>Get into stock market
>Realize that everything is just to push video game buyers to buy next product without questioning anything about it
Now why exactly do you buy games at launch again knowing this?
>Get into stock market
>Realize that everything is just to push video game buyers to buy next product without questioning anything about it
Now why exactly do you buy games at launch again knowing this?
>Now why exactly do you buy games at launch again knowing this?
nobody buys games here retard, we are all pirates
>buying games
damn, now I*m cooming
I too saved that image
Just saved it again to be sure
no one cares, retard.
>>Get into stock market
>>Realize that everything is just to push video game buyers to buy next product without questioning anything about it
What? Welcome to capitalism, that's not exclusive to vidya.
If they don't want people to question anything about video games then why do publishers reveal so much about their video games before they go on sale?
Just post more Nightingale already.
based faggot?
The last new game I bought was death stranding, because I really enjoyed the idea of the gameplay, and it was fun, and I don't feel burned at all.
Before that? dark souls 2. That soured me off buying games in general. I don't buy anything anymore, nothing appeals to me, and I always spot the horseshit long before anything good makes itself known.
I want Nightingale to snap my neck.
You buy only indie you like that is you sure made by actual enthusiasts. You NEVER buy anything with suits involved in production. You don't need to get into stock market to understand this,
Buying games at launch is almost always preposterous when you can snatch up a near mint copy on eBay a few months later for like 70% off.
I can't remember the last time I bought a game.
Florence is so cute
Nightingale got saved by fanart.
Redrop definitely saved her and thankfully her artist got better. Kinda
Thanks doc
Why does she dress so slutty?
Why does anyone do anything when you know there's almost certainly someone out there benefiting more from your actions than you are
What other characters did he work on?
I'm think I'm going to need my dose doubled, doc.
I'm only in this thread for the porn
Speak for yourself. I like having games that I know will still work five years from now, when my corpse died from the Coronavirus four years before that.
Nurse Nightingale here to save you from the scary, scary corona virus.
>Why does she dress so slutty?
She needs to extract your semen sample.
Thank you, nurse.
Do what needs to be done.
She's going to confine you to your bed, for your own safety.
No need to take risks.
I'm ready for my treatment.
At least two weeks of being forced to stay mostly in bed and being fed and bathed by your personal nurse.
Completely understandable. I'm looking forward to my time in containment.
Prepare yourself then, and do not forget to show your appreciation to your hard-working nurse.
thanks doc
T-thanks doc.
>buy games at launch
People with a brain don't do that.
jesus christ. What is wrong with you lol?
You're welcome.
The majority of video game buyers buy at launch. Stockholders and publishers know this.
Jing Ke I think
There might be more
That just means that the majority does not use their brains.
Yes but they dictate where video games as an industry goes
Sadly there's not much we can do about it.
Coronavirus? Let us handle it.
I wait for >=50% off.
which is why coomers are a plague
So you pirate them too?
I mean non-cracked games employ DRM which can fuck you over hard.
I unfortunately can't afford two nurses, please send the one on the left
Here's your medicine.
Should probably send the right character
i wish i could take a nap on her tits
thank you mistress
Where's the spade?
On your ass where it belongs, faggot
you don't have to be muh economist to understand that video games as any other big industry is concentrated on making money and appealing to the most common denominator. The reason they do what they do is because they know that the their products will still be bought and won't give two shits about a few people who know this.
>be average (at best) looking 19th century Victorian nurse
>get turned into fapbait a century after your death
Like with many things about Fate, I don't whether to be annoyed or amused. Turning a fat babushka into Teacher's Temptation does to strange things to my dick though.
Probably best to be amused, because we both know that Fate won't stop any time soon and there most definitely will be other genderbenders in the future.
i love monk milkers
I wonder how these historical figures would feel if they were able to see how fate depicts them. Imagine living a noble life and dedicating everything to helping your people and your nation, and hundreds of years later you're depicted as a massive tittied anime girl and fans have spilled literally gallons of seamen while fantasizing about the gender bent you.