RE4 thread?

RE4 thread?

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no way, gay

definitely not, homo

nsfw version? owo

Not in a million years, somomite

absolutely negative, queer

Attached: 1552997252136.png (181x188, 3.57K)

Kill yourself.

Unfunniest forced meme of the decade thread?

Not a possibility faglord

Attached: 1584119164.bigdad_see_anything_you_want_jpeg.jpg (600x700, 135.85K)

Out of the question, fairy.

not today senpai

not today

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Begone, homo

Attached: noway.jpg (1259x937, 186.5K)

Not a chance fancypants

>watching Speedo Sausage for the porn

Attached: 1547313697019.jpg (895x895, 55.59K)

>I'm oxidating right now

Attached: 862.jpg (493x379, 28.67K)

S-She's such big gurl now

Attached: 1454200588687.gif (493x370, 351.87K)

>waah r*ddit killed muh board culture
>nooo you can't post Yas Forums meems that I don't like!!!


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totally nope, anal grope.

Why did they remove the ballistics physics in later versions of the game?

Attached: ashley toast.jpg (622x768, 101.46K)

They didn't, it was literally just the PS2 version that did this, probably to just save on data. My Gamecube, PS3 and PS4 all have her bouncing tits, especially PS4.

No way, fag

omg those ears

total nay, fancy bandit

I don't think so, assblasted homofaggot.
Are those ears real??

Have you played the game??????


I think not, sodomite

>that link video he made

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As if I would ejaculate anywhere but in my own mouth, wench.

I would. Leon a fag

Go back to posting wojak, fag.


Not in a million years, queer. Also started replaying it, it’s fantastic. Right amount of clunky and action

Hate to ask, but who’s the chick?

You wish, swish

kinda looks like pacifica and dipper from gravity falls, might be wrong though

>asking a coomer if he has played a video game
Good one

Attached: 3c.jpg (924x727, 77.69K)

Secure the ballistics!

post the original this looks like shit


Attached: nowayfug.png (680x850, 606.16K)

el goblino...

it says speedo right there, just google his stuff

De jeito nenhum gayzaum


Women don't draw porn.

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Good luck uploading the original to Yas Forums, 4mb and it's fucked

re4 is the reddit game of the resident evil series, why are you surprised?

damn I love big tits

iyada mou, dōseiai-sha

personalamis wife

atechan has 16mb and webms with sound

Is this achievable natty?

>normies on Youtube begging for a remake of this because "it has aged badly"
Never thought I'd see the day, RE4 was the normiest blockbuster ever back in the day.

Not a chance, fancypants

not even the unfunniest forced meme of it's own series this decade

Attached: RE6C600338.jpg (600x338, 54.93K)

>have sex
>I'm gonna say it
>holy crap lois
>Yep. That's going in my cringe compilation
>Gamers rise up!
>All forms of Yas Forumsstering my retarded fucking Yas Forumslacks
Not even in the top ten, stranger danger

>RE4 was the normiest blockbuster ever back in the day
So was RE2, in fact RE2 sold more than RE4, way more, on just one console in fact.