>Etika gets a sticky
>E3 getting cancelled doesn't
Nani the fuck?
>Etika gets a sticky
>E3 getting cancelled doesn't
Nani the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did E3 jumped off a bridge?
Did anyone really care?
Is E3 a dead nigger?
E3 getting cancelled isn't being spammed as much so containment isn't necessary.
Only the showfloor is cancelled. The seperate company conferences will either still happen or be digital-only
>tragic suicide of an internet hero that everyone who wasn't radically racist or against streamers loved
>stupid worthless excuse to throw advertisements in your face and get you to throw money into company stocks.
I wonder why
Rosa is fucking weird. I really want to fuck her hair and I don't know why.
>non vidya overreacting fake nintendofag is more vidya than E3
etika nigger
>>tragic suicide of an internet hero that everyone who wasn't radically racist or against streamers loved
>>stupid worthless excuse to throw advertisements in your face and get you to throw money into company stocks.
>I wonder why
Angry gamers might kill some niggers, so could be.
>tragic suicide
anyone committing suicide is a big ol fucking bitch and should be mocked eternally for their weakness. Everyone feels sad, everyone gets depressed, everyone feels "so low they can't handle it anymore". The trick is to not drown yourself in that feeling by giving into it.
ESPECIALLY when you're a god damned model and major internet star that could pull thousands of dollars a month for doing very little editing or actual work, just interaction with fans.
Imagine if everyone were this shallow.
At least give me a (you) bro
Imagine not being able to capitalize on not being restrained by the most important object in the entire world. Pathetic.
I'm poor as shit, lonely, depressed, never happy, and STILL not willing to give in to suicide. If I could do it, how could a literal model not? Fucking failure of a human being.
Because E3 is a circlejerk of investors, "journalists" and other kissassers and bootlickers. Nothing by gamers for gamers, thus it's spam on Yas Forums
>yeah bro, just don't be mentally ill, worked for me
You're going to die one day and everyone will forget about you.
Of course I am. Why would that make me want to kill myself? I'd rather just keep living for the brief moments in between existential terror that has become my life. Like literally everyone else in the world.
The difference is, you're a weak willed person who never tried to improve your situation. He improved his and was a star to many, but his depression was actually real and he couldn't get rid of it.
Plus the dude just wanted to see his brother again.
Imagine actually thinking like this
Imagine actually being so cucked that you have to think this way
>nani the fuck
Kill yourself you worthless nigger, you don't even deserve to post rosa
>t.weak-willed suicidal tranny
>some dime a dozen react monkey leaps off a bridge
please follow suit
The mod that made that sticky should be hunted down and killed.
He had the looks and probably had a big dick.
He won the life lottery(aside from being black).
Why would he an hero?
>Keemstar tells Etika to jump off a bridge and he does, gets a sticky and spammed
>Real news about gaming and our economy collapsing gets completely ignored
Sounds about right.
mental illness is a meme
Thanks man this really gave me the motivation to go back to my shitty Amazon job and keep working like a good soldier! Also
>the brief moments in between existential terror that has become my life.
People never lie on the internet :^)
If all you're gonna do is be a bitter asshole to everyone you're better off dead.
hurr durr money is not happiness. eat shit, every rich dude who is sad or depressed or whatever is doing it for attention only. imagine having everything you want and still wanting more - what can you do? cry for attention, oh boo hoo look at me i'm so lonely in this mansion omfg i can't even.
it's better to cry in a viper than in a ford focus faggot. fuck outta here
For me, it's Hilda's phat ass
If Animal Crossing gets a sticky in a week should we just go and jump off?
>Not videogames
I guess Robin Williams just did it for the clout
The only people who says money is not = happiness are the ones who has lots of it. There's literally no reason to be depressed when you're famous, rich, and living a good life. That monkey is just a bitch.
every possible situation has exeptions, nothing is ever 100% true including what i said. RW is an exeption and i can easily name a couple more. doesn't invalidate reality
>I like the guy so, his depression is justified
Hilda is trash, she doesn't have an ass, she's just a fucking sprite you dumbass
nah fag, rw was involved in many normal shit not just parties, movies, bitches and late night shows. he was involved in ground based shitfest campaigns and he saw and dealt with shit that causes loss of hope. he didnt drink away his nights in his limousine, banging glamour whores, do a shot for a movie and the cry oh shit i can't do it anymore i am so depressed.
do you get it yet? as i already said, he is an exeption as are many others and not because I like him but due to objective situation as the ones mentioned above
>an internet hero
So you're just dismissing everyone you don't like with money as shallow party animals. Etika saw his entire family die, but all he needed was hookers and blow to get over it right?
Etika was a cool Black guy spreading positivity
E3 is just a commercial event to shill products
iwata also got a sticky because he was a cool Japanese guy spreading positivity
In a way it did if you really think about it
for the 3rd time, the exeptions are not exeptions because i like them, who or what i like is irrelevant. the objective known facts about their day to day activities give them the rank of exeptions. same shit for the other side. from 100 persons 99 that are rich and cry depression, based on their publicly available photos, messages, postings, videos, appeareances i can objectively deduct they are party animals who cry depression for attention.
idgaf about etika i replied to the retarded idea that money is not happiness. who the money belongs to is irelevant.
>internet hero
7/10 made me reply
it's almost like this is a board full of underage kids
>internet hero
E3 was on its way to the grave anyways. Sony was already out and Nintendo didn't confirmed. Why waste millions on a big advertisement when you can just do your own presentation at your own pace.
This is the mindset of a girl who sees a star on tv and falls in love with them based on what they see. You're smart enough to know people are nuanced but choose to say fuck it and jump to the simple conclusion that what you see is everything they are.
If there are exception to the rule the rule is not absolute.
imagine being this jealous that nobody will ever refer to you as such because you waste time on Yas Forums and Yas Forums being racist Instead of a positive influence in the world.
Ya, him jumping off a bridge because someone with a bigger following told him too in an interview is a great message to spread to the kids.
By that standard, why didn't Total Biscuit's death get a sticky?
The world has had enough positivity for a few decades. It needs strife, like any growing child.
Robin had LBD and was in the late stages of it. Don't fucking bring him into this
he struggled with mental health user, and he even realized that himself that's why he was lamenting in his last video that he feels like he messed things up for himself.
he wasn't a bad guy trying to spread a bad message to kids if anything he was warning them how social media is not Good for your mental health. he also blamed himself a lot for stuff.
Not much to discuss, or to contain. Do you see endless "E3 IS CANCELLED" threads flooding the catalog at the moment?
He still had a loving family and had the fore thought to write a suicide note about how no one knew the real him and yadda yadda
Whos etica?
Someone told me to kill myself, time to kermit suicide.
E3 has been dead for years my man.