ITT Vidya sins

I have never played FFVII

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thats not a sin, thats a blessing

I've never played any final fantasy. Fuck weeb games.

Keep it that way

Not particularly a sin but you should give it a go if you think it's a bad thing that you haven't played it.

That has an easy solution, just play it
People that used wallhacks like me are going straight to hell

I've never played Half-Life

ive never played any MGS, final fantasy, devil may cry, bayonetta, dark souls

>MGS, DMC, Bayonetta
Those are my top 3 favorite games, you're missing out big time user
>Metal Gear Rising
>Metal Gear Solid 3
If you liked MGR or Bayonetta, then try some DMC, maybe skip straight to 5

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Don't listen to this user you will miss a lot if you jump straight to 5

I have never played ANY of the Legend of Zeldas. Not even at a friend's house or a demo or anything.

I've never finished the game. I got to the random forest where Yuffie joins your party and then I started driving a car or someshit on the world map and thats the last thing I remember.

I have never seen worse taste than this.

People say I have shit taste all the time but really what is wrong with my list?

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Spoiler: story, characters and world of that game are pure trash

I've never beaten the Orphan of Kos

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i can almost smell his room

>I have never played FFVII
It is quite literally one of the most overrated and memed games in existence. It is not a sin to not play it.

That's okay, elitists are arseholes, play whatever you want whenever you want

It's just the most generic and normie shit you can find appart from elephant
don't worry about it

That’s ok. It’s not a requirement. It’s pretty fun. Aged terribly though, as it’s very ugly to look at, and the pace of everything is SLOWWWWW. Everything was all wooshy camera and cinematic bullshit, so fighting alone got tedious as fuck.

I disagree, it is not normieshit

>ITT Vidya sins
I always support nintendo when buying a game with a control cross

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What time is it over there? Oh sorry you don’t understand the concept of “time” you guys just count the bongs don’t you?

*I always support nintendo when buying a gamePAD with a control cross

I never beat Super Mario Bros.

Good, wait for remake, it's going to be a million times better.

>Aged terribly
You think? I did the 100% play-thru last year after not playing it since the '90s. I loved it.

user, have you...never played FF13 or 15?

I'm sort of a weeb but I hate most old-school JRPGs. From what I've played of SMT, Persona, and Earthbound these ones are actually great. PM:TTYD looks great as well. But FF, Chrono, Dragon Quest, etc, all those series have aged like hot garbage.

These are all great but more so ARPGs than oldschool JRPGs.

Yup. FF7R's demo has already shown that it's learned from those games mistakes. The absolutely massive attention to the tiniest little minute details from the original is also very encouraging. Cloud feels AMAZING to control, his combat flow is absolutely perfect. The combat system in general is perfect, you can't do it better than that. It's like a mixture of the best parts of Kingdom Hearts with things like Stagger from 13 and a completely seamless transition between characters, who are perfectly fine fighting one their own while waiting for you to make use of their AP. Not to mention changes such as weapons having their own upgrade trees, giving you a reason to continue using the Buster Sword throughout the entire game.

This is going to be a masterpiece, period. I can already feel it. There is simply too much passion and love being thrown into this project.

I think HoMM3 looks kinda ugly.

Have you played the demo?

You should. FFVII is the best pure-JRPG.

I got bored with chrono trigger 40 minutes in.

I didn’t like FF7. The pre rendered backgrounds gave me a headache.
>inb4 zoomer
I’m 30. I played it in it’s heyday. 3D polygons on Prerendered backgrounds looks exactly like what it is, a 3D polygon floating in front of a flat painting. My brain refuses to insert the figure into it like it’s a scene, and it makes me nauseous. FF7 was ugly garbage when it came out, and it’s uglt garbage now, the remake is a cheap cash grab.

>vidya sins
putting the controller on my cock when it started vibrating during the Quickening sequences on FFXII

Play it, it's actually not that long a game and it's utterly fantastic

It's on pretty much every platform

15's combat is dogshit compared to 7R. It was also a bloated, unfocused mess of a development cycle. 7R is a remake, their focus is laser sharp and their know exactly what they want to do now.

Square has been waiting to do this for decades. 13 and 15 were nothing more than practice for this.

That’s not sin that’s based.

>the remake is a cheap cash grab

Agree with everything you said until this. Get the fuck out of here lol, Square is breaking the bank with this game. Have you seen the visuals alone? Holy fucking shit, Midgar looks INCREDIBLE.

jesus the underage
>uh I don't read that much so I'll put something I had to read in school (a play)
>[stock beer photo because I'm not old enough to drink hence can't distinguish between brands] (let alone recognise how piss beer is)
>I want to appear worldly and I like Japanese stuff so I'll use a generic sushi picture without distinguishing what kind of sushi I like
>my favourite location is an immensely varied city which I've maybe visited twice so I'll represent it with a landmark I saw from a distance rather than anything personally affecting
>my favourite TV show is the one that has been going for 60 years and experienced multiple distinct phases, dips and heights in quality and generally not a strong stylistic cohesion
be more confident in being your own individual, you don't have to like the most popular things to feel accepted.

Nothing wrong with enjoying it. And I’m making a comparison to the flow of today’s JRPGs (like DQ XI). It’s a lot snappier and faster to get in and out of things. There is a LOT of waiting for things to happen in the original.

They're also completely changing the way combat works, for the BETTER I might add, and are fleshing out the story immensely with fully voiced characters and scenes that weren't in the original, such as Shinra taking advantage of Avalanche's attack on the reactor by blowing it up themselves, making Avalanche look more like terrorists. This was only referenced in the original when Jesse, the one who made the bomb, thinks about whether she used too much of the explosive and that the bomb wasn't supposed to be that powerful.

Cheap cash grab my ass.


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I've never played Street Fighter or any fighting game not part of the Tekken, Soul Calibur and Smash Bros. franchises.

Doesn't stop me from fapping to the hentai though.

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Some R. Mika hentai by Greco Roman

>Be me when younger.
>Be the kid who likes Star Wars, Final Fantasy and other shit, Hobbit...
>Friends are all dude bro's who only play fucking Madden.
>It took me forever to get them to play Halo, then they fell in love with it.
>In our 30's now.
>Same friends coming up to me.
>They cant stop pissing their pants over how amazing Star Wars is, or Final Fantasy.
>They actually act as if they never made fun of me for liking this shit, and act like I have never heard of it before.

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That's okay, OP I've never seen Alien, Aliens, The Thing, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, or Halloween parts 1-3

>Those are my top 3 favorite games
>skip straight to 5
What a fucking retard, also absolute shit taste.
Don't listen to that user, start from DMC1, it's the best one. You can skip bayonetta, you can also skip most of the FF games. They're just 50 hours of mindless A spamming with really shitty dungeons and mediocre stories

again, so underage, we can see the bait from a mile away dude, stop trying so hard to fit in

I respect you user, but I'm sorry your taste is pretty unbased and blue pilled.

you still responded though and im not even that guy

>part 1 of 5
>pump all of their money into visuals because that’s the easiest part to show off in a trailer
>instead of trying to perfect the mechanics, use stock and trade action rpg button mash mechanics
>not a cash grab

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I can't beat most of SMT final bosses. In SJ:Redux, I lowered the difficulty to easy and I still had a hard time. I did the same for Raidou 1 and 4. I also never finished raidou 2 because I couldn't beat the final boss. Which is weird because people say 1,2 and Nocture are the most difficult ones even though I found them piss-easy
Also I never finished FFX, I couldn't beat Sin, though that was because I didn't like it at all and I ran from every encounter to finish the game faster
That's just FF7's problem. Pre-rendered backgrounds look fantastic when they're done well. The first RE remake is still looks better than most modern games

The only based things here are Ghost Trick and SZS.

Good. Its overrated as fuck anyway

>pump all of their money into visuals because that’s the easiest part to show off in a trailer
>not a cash grab

Which is it, retard?

>world of that game are pure trash

I’ll spell it or because apparently you have Down syndrome.
>of the money they spend, most of it goes into graphics because that looks best in a trailer

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I like JRPGs but I've never played any of the FFs.

I just thought this was a teaching moment for the kid, he doesn't need to try so hard to be liked, he would fit in more if he just liked being his own person. It's important to tell kids this.

So it's a cash grab...that they're investing tons of money into? Oh, okay. Fucking retard.

>surprising there is gatekeeping on Yas Forums


I played and beat FF7 just so I can say I've played it

Most of any dev cycle's money goes into graphics. Graphics are expensive.

Okay, but it's basically a list of what's popular among teenagers.

>teenagers love Supertramp
>teenagers love Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
>teenagers love Romeo and Juliet
>teenagers love Doctor Who
>teenagers love Gyakuten Kenji 2, Attorney Online Vidya, Ghost Trick
By the way I am not going out of my way to hate popular things like the rest of you do, but I disagree that my list is composed of bland stuff

Can I say it again?
Of the money they are spending, almost all of it is graphics, which is the easiest to make with the least effort. Are you illiterate? Is English your second language? I’ve explained it twice now and yet you keep repeating the same retarded drooling. How else can I explain it so your mogoloidal foreign brain can understand?

Only jrpg i've played are lost odyssey and radiant historia.

I have never payed any of these series:
>Deus ex
>System shock
>Baldurs gate

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Disagree all you want.

You're here in an open, honest court of public opinion and we're telling you that we can smell the entry-level on you from here.

>teenagers don't love supertramp
>teenagers don't love manga
>teenagers don't like shakespeare
>teenagers don't love doctor who
>teenagers don't love Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick


Not to mention
>part 1 of 5
Gimme a break, “not a cash grab” go fuck yourself.

I was a teenager and no one liked that stuff (it all already existed by then)

>which is the easiest to make with the least effort

That isn't true though. Graphics are expensive as fuck, and if you actually want to make your game look nice and not just a shitty Unreal Engine tech-demo you need good art direction, which FF7R definitely has, which costs even more money.

You must live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.

Everything you listed was and is extremely common and entry-level.

You could make your bait believable by not implying Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is entry level

I finished it several months ago, to be honest it felt like a chore a lot of the times but messing around with materia is pretty fun. Final boss is fucking bs though, if you rush through the game you won't have the necessary things to beat him so you'll be stuck. I checked ff wiki where to find two more ribbons and farmed them from the turtle with the star, without doing that it wouldn't be possible for me to beat him cuz he stuns all my party members and I can't do shit.

Every retard who reads manga has that one series they think is rare enough it makes them unique.

Don't get upset because your taste is entry-level.

Jokes on you I did not even read the manga, it's the anime

Have a good day, buddy.

I'm not your buddy, fag

>part 1 of 5
>generic as fuck button mash beat em up combat that obviously had zero effort put into it
BuT grAPHicS aRE EXpeNsIVE sO it CanT bE CaLLed A cASh gRAb.
Sincerely, what’s your IQ, 35?
Have fun spending money on 1/5th of a cinematic.

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