How are you guys enjoying the PC release? Gachafag secondaries need not apply.
Granblue Fantasy Versus
any word on what the steam version's input delay is? And I'm guessing I should play with vsync off for best results? and on fullscreen rather than borderless?
ferry is my wife
Is Bubs' black hole only useful as a combo extender? I haven't found a use for it in neutral, but I might just be dumb.
This was in the game files, what might they be implying
>This was in the game files
you can unlock this
Thank christ you can easily cheat the RPG mode with cheat engine. Making grids is already a pain in the ass in the mobage and I'll be damned if I do it again here.
Bah don't cheat, thats no fun
- Zooey has a "Wyvern Gauge" that allows her to use Lyrn, it seems like a summon/pet.
- All 3 remaining DLC chars will be released on late April, alongside a new stage based on Lumacie's forest and two new lobby avatars, Rosetta and Yggy.
>80 euros for 15 characters
What a fucking scam
Scam would imply that you're not getting whats advertised
>best I can do against tutorial Gran is 2/5
Am I hopeless?
Input delay is lower than PS4
There's no Vsync option, you can use borderless to get rid of scanlines, the game can run on toasters anyway so you can get 60 FPS no problem.
Just bought it an hour ago, will play later when I have more time.
Gonna main Narmaya and play Katalina on the side a little since she was enjoyable in the beta.
This is the game
This lets you play it online
It's early april for Soriz, Djeeta and the stage and late april for Zooey.
I wonder if they will be release at the same time, can't wait for the full peacemakers wings remix.
I enjoy it a lot.
Easilly the best 2d fighting game this gen.
Don't @me
>released on PC worldwide
>but still not released in the EU for another 2 weeks
>also no crossplay, marking it's death on PC
they killed this game before it was even alive, i have 0 interest in picking it up now
Could this really work? They're not that incompetent right?
How do I block and defend properly? Seriously, I just keep dying because of that.
It works as of now so yes they are that incompetent
You're not hopeless, you can do it user. I believe in you!
Stop pressing buttons when you're getting attacked.
HK release day had more players in EU lobbies than PC release.
In time, you will get used to seeing what ever is hitting you and you will learn to block it with practice.
Stop trying to dash 24/7. You can't barrier/FD brake.
It really is matchup dependant, so it means there's a lot of experience needed to do it properly, but generally you want to find gaps in your opponents pressure and punish them for it, find out what moves are safe and what moves you have to respect.
Its not a hard and fast rule but ending with a special (some are just bullshit so look up individual frame data with Dustloop) or Heavy is usually punishable with a c.L
Just keep on trying, user! I'm at rank C5, and I managed to get an A rank against him!
>block button instead of hold-back blocking
is this really true? what fucking fighting game uses a block BUTTON?
i mean't real fighting games
You can do both.
Also, MK.
nrs games,soul calibur,virtua fighter
Holy shit playing this with controller is hell.
any 3D game not named Tekken, Mortal Kombat
>Go to online the other day
>Everyone's using Gran and his boot spam
Fucking Gran's Boot Fantasy man... month for another character to be retarded top tier
is matchmaking still alive?
>$79.99 CAD
XSeed wants everyone from 3rd world countries to play the PC version, don't they?
Does anyone know if theres a way to mess with the game’s settings like this in Revelator?
Nerf that faggot bitch gran
Is this even worth it?
So far yeah I'd say so. I'm enjoying rpg mode
Hold out till early April. Hot Gran/Kat nerfs are inbound.
anyone noticing a difference in input lag between borderless and fullscreen? I tried fucking around with both, but my pleb eyes can't really tell for certain if there is much of a difference or not.
Now yeah, but not a week from now. Don't actually buy the game, pirate it to fuck around and maybe buy the PS4 version if you really need to play online, but this game's pretty much dead. Peaked at 5.2k players on launch day
Any frame-data/moves resources written up yet? Like knowing which moves are anti-airs for each character for example.
Dustloop has a wiki.
Is Gran really that good? I enjoy playing him as a newcomer to fighting games but I also don't want to get carried by the character.
People sure do love self-fulfilling prophecy-ing the fuck out of new fighters.
oh what are they gonna do to kat? i just got the game and i like using her and zeta
>Is Gran really that good? I enjoy playing him as a newcomer to fighting games but I also don't want to get carried by the character.
Try asking this yourself - "Am I spamming the boot?" if yes, then I have bad news for you...
ty user.
Fans of other dead fighting games are so mad, theres finally a fighting game that is huge. Can feel them seething in this thread.
It's happened to literally every fighter on PC except DBFZ and SFV, and DBFZ peaked at fucking 8 times the player count this did and is fucking DragonBall.
Do not buy fighting games on PC unless they are simultaneous release, crossplay, and have rollback netcode.
Can this risk your steam account? I assume it still uses your credentials
You're also missing MK11 and Tekken as popular PC fighters, don't be so doom n gloom.
Slowly getting better, mainly having difficulty beating Ferry's but even then I'm slowly starting to get it.
>p-p-p-please keep buying sony games!! please keep paying to use your own internet!!! Sony needs your support! We have more players even though we never release our player counts!!!
Nah, fuck off.
so how many PC players are there for this?
Can't say I do so I guess I'm safe on that front.
It's your 80 bucks retard, spend it however you please. All I know is that I've never had to use a Discord with 14 people in it to find matches when I play fightan on PS4
>Not owning both PS4 and PC
this is not a number
>frame data still isn't included in the game
>no rollback
>no crossplay
why are jap devs this fucking allergic to progress
Who's your main? If you can, just play full screen against her. She may be a zoner but she cant zone full screen without getting closer and putting you in the corner. Let her approach you and try to play a fireball game if you can and react to her approach and punish properly.
There's plenty of top players who use controller. Teresa for example
Currently 4,100 players online, most americans are just waking up though.
Playing Kat, currently been basically just blocking and waiting for either a move I can predict and hit the whip, or just dodging forward through a slower move in order to approach, still a very slow process and after a blockstring I'm pushed back into her range again.
I bought it on ps4 but I'm not kidding myself, most of the EU players are going to switch to PC at some point.