>ugh why does moro care about his underlings and doesnt just kill them whenever he wants, gimping himself in the process?
Gee I dont know maybe he learnt a thing or two from all the previous villains and that's why hes so different in every regard and giving the guys such a hard time. Its almost like that's the point and the reason why instead of getting stronger, the guys had to train in other areas to combat moro
No, still too early. We're only just now getting Kefla and UI Goku and they first appeared ages ago, Moro hasn't even made it in to the anime yet. I'd bet on him being more likely for a sequel or an updated rerelease for the next gen consoles.
I don't mind Moro as a character, at least no entirely, is more about Toyotato the writer. Storywise, he kind of went out of his way to keep 73 around. Moro has kill underlings before so letting him die was not out of character. So, story wise, what purposes could 73 serve now, that the arc seems to be heading to it's climax?
I may be thinking this to much.
Why isn't he the ultimate edgelord that "nothing personal kid"s his own men? I dunno.
wtf is this ocshit??
1 Energy drain can't possibly be an asspull when it was introduced several months before in a flashback that and older character used. Not to mention we are talking about powerlevel wank, not the writting of the succ that literally destroys powerlevel wank
2 The only ones being defeated in the next panels are Gohan, Kuririn, Piccolo and Jaco, no one does shit to Seventhree, Yunba and Shimorekka because they have Moro's OP magic with them. Seventhree is later defeated by 17, but that happens A) Several chapters after that page, not panels, and B) Because 17 has its own gimmick that makes him immune to the drain.
3 Goku and Vegeta didn't leveled up to beat Moro, they adquired their own gimmicks for that and leveling up was a side effect. Is normal Goku stronger now that he trained with Merus? Yes, but he trained for UI, not for muh powerlevels. Is normal Vegeta stronger now that he honed his ki? Yes, but he trained for a (yet to be revealed) new technique, not for muh powerlevels.
Hell, Vegeta himself is okay with others dying at Moro corps' hands while he keeps practicing his technique because he knows showing up without said technique would be completely useless anyway.
I stand correct, NOTHING you said happened.
Well, he has killed raspberry before, and he was intending to kill Macareni to begin with. What I mean, letting 73 die was not out of character, Moro saving 73 doesn't bothers me, but I am legit curious if there is any story reason to keep 73 around, now that the story is reaching it's climax.