PSX or PSOne?

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Why call it that?

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That's not a PSX

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PSOne as you don't have to eventually have to have the console upside down to play it.

>this retarded argument again
>always by people who weren't born before '99
It's official title was the Playstation but well after release everyone in the industry was still calling it the PSX as that was its codename and it just stuck due to people knowing exactly what you meant, and it was a lot shorter to write/quicker to say than Sony Playstation.

kys zoomers

i just call it a PS1 bro

PSX, it was settled before you were born

literal zoomers

For me?
Playstation or playstation 1

I had a playstation when it came out and everyone just called it "playstation" not "pee ess ecks".

I feel like calling it the PSX is really self-defeating at this point. No one under the age of 37 knows what the hell you're talking about...and there's another piece of hardware called the PSX.

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Stop this fucking meme. Everyone in first-world countries called it Playstation while it was relevant, then PS1 after the release of the PS2.

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playstation, niggerfaggot

Yo, remember that Luke Morse video where he had like 3 PSXs and none of them worked because it's a ridiculously crappy piece of hardware? Good times, bro...

No, fuck you history rewriting meek faggots.

im 28 and never once heard someone call a PS1 a PSX

it must be a euro thing

Euro here, never heard anyone call it PSX.

>Sony Playstation.

The PSOne console is more appealing, if that's what you mean. Reminds me of the Dreamcast in a good way.

I think people over here used psx to refer a slim edition released in 2000 or so

Do japs not understand how hands work? Why do the horns on the controller jut straight back instead of having a wide smooth profile like the WiiU pro or Xbox controller

The intro

Same here, maybe it was an Amerishart thing.

>the horns

Nope bong here, also 28, nobody ever called it a PSX. Like that other user said, Playstation and then PS1 after the PS2 came out.

europoor here, everyone called it just playstation or ps slim for the slim edition.
Only people who call it PSX are literal "ackchually" faggots who think they're smarter and know a lot about vidya

It was a mid-90s printed media thing. It mostly went away when everything moved online and the PS2 release established the number naming convention for Sony consoles.

PS fat

PS or PS1.

Actually based. Its better to call the original Playstation just PS or PS1.

It's not about calling it something, it's about what it's abbreviated to
nobody would call the Gamecube a 'GCN' but that's the official shortening

In Argentina many called it PSX.

The original. The PSOne removed the serial port which is used for connecting two consoles together, which is great for playing Wipeout in 2 player mode. The PSOne also omits the parallel port, just like later revisions of the original model, which is used for running UniROM and PSIO from.

No they didn't, they didn't even have TVs in Argentina back then.

Someone post the image.

>"It's called the PSX!"
>Console has only "Playstation" written on it.
>Game covers have only "Playstation" on them.
>Only place calls it the PSX are some old unofficial magazines.
Yeah, sure, its the "PSX". Fucking retards.

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just the fact that an PSX actually exists makes it full retard to call a PS a PSX.

kys zoomer

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So Yas Forums, did you have the PSX growing up or the Ultra 64?

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literally not proof

found the retarded pretend boomer

The Original Playstation.


Probably wording by some third world fuck. The same shit like "DPS" and "DD".

Well I had the PSOne and everyone called it the Playstation.

I think original because of the outputs but the internals also tend to breakdown easily

The closest thing there to official use of "PSX" evidence is an Easter egg in ridge racer.
Fuckin' wow.

Wojakians call it PSX.
Everyone else calls it Playstation.

>all these people not understanding shit
>even when evidence is posted
It was PSX in the industry anons. The dude you was friends with only to play his Playstation is not the same thing. People in the business referred to is as PSX, people outside of it called it playstation, ps1, whatever, how in the fuck are you kids so dumb you don't understand this?

Why would I trust an ESL with the name of anything?

Have you tried not being born before the year 2000?

>People in the business referred to is as PSX, people outside of it called it playstation, ps1, whatever
So are you saying people on Yas Forums are pretending to be in the business?

>Yas Forums
Go back

It was PSX in Magazines faggot.
I.e. under informed wannabes.

Still doesn't mean you can STILL call it the wrong thing.
Why not call the switch the NX or the 360 the revolution you faggot.
The industry called them those names.

>The industry called them those names
Only before the official title however the industry was calling it the PSX long after Playstation was announced. You'd know this shit if you ever picked up a mag in the 90's

PSX if you are a boomer, the japan only actual PSX device nobody hard heard of. The PS1 name became the defacto standard when the chibi PSOne released.

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I'm 28 too, american. Never once heard anyone refer to it as "psx" either. It was just playstation the playstation, the ps1 and that was about it.

the only people i knew who owned a PSOne were poor kids who lived in shitholes, everyone else either had a proper PS1 or an N64

>poor kids had the improved model while everyone else had the outright broken version
Good for them.

I guess that's true, we had a Playstation, my dad always said "those Nintendo cassettes are too damn expensive" and he liked how you could also play CDs in it.

PS1 like a normal person.

yeah whatever you say jake, no one ever came over to your house twice because there was dogshit everywhere and the place stunk. enjoy your improved playstation

ITT: OP argues with himself for 7 hours again

Is this where I say "based!"?

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I had an N64, old PS1 and the PSOne user so your shitposting doesn't fly with me. The old models had a notorious laser fault that eventually required the system to be upside down so it could read discs, it's the biggest reason why they released the PSOne.