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Other urls found in this thread:

Animal Crossing
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy
Loop Zoop
Usagi Yojimbo
Tomato and tuna pasta

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Guacamelee 2/ Republic Commando
Too old to Die Young
Rolling Stones
Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
Homemade Pizza
Quarantine like pic related

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FF12 and YGOPRO later accidentally saved over my masked elemental deck
Rewatching Vinny play new leaf and maybe 5ds before bed tonight
Nothing today
Corned beef hash for breakfast and cottage pie for dinner if the ground beef is good if not a frozen pizza
Water and some Hawaiian Punch
Gay ass erp
Tired and a little sick

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Good day to you all you faggots! Stay safe from Corona!
played the Deep Sleep Trilogy and Magic. Dunno if I get to play something else later, cause I plan to go to University for a few hours and get some shit done.
Castlevania 3 season and Pokemon season 1. Wanted to watch the first Pokemon Movie tomorrow
Ambient Vidya Music: Legend of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Morrowind,...
Will read stuff for University. Wanted to read the first 3 Magic the Gathering Books, but those fags from Amazon are gettin late
Fish with potato and zuchinni
Coffe and Water
pretty good, just totally unmotivated to drag my ass to University.

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I'm considering getting State of Decay 2 on steam, but all the negative reviews are worrying me. Has anyone here tried it yet? I loved the first game, I'm just worried about the technical problems

Final Fantasy XV
OSW Review
I had a cookie before
Red wine and whiskey
muh dik
breddy gud :DD

Corona Stranding

Curb Your Enthusiasm, the new season

M. Geddes Gengras' ambient music

Thomas Ligotti's "The Conspiracy Against The Human Race"

About to have some fried rice with beans in mushroom sauce

Just drank a beer on an empty stomach and now I'm sleepy

Probability: 87%

I have a slight cough... And a mild case of sore throat... My body temperature is okay though, so maybe I'm fine.

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I played it with game pass on xbone and first was better

Finishing Shenmue 1 for the first time, but not sure if I should go for the second one. Playing some Call of Pripyat but I feel like I am rushing the main story too much and not touching the side content enough. Like I have left 3 side missions because I wasn't ready or didn't know what to do.
Might also go and finish Yakuza Kiwmai 2
I think I'll watch Secret of NIMH
Not what I should
Rogue Trader bits in preparation of a campaign
I think I'll make some rice with this Uncle Ben sauce I have.
Nothing, on nofap till the end of Lent
Ambiguous. I fear for my grandparents. But it is good to know somehow that the world has problems too.

I always felt sad that Republic Commando didn't get a sequel of any sorts. Nowdays, I'm just glad it stays untouched and unsullied.
Good day to you too user.

Midsommar maybe later
Blood Meridian
Some obscure local beer
It's the lent so no fap

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How is Nioh comapred to Dark Souls? Just asian-themed DS, or there is something else to it?

Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
Whatever on Youtube
Kettle "chilli" chips
Fucked my doggo plush
Metal and alcohol at midnight, so can't complain. Still feel like I'm going to be eternally sick though because of this one coughing and spluttering cunt who I have to share a vehicle with at work.

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Smash Ultimate
Gigguk’s new video
Corona Beer news
Corona Beer news
Rockstar Punched
Gay chubs
Goddamn depressed, with a virus named after a shitty beer ruining EVERYTHING

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I want to play XV, but the steam version has some serious stuttering issues that renders it unplayable no matter what settings I use

>The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
this sound pretty interesting. will have a look at this
>Just drank a beer on an empty stomach and now I'm sleepy
the art behind drinking beer is to simply not stop
>Playing some Call of Pripyat but I feel like I am rushing the main story too much and not touching the side content enough
Exploration is pretty cool in the Stalker Games. Take your time dude
>Secret of NIMH
very based my man. have you watched dark crystal chronicles on Nigflix? you might enjoy it

thats weird, i only got an i5 2500k and 8gb of ram and it runs really well.

Not sure what to play. Fallout, Deus Ex or Divinity 2, lads?
Just have YouTube on in the background.
Blood Meridian
Just had a chicken pasta dish.
Kinda anxious

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Black Mesa
Hat and Pizza achievements.
Hazbin Hotel
Eggs on toast
Too early.

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Re2 remake, graphically impressive and I actually like the new character designs.

New Survive the Jive video



Midnight Pasta, great simple dish


Muscle girls on instawhore

Very chill, though I should be organizing since I’m moving soon.

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Megaman Battle Network, the first one
Starting Gundam 0079 and Symphogeah
Carpenter Brut
Catching up with Kingdom and Spy x Family
Fried chicken and white rice
Boring mineral water
Tags: Tomboy
Feeling well, holed up inside my house until all this Covid-19 shit blows over

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>Pokémon season 1

Assassins Creed Syndicate because I like the old 1800s england settings and haven't played it yet.
dante's divine comedy
chicken soup
Mixery (german cola+beer mix)
fapping is a sin
pretty good, just washed my car and it bling bling now

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Demon's Souls, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and Persona 3
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes
Protein Shake
Dunno yet
I don't really know desu. I'm the Jill Valentine Crush-user, and I thought she had a boyfriend because I saw her walking and being really friendly with another guy, so I just jumped to conclusions, which I know makes me look like a dumbfuck. I recently found out that she's still single, but I don't know if I want to date her anymore. I'm debating between her and two other friends of mine that I also like.

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>until all this COVID-19 shit blows over

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It's very similar mechanical wise, but there are original stuff like the stances or spirit guardian
I liked it more than every sequel to DS to be honest

Deep Rock Galactic, Titan Quest, Slay The Spire, Modern Warfare, Overwatch, CSGO and a lil'bit of Counter-strike 1.6
About to watch Parasite and maybe The Lighthouse if I can find it on the web
>LISTENAN at the moment, but I'll take what spotify throws at me.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck and about to jump on some Lovecraft to change the tone.
Just ate breakfast. Two toasts, peanut butter, blue berries and coffee. I'll probably snack on dill pickles during the day.
Water, tea, coffee.
Went under surgery 4 days ago, got my gall blader removed. I'm trying to get some rest and get my scars to heal. I'm off work now until the 5th of april wich is a good thing considering the current events. I'm also thinking about buying Borderland 3, I loved the 2 but I'm not sure if I should spend the money considering the fact that alot of Epic Exclusive tends to become free after a while. Do you guys think it's worth it? If so, should I get the super deluxe edition?

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Octopath and REmake 2, just arrived to the lab and i'm kinda bored.
Some DSP kino
Some liquid richard fire
Quarantined + homeworking until further notice, so it feels like getting back to NEETdom in a way.
I hope this shit get solved quickly

>buying BL3
No. Don't do it until it goes on sale for cheaper. You know it will. If BL2 can be like five bucks for everything then BL3 can be too at some point. Don't waste your money and go buy something good instead.

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>divine comedy
Where you at in it?

you're probably right. My bipolar brain wants me to buy a new game real bad but I should probably wait.

If you want to buy a game, do it, but make sure it's something that you can keep playing for weeks rather than just a short jot.

What games you like, user?

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Which Fallout would you like to play?
>Survive the Jive
Kinda started disliking that dude, after the fallout with Varg

Age of Empires II DE and Dark Souls Remaster
Ocean's Thirteen
Lounge/downtempo stuff on Digitally Imported
This thread
Homemade buttermilk biscuits w/butter
Hmm...not sure yet
Watching dumbasses in full panic mode over COVID-19. 10/10

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Vinny's SOTC playthrough. Really making me want to replay the Team Ico games.
This thread and Corona news
Carnitas and queso
Baja Blast
Not today
Honestly pretty scared about the virus. Very worried about most of my family. If/when it gets worse I think I'm gonna quit my job and self quarantine.

Monster hunter
Howard stern
Some forgotten realms novel
Havent eaten today yet
Gonna make some coffee
Feeling gud

PMD remake
Haven't watched Louis Rossman in a week and now there's an absolute landfill of new videos so I guess I'm watching that. There's been 6 videos in the past 20 hours. Good christ.
The MV is very impressive
Been feeling pretty good recently. Very happy, and very grateful for that.
Half laughing that my mom is super freaked out by the virus and went to the grocery store for the third time this week, yet the only thing she seems to have gotten was a MASSIVE amounts of chips and sweets. I can't even get any of the chips without making an avalanche.

>SAO was from within the last decade
Feels both very close and very far away doesn't it?

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nuffin yet. maybe Touhou Luna Nights since I just bought that when it went on sale the other day
ez breezy
electro swing
finally caught up with komi-san. think I'll catch up with watamote now
monster energy(tm) + water
imperial gatekeeper
little nervous about the virus
my mom just got sick but she's pretty sure it's a cold since she usually gets on around this time of the year apparently. I hope she's right
at this point it's honestly more of a matter of when and not if I'll catch the virus
I don't have that much faith in my immune system since I never exercise so I'm pretty sure if I catch the virus, I won't last long
can't believe I'm going to die without ever having finished my anime and vidya backlogs..

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>What games you like, user?
I love games with loots and FPSs. I also like roguelikes and roguelites but I got kinda tired of them lately.

Skyrim SE Modded
Beastars English Dub
The first witcher book
I dont know
Fearful for my elderly relatives. Happy that my college is closed for a week. Excited for animal crossing.

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.hack//Infection, AC4, Doom 2016, Iceborne, or TF2
It's Always Sunny/Trailer Park Boys
City pop or some MBMBaM
Fellowship of the Ring
Probably gonna make some gyudon or order in, depending on my mood
Wild Turkey. Love me some bourbon
Excited. Gonna try to CHILL today

I am at the 31st canto of Inferno. I recently bought this book because I wanted to know what's it all about when Tom Hanks was talking about in his movies or even Hannibal Lecter and man, this is the weirdest book I have read sofar.

Re-rolling for a good Minecraft seed to build a colony on. I hate this part of Minecraft, especially since I'm picky about terrain.
Mostly just waiting for Animal Crossing though.
Better Call Saul
Vinny streams
Toro y Moi, Thundercat
Just had some sausage egg and cheese biscuits.
Hazelnut ice coffee.
Reddit sluts posting nudes.
Worried about gorona, wishing everyone would chill the fuck out. Good news is I'll get to work remote for a couple weeks I guess.
Other than that just groggy and the usual tfw no gf. Wish I could find one, but I'm trash.

The virus is not that bad user. Stay away from the news, they're playing on your emotions and pulling your strings. Go distract yourself and just stay safe in home.

I wanted to read the Divine Comedy because of the Devil May Cry games/

Making game videos

Fallout 1.

It is just an ancient form of shitposting. Dante Algiheri puts his political opponents in hell, and exalts people who he uses in his narrative. Has some fun ideas though.

Everything is going to be fine user, don't worry. We just need to flatten the curve. I'm sure your mom is alright. People always tend to panic for no reasons. For exemple, my locals groceries stores got emptied, people got scared because they saw the shelves getting cleared, they tought that we would run out of essentials (toilet paper, water, flour, pastas, etc) but the thing is that the stores refilled their shelves the next day, they used the fear to create a demand. Don't give up to the fear user.

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>138,000 people infected
>5000 dead
The numbers do seem ridiculously small, but I am not sure downplaying it is the smartest move. Probably not being complete shutins, but being smart about basic hygiene and taking extra steps is not a bad idea.

>but being smart about basic hygiene
You're asking too much. People prefer to wear a mask to make them feel like they have an A.T. field.

Guilty Gear XX
Kyoukai no Kanata
the protomen
20th century boys

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Wash hands, avoid unecessary contact with gathering, avoid getting outside if you dont need to. Don't stress to much. Flatten the curve

>fallout with varg
I heard some vague stuff about that, but don’t know much. I like Tom mainly for his up to date knowledge of population genetics, because otherwise these studies would fly under the radar for me.
Yeah, it’s really interesting since it makes you really contemplate the nature of sin and salvation. Even if those aren’t ideas you subscribe to in faith, they’re important to understand.

>quarantine people for weeks to "flatten the curve"
>it works so well that the oubreak just gets postponed till after the quarantine

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Nice, I got interested after seeing some of the artwork, but I’ve stayed for the big ideas lol

the point is to slow down the number of new cases so hospitals don't get overwhelmed, and to buy time to isolate the virus and find a vaccine

Luigi's Mansion 3 today.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
Yas Forums
Bacon later
Magical dress up
Been having the urge to call the mom of a childhood friend who vanished on me 6 years ago and ask how they're doing. I know I shouldn't but I've known them from infantcy to adulthood so my brain feels hardwired to care about them a little no matter what. She keeps popping up on my Jewbook recommendations so no idea if that means she still talks about me even if only to complain.

My local stores/my brother's are completely cleaned out of pasta, water and TP because of Corona and all my local events are cancelled, almost makes me afraid to go to work but my parents got their jobs suspended due to it so someone has to work.

the idea here, is not to maggicallly get rid of the virus or prevent a jump in cases numbers, the idea is to give a long enough brake to make the research for a solution easier

then play Fallout1. After that play the second Game.
>Fellowship of the Ring
fucking based

i get the point, but to get that effect they either need to quarantine people until a) a treatment/vaccine is found and tested or b) 60-70% of the people catch it and herd immunity sets in

a two week break from public life won't be nearly enough for either of those to happen so the spread will just pick up where it left of the day before the qurantine

>Varg and StJ
both are cringe inducing "neopagans".

Half-Life 1. My first playthrough and this game is great and holds up in many areas though AI aiming often comes across as them cheating.
Kyle Bosman streams
Bear's Den, Frank Moody
Just put some fish cakes in.
Not today probably. And if so, old school Siri. Her new body is not for me though the ass is nice.
Alright. Got family Birthdays coming up and mothers day so will be seeing family more. Covid-19 be damned.

Black Mesa
Married with Children
Nest - Woodsmoke
Already jacked of to mature porn
Paranoid as fuck about corona. I wish I had gone innawoods, stalker mode.

Might play New Vegas
Red letter media
Crush 40
Don’t know yet.
SSBBW, Symbiote Girls
I’m alive, that’s all that matters.


Probably Fire Emblem 3 houses, not sure if the DLC is worth it. Also Katamari Reroll. Waiting for AC:NH to release, hopefully corona doesn't delay mail service that week
Not sure yet
Probably finishing 1000 and 1 nights
Not sure

FFXV, Apex and osu.
Been on a 80's 90's crime movie binge lately, nothing this season really looks watching.
Yas Forums and forums
I don't eat in the mornings
probably something with girlcocks and cute boys later desu


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Overwatch and dokkan battle.
Both have a few seasonal events right now.
Looking for new things to watch.
Maybe I'll get back to one punch man.
Bigdad, dabble, rom, captain Korb and a few milf doujins
Alright. Finally got not one but two job opportunities and I need to choose between them. I é is guaranteed while the other is not, but the former is a better job oportunity.

Just went to the beach with my dad for some father / son quality time but he got sunscreen in his eye and that basically ruined the mood. We are heading back home right now, we didn't even spend 2 hours in here lmao.

Based watchman. Eene is fantastic.
I need to re-watch it with duck doggers too.
How's guacameele? I got 100% in the first one.
What flavor?
Weren't you gapping to gay chubs before?

Stay safe frogger

Apperently the first one was better and it wasn't even very good.

I hope it is not Corona user. Stay safe.

Stay safe from Corona mate

Why tough

This Corona shit is getting ony nerves. My mom opened her business a few month ago and no she will have to close it for a week because there's no customers.

Always pick Deus ex

Is hazbin hotel actually good or is it just a meme?

Based fappan

Just date her already mate.

Cs go and 1.6
Never saw anyone play 1.6 anymore

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Anyway, Corvid-19 will the end up just the like that way H1N1 ended up.

Fucking based, married with children is great.
Carpenter Brut’s pretty good.
Muscle girls are cute.
>Ed Edd n’ Eddy
You win the thread.

>How's guacameele? I got 100% in the first one.
It's good but I feel like the first had more soul

Truly better times.

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