Doom Eternal

>Doom Eternal
>Half-Life: Alyx
>City Of Heroes: Rebirth

All coming out March

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None of these games are good

When do I cum in a brown tomboy though

>accurate calendar
Very nice.

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>City Of Heroes: Rebirth
just play thunderspy lol

need tomboy

>>Doom Eternal
Bethesda no way fag

And I'm not interested in any of those!

>no money for games
>no tomboy either

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all shit, and you forgot animal crossing, the only decent game coming out in march

I'll play maybe Doom Eternal if there's a mode that let's you place the gun in the middle. Otherwise only new game I'll be playing is Animal Crossing.

>Forgetting Bannerlord

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Mount and Blade 2 as well
If it's not delayed due to ebin coronavirus

come on boys I came here for the fapping

The studio closed down bros...

these images reek of NTR and I love it

Picking up Doom this month and REmake3 next month, just to check does anyone know if the costume DLC for RE is a preorder bonus for all or a shop exclusive deal?

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Can, you even read?

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Animal Crossing too

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you forgot:
>Nioh 2

There was an option for that in DOOM 2016, there will likely be the same in Eternal.


is it american hours already

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guess nudoom eternal is worth a pirate

Shantae is the only decent game

All those games are shit.
I want to suck the sweat off a tomboys armpits and lick her asshole.

Just nuke this country...


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I doubt it's accurate and it doesn't count the amateur/doujin scene
Japan got quite its fair share of NTR jav and such

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Tanned tomboys.

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Americans aren't cultured enough for 2D, they would probably be posting some twitch streamer.

>>Doom Eternal
literal waifufag shit tier mobile games
>>Half-Life: Alyx
Again, shit
>>City Of Heroes: Rebirth
Nostalgia bait, will be shit

kill yourself

Fuck OP, do I come here just to suffer? I don't even like games any more but the pain of no brown tomboy gf remains. least they were until fat old men fucked and knocked them up...

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Games where you can date tomboys?

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>short hair
>less feminine
>dark hair
>less feminine
>dark skin
>less feminine

You are all closeted homosexuals.

I bet you'll start to post traps in no time.

Based. Why fuck a girl when you fuck a guy. All the benefits of a woman none of the fuss.

Traps are literally the polar opposite of tomboys.
You are gay.

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purse owner 4

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Any games or VN's where you go to a summer vacation and meet a cute brown tomboy gf?

You simply don't understand us tomboy lovers

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I pray to fucking God they don't stop the mail in reaction to the coronavirus. If I can't play DOOM and Animal Crossing while quarantined, I'm going to lose it

we're not gay
We like pussy and tiddies you homo
I bet you like to suck cocks

>hmmmm where are we going user?

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cheesu! cheesu!

Tomboys are losers and only losers like them

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In my pleasure dungeon, sounds ok?

Can I get a source on this manga/hentai please? Reverse image search just gets me a bunch of Yas Forums threads.

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>cheese on hat
>cheese on shirt
cheese on panties too?

Go out and find one.

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How do I get a tomboy gf?

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100% all the games in your backlog and she will fall out of the sky in your lap.