What went wrong?
Nioh 2
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They are doing this six month to a year console exclusive bullshit. I bought the first one on PS4 and it came to PC. I am waiting this time.
>What went wrong?
You made a thread in Yas Forums instead of using the general in /vg/
Seethe and cope
Did they even fixed the first one on pc? I remember that it was almost unplayable when it came out
Generals up for people actually playing it.
>shinobi outfit with Max size tiddies
Its so obvious the devs are biased in regards to the weapons. Weapons like 1kat, odachi 2kat i get so many of and they are powerful, yet hatches my main i get almost 0 drops of. And their Att.Power is so low compared to the rest of my arsenal. Ffs this is annoying. And almost no revenants have hatches so i can’t farm them
It very much just looks like a Nioh 1.5
console faggotry
Should I buy this or Sekiro? I don´t plan to go outside at all due to the Coronavirus. And I need a game that will keep my occupied for a while.
>all that effort to do as much damage as kusarigama does in one high stance attack
nothing, apart from it being a fucking timed exclusive
sekiro is better. nioh is longer and has more replay value probably. i would buy the first one though if you haven't played it. it's probably pretty cheap right now and the 2nd game is very similar.
Anyone wanna help me with the ice odachi boss? Password NIOHG
nioh has a lot more content and replay value
They're very different games but both are great and worth the money. I suppose Sekiro is cheaper now but yeah, get both.
>tfw beat Sekiro and Nioh this week and getting Nioh 2 today
I'm getting to a point where I'm sick of seeing Sengoku era stuff. But I need 2 so I can do a Sword Saint Isshin cosplay
No,never, just like ww2
I beat Mezuki last night, using switch glaive and KUNAI WITH CHAIN or whatever it's called. Doing co-op now to help people with the boss. Pretty fun. I got pretty bored with Nioh 1 but I think I'll actually finish this one.
And that's a good thing.
For the new guys remember, low stance dodging is your friend for dodging multi swing attacks
In Ni-oh 1 is there any point in going with the 1kat over 2kat or odachi? I feel like it barely does more damage than 2kat while not having the same sheer DPS due to less speed, and it's barely quicker than odachi while not having the same damage/range advantage. I also prefer the movesets of odachi/2kat but I only played for 30 hours so I can't fully compare
I just beat the first boss and feel like I accomplished something.
It's too hard.
Every enemy is an absolute chore that takes forever to chip away at. They give you all these combos and reward stance shifts but it doesnt matter because every non-grunt enemy has a mountain of health and infinite super armour, so they'll just shrug off your combo and then one-shot you (since they can also all one-shot you too).
The first game was not like this. What were they thinking?
>decide to help some people for a change of mood
>get into guys world, he's afk, and I can't be fucked waiting but I notice he's opened up a shortcut, so I go the long way around to clear
>finally get back to the shortcut and he's finally waking up
>we go off and clear the map
>go help someone else, then another person, then another
>then I get him again after like an hour
>it's the very next map and he's afk again
>he's literally waiting for people to clear maps for him
What are you doing wrong? I'm killing enemies and bosses in seconds.
No farming, just stacked the shit out of Yokai Abilities, Anima and Amrita Gain. And I'm not even spamming them as much as I could be.
1kat playstyle is to exclusively use iai quickdraw and backwave
Fag who mains katana here, what should I be leveling up besides Constitution, Heart, and whatever I need for armor (assuming I find something I want to stick with) this time around? Ninjutsu I'm assuming? Any soft caps I should keep in mind? I know you need to use items to get skill points now, at least.
Thanks, should I focus on an odachi build?
It is and it's a bad thing. They didn't bother to fix or change anything other than to ruin combat with damage sponge enemies and a bunch of incompatible tacked on abilities that don't even fit the game. It's shit.
>it’s shit
You almost had me
It's a legitimate strategy.
Anything you want. Stats have such low soft caps, there is almost no reason to go higher than 30 for most stats until much, much later on.
I'm Switchglaive, so my main stat for damage is Magic and it's only 30. And the only reason I even got it that high is because 30 is the magic cap for Omnyo Slots. Not the soft cap on damage, that's even lower. And I'm about level 90.
And despite that, I'm still obliterating everything.
Last boss I fought I killed it in about 10 seconds flat.
He didn't get a single person over those two maps except me. That was about 1 hour and 30 minutes just to clear two maps.
It took me about thirty minutes to clear twice that many.
This. It's ridiculous how spongy the enemies are. Combine that with how low your damage output is now and how fast your ki drains and the combat just isn't fun in 2. Bosses last at least twice as long as they should and if just feels like grinding. I don't know why they broke what didn't need fixing.
The same things that went wrong with Nioh 1, but at least it's an improvement.
you guys need to realize killing ki is super important in this game, using your yokai abilities destroys ki, so does countering, as well as using high stance attacks
you're probably just stuck in like mid or low stance way too much, try swapping to high
Use more combos
Focus on destroying Ki
Spam Yokai Abilities
Spam Yokai Burst
Spam Yokai Grab (if you break their Ki with Yokai Burst, press Triangle straight away to get a free Yokai Grapple)
If anything, this game needs to be harder. This shit is ridiculously easy. I haven't died yet and most bosses die in the opening.
I've been playing almost exclusively in high because mid and low turn it from a chore into an unbearable slog.
Everything still takes forever, which is a massive ballache when one mistake gets you killed.
Is there still no enemy variety?
never understood this meme
What are you guys wearing for fashion? Anyone got any cool combinations?
No, it's basically just the same ones from the first game again.
You need 16 skill and 14 con if you want to wear master swordsman gear which boosts sword atk +40 with 3 pieces.
Literally what's the point of familiarity thing? Serves no real purpose, just annoys you and adds an unnecessary busy work to the game.
Post pic
Why are you lying
>make Switchglaive, which is basically a trick weapon from Bloodborne
>make it the worst weapon in the game
Was this meant as a jab or something?
Yeah the yokai shit is the real OP stuff of this game and it scales well too. I’ve been dumpstering every encounter with the snake summon
Snake summon is legit broken. I used it till like level 50 until i finally decided to actually use level 50+ cores for the dmg/defence.
Im waiting for PC, anyone know if ninjitsu is still in the game and if its still broken?
posting some webms
Just entered the second zone and everyone is oneshotting me there.
Does the counter turn into a finisher if they're on low health?
It's exactly like nioh 1 what the fuck you guies tricked me again
Thanks anons.
A bunch of whining casuals with fractured egos and no understanding of basic adaption or reading made them think they had to dumb down and destroy most of the game's interesting challenge and difficulty. For the fifth time in a row, due to people being just that god awful at videogames and figuring out what a videogame is and the developers being that consistently aware and unaware of their own design philosophy that they make constant decisions to ruin it. Excellent game though.
If you press strong attack immediately after burst counter AND the enemy is in a grapple state, you will Yokai Grapple them. Should always do it if you know your burst counter will deplete their ki.
Should I be constantly switching stances in combat? I always stay in midstance and keep on forgetting it's even a mechanic
Not really. They added some new ones to the mix, but get ready to see them copypasted just as much as the ones from the first game were. You will have seen every kind of enemy after the first few levels.
Ideally yes
Yes. No.
I change stances about 30+ times a boss fight due to regaining Ki with flux or to make use of different skills/movesets, so yea.
Ideally you want to Flux to a different stance (or 2) after every combo, unless you have a good follow up attack in the same stance.
Duh I play in high stance Odachi only
I'm insecure about mid stance being my tried and true because everybody kept calling DSP "Midstancephil". That's literally the one thing forcing me to switch it up. My insecurity.
Although kusarigama high stance square attack is pretty OP so I don't mind it.
>mom went to the hospital on Thursday, couldn’t play when it unlocked
>had to work Friday couldn’t play
>today the GF starts crying because I don’t want to go to target and buy toilet paper with her
That’s it. I’m gonna go full fucking joker on everyone
It can do much more damage than 2kat if you understand the moveset with more range, and can likely potentially outdamage Odachi in some combos when you get the Mystic Art, and it's speed is nothing to scoff at. It fits fairly smoothly in the middle in those regards while having plenty of it's own tricks like a wider array of parry and draw options. Every weapon is very much strong and worth using, anyone that ever tries to imply otherwise, just like those who say enemies don't have pathetically low health, are just shit at the game.
>only using kusa mid
but the sickle throw is high stance and thats the most fun kusa move
Yes. Stances are the game. Ki Pulse is the game. Burst Counter and Yokai Skills to cancel recovery and offset being low on Ki by trading Anima instead is the game.
I just said I switch it up and use high stance because it's more powerful. Sickle throw is good for one enemy at a distance but not a group.
Any early spot to grin weapon points?
I am still trying out wepons
I play 1kat/spear for the authentic samurai experience.
>best girl from Nioh 1 is almost immediately revealed to be your ridiculously hot half sister
absolutely based
Anywhere, as long as you're hitting something. Temper Proficiency Bonus to your weapon and accessories, if you happen to have a Wooden one (unlikely since they fucked that up again and you'll only be able to get 1kats early) then that comes with a huge fixed Proficiency Bonus effect along with making a slight contribution to fixing the game's problems with enemies dying too fast. I believe Clan Battles are still in, so when the time comes, Shima will be the best pick assuming it still comes with a Proficiency Bonus as well.
Axe/hatchets for the authentic woodsman experience