game to fill the void left by these?
3x3 thread
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do it
PC98 or PS1 version
>Witcher, Arx Fatalis Wizardry, Legacy of Kain
extremely based list. Nice to see someone else sharing his love for Arx Fatalis. still need to try Vagrant Story some day
>Kotor 2, New Vegas, Stalker
I prefer the first Kotor, but the second aint bad either.
i want to play one of these games at some point but they almost seem too "archaic" in design for me to get
3/3 +aria of sorrow, vagrant story, metal slug 3
3/3 +KOTOR2, DMC5, Underrail
2/2 +diablo 2, mario world
>Guild Wars 1
>Vagrant Story
>Legacy of Kain
You're a cool guy OP.
There is nothing to fill this void though, I'm sorry.
I'm gonna copy your rating system
Put the titles of the games/10
Mine has not been updated in a long time, but who cares.
only like metal slug 3
only like kotor 2
very interesting
unterwegs in düsterburg +++
we share monkey island
we share ghost trick, haven't played most of the others
My last one is cheating because I couldn't come up with a 9th game. But playing online poker counts, r-right?
>Stalker, Hotline Miami, New Vegas, Oblivion
pretty interesting list. I prefer Morrowind to Oblivion. Hotline Miami was a nice Game, but would never get a chance into my top 9.
Blade of Darkness looks interesting. Care to tell me something about it?
Still have to play Shadow of the Colossus. maybe will start after finishing Pokemon Platinum.
>unterwegs in düsterburg +++
you played Uunterwegs in Düsterburg? Fucking nice user! you are the first one Ive encountered here!
>we share monkey island
yeah I loved to play Monkey Island as a Child. Font memories and still the best Point and Click out there if you ask me.
>HOMM3, Doom, Diablo, Baldurs Gate
Do you prefer Diablo 1 over 2?
Haven't played any of these other than Aria of Sorrow. Does Arx Fatalis still hold up?
/ + /
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+ / /
feel like trying DMCV soon
please label the games, my nigga
/ / /
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+ + +
+ / +
+ + -
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played none other than Ghost Trick (which is good)
>Do you prefer Diablo 1 over 2?
Yeah, Unterwegs in Düsterburg and Vampires Dawn are pretty much THE well known german rpg maker games, at least for germans
I played them because they were on demo discs (bravo screenfun)
Based 7/7
0/0 fuck you artsy faggots who refuse to put titles
>Blade of Darkness looks interesting. Care to tell me something about it?
Pretty much the precursor of the Souls games, made in Spain.
why that? I played them both and cant think of a single thing the first Game made better.
Die Screenfun wurde auch in Österreich verkauft. So bin ich zu den Spielen gekommen.
Für mich ist Unterwegs in Düsterburg, ohne jedwede Übertreibung, eines der besten Spiele die ich je gespielt habe. Besonders geil ist das der Entwikcler an einem Remake arbeitet.
Vampires Dawn ist leider nicht so gut gealter wie UiD.
>why that? I played them both and cant think of a single thing the first Game made better.
Mostly nostalgia.
a valid point in my book
have you ever played it online?
No but I played it all the time with my brothers over LAN.
>Besonders geil ist das der Entwikcler an einem Remake arbeitet.
Interesting, do you have a link or something?
these early entries have the reputation of being absurdly hard and punishing, one of these days Ill lock myself up and conquer all of them even the fourth one
I need to play nox
front mission is the bomb
yeah Im still looking though, there has to be at least one game out there of the same caliber
severance has been on the backlog for years fuck
cant go wrong with the classics
he is blogging about it on his Facebook Page.
>I need to play nox
yes you do. havent you played Gothic 2?
havent played the best rpg ever made (yet) unfortunately. Im waiting for more free time so I can isolate myself and fully enjoy it. Maybe my workplace will close if shit hits the fan over here
I played it on my childhood, so I had a shitton of time to waste. Gothic 2 is a Game you can play one or two hours a day tough, no biggie.
>MGS3, Donkey Kong Country 2, Kongdom Hearts
Damn I love DKC2! And still have to start playing the first 3 REs
10/10, user.
still waiting for Yas Forums to play nethack
i dont understand how anyone can like kingdom hearts or persona
>I dont understand
>how can anybody like Games I dont like
user, if i play Nethack will you finish your mega chart?
Believe it or not but I discovered Severance when I was like 16, on my way to karate lessons, because someone throw the CD out of the window on a burst of rage.
+Aria of Sorrow
+Metal Slug 3
-0.5 Arx Fatalis
-0.5 E.Y.E.
+New Vegas
+Morrowind, Nox, Gothic 1, SMW, Diablo 2
-Monkey Island 2 (most of the puzzles are unfairly cryptic)
+Ghost Trick
+New Vegas, Hotline Miami, TF2
-0.5 Shadow of the Colossus (the solution to defeating some of the bosses are too cryptic)
+Ghost Trick, Monkey Island 1, Terranigma
+Bloodborne, DeS, Chaos Theory
-0.5 Hotel Dusk (I might be biased because when you play a game with a crazy story and plot twists like VLR stuff like Hotel Dusk looks too tame)
+Hotline Miami
-0.5 E.Y.E, VtmB, MGS2
+MGS3, Max Payne 1
You have La Mulana on your top 9 and you think SoTC is too criptic?
The rewards La-Mulana gives you for figuring things out are much greater than those of SotC. Plus the game is primarily there for its first half.
Redpill me on Divine Divinity
It has the gameplay of Diablo 2, but the writing is much better than the one in that game. There's a massive world to explore with lots of nooks and crannies to explore. You might have to tough out the first segment of the game (you start the game in a village and you have basically no freedom, but once you finish the first dungeon which is below that same village the game really opens up), but it's definitely worth a play. The biggest flaw of the game is that the final part was rushed - you get an empty overworld and a mediocre final dungeon.
There's also some interesting drag and drop mechanics, e.g. you can pick up apples from the table and drop them into your inventory, or drag and drop herbs so you can mix potions etc.
5/8, not too bad
4/5, I am completely indifferent
5/6, pretty fucking nice
Absolutely fucking based
9/9, immaculate
6/7, I could never get into EYE
Nine out of god damned nine. Really good stuff.
Yas Forums: the 3x3
Well the regard you get has nothing to do with something being 'too criptic' or not.
>Yas Forums: the 3x3
Ironic, coming from a guy who has MGS2, Super Mario Sunshine, Bloodborne, Doom 1 etc. on his mosaic. La-Mulana 1, Divine Divinity and arguably Contracts and OiF aren't Yas Forumscore.
Correct, but I wasn't elaborating back when I mentioned that MI2 is cryptic. If I went into more detail I would have said "cryptic as hell and the rewards for figuring out the puzzles weren't that good". If anything, the ending to the game is extremely good so I can give it a plus just for that and the beautiful graphics.
what did i do?
No hard feelings user, just a bit of bantz
Sounds great. I'll get it. Thanks
No offense taken, it's just that it was weird how you pointed out the Yas Forumscore games in my mosaic when the others you rated have a lot of those as well.
Glad to hear that. By the way, the OST is extremely good.
2:05 gets me every time.
You didn't post covers or titles. You're just making it harder for people.
i care for aesthetics and its not like any of my games are obscure. On top of that most of the art I used are of the most iconic aspect of that game or well-known art in front mission's case
>"cryptic as hell and the rewards for figuring out the puzzles weren't that good"
Can't argue with that.
>i care for aesthetics
And that's the problem. We don't give a shit. Don't post here then. Follow the format and leave it.
read the rest of my justification
doesn't change anything. You asked a question and you got the answer. Your justification is irrelevant in any case.
1/2 LBA looks interesting
I didnt recognize most of the games and they all looked weeb-y. I'm sure youre based in your own way man dw about it
Post artwork without titles.
Last one is drakengard 3 !
Ah shit, I just remembered.
Swap Texas hold em with "No One Lives Forever".
it has no positive qualities
>Rayman 2
>Metal Slug 3
Holy fucking base-
You fucking blew it.