Gameplay wise, we can all agree that this is a pretty good game, right? The controls were tight as FUCK. Sneaking felt great. The game looked amazing. It just had so much potential.
Gameplay wise, we can all agree that this is a pretty good game, right? The controls were tight as FUCK...
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Yes. Gameplay was great. Story and setting sucked.
Controls don't mean anything when the levels are so poorly designed. Walls and buildings are placed at complete random with zero thought put into how the player should sneak through it. The only missions that were designed with any though or effort where the Codetalker rescue mission and OKB Zero. The rest were trash.
Yes. But I don't play MGS games for the gameplay, I play it for the cuhrayzee story and characters. And in that MGSV let me down.
Remember when for months after release Yas Forums was still hoping that it was just a ruse and the real MGSV was coming out any day
Anything is better than MGS4.
The plant one was good. And motherbase invasion as well
>Remember when for months after release Yas Forums was still hoping that it was just a ruse and the real MGSV was coming out any day
That's actually confirmed. Dorito Pope slipped up in an interview years ago saying Kojima approached him and wants to do MGS5 in three parts (GZ + TPP + ???). Kojima has made many ominous tweets like how he enjoying The Killing series but was disappointed there was no season three (there was). Low Roar's Zero album (which has a tracing of Big Boss's face on the cover) has songs such as Phantoms and "Please Don't Stop (Chapter 1)", "Please Don't Stop (Chapter 2)". Since the Konami / Kojima split was revealed to all be fake and it has been confirmed that Kojima is working on Silent Hills, the real MGS5 is confirmed.
Is this the one that involved that Caramel tripfag dude?
Not only it has amazing gameplay its the best story Kojima has done aswell
you're a fucking retard m8.
MGS2 is mechanically the slickest game I've ever played.
Explain yourself
There's literally nothing wrong with the game.
probably the best stealth game
but way too repetitive, got bored half way
This. You can't just handwave the effectively absent level design. What you're up against is not only massively important, it has a huge effect on how the game actually plays out. Calling the controls alone gameplay is needlessly reductive, and ignoring the obstacles you'll face in game is akin to judging a fighting game on its training mode.
Gimme some good mods to better this game
It's the truth.
>literally fc2-tier openworld
I 100%'ed it, but am still trying to get a fourth Motherbase through MB coins. I think they drop every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday in the rewards screen.
After all these years, all we still have is pain
>>gameplay great
>tranq weapons
>motherbase management
>hopping on helicopter after each mission
>dd and quiet ruin gameplay due to OPness
>same base layouts entire game long
inb4 y-you should've handicapped yourself bro!!
Yes it is one of the greatest games when it comes to fluidity of character movement. I really wish mgs3 would be remade with mgsv movement, imagine how great that would be.
Elaborate, you vile fiend.
People act like controls and basic mechanics are gameplay, when actually a lot more goes into it. While those two things were great, level design, enemy placement, story, "boss fights", two big empty open worlds, and empty MB all really sucked.
If it had been finished it would have been truly it is, it's still pretty good. The controls are spot on, the game mechanics feel good and graphically, it's fine. I just wish we had gotten the finale we deserved.
>sticky cover
>can't only switch out one side arm because your meme hand counts as a weapon
>even if you deploy as a rando soldier without a meme robot hand you just aren't allowed to have a second side arm
>being limited to just 4 weapons in general just fucking blows
MGSV controls nicely but it's only like 99% of the way there. Remove the sticky cover and let the player deploy with like 30 weapons and it would have been perfect.
I don't know what you mean by sticky cover but you do know you can just call a drop for whatever equipment you want?
Yeah.. yeah you are a fag
"Gameplay wise" this game is higher than 99.99999% of shit degenerates on "vee" consider "muh fun games".
I prefer games that are finished.
I think 4's mechanics were tighter. I'm not a fan of sprinting, fast health regen or the awful cover system.
Afghanistan was nice. I really enjoyed the huge base, I think mission 11 or something but disliked the escaping part at the end.
The missions in Africa are okay but not great, like the one with having large open areas and only a handful of huts, it makes it (For me) almost impossible to ghost those areas.
Some of the later missions are just straight up garbage designed like the mansion one for example.
The only issue I have with it is that the sight/hearing of enemies is quite bad though the mod Infinite Heaven fixes that.
Yes I had a lot of fun with it, then the narrative started degenerating and abruptly fell off a cliff.
As someone who has spent hours in free-cam studying patrol routes and looking at the bases this is wrong. Okb0 has no design, and code talkers mansion is tiny as shit.
Controls and animations felt better in Ground Zeroes.
>all those hours wasted because you're thick as shit
>Gameplay wise, we can all agree that this is a pretty good game, right?
It is EXACTLY the gameplay that IS the issue in MGSV.
You see, the actual GAMEPLAY of V consists of nothing but WAITING, and working towards a finale that is not there.
>Waiting for R&D timers to count down
>Waiting for chopper to land or arrive
>Waiting until you get to point B from A
>Grinding for flowers
>Redoing re-skinned clones of same missions
Yes, the game COULD HAVE been amazing, had it been actually finished, tested, adjusted and re balanced.
MGS:GZ was ironically a far superior game, though I still would have ditched the regenerating health.
As the game is now, it's just a far inferior, cheap copy of the Peace Walker.
>Anything is better than MGS4.
Not true.
MGS4 is superior to MGS5, PO, all 8-bit MG games, and even MGS2. Fight me.
MGSV had no reason to be open world. Ground Zeroes made me think V would be an amazing game, but it ended up being complete shit aside from the great gameplay which was wasted on an empty boring world.
This + all the challenge of the game is killed by the unlimited Supply drops and endless empty spaces you can escape to.
Aside from Episode 51 (which don't get me wrong, should have been in the game), there isn't much to the story after Skull-Face dies.
>Hurr okb0 is a good base. 3 square rooms in a row is good design
Yes and the placement of the patrols and nooks and crannies you can squeeze through were designed with purpose you low IQ faggot.
>hurr durr where's my spectacular scenery hurr durr
They put thought and effort into considering the paths the player would use to deal with the Codetalker / OKB Zero missions.
Other than not having TPP's more polished controls, GZ was a better gameplay experience.
huh for me its the reverse, slightly better controls in tpp, but vastly better level design and layout in GZ. What exactly is better in terms of controls in GZ?
it has by far the best gameplay in the entire series by a very very large margin.
MGSV low key has the best narrative and direction (minus Lens Flare) Kojima's ever done
There are 3 viable paths. The left (undetected), the right (nooks and crannies), abd the middle (gubs blazing). Its not that great of a base and the fact that you keep defending it means you didnt pay much attention to the others.
>it means you didnt pay much attention to the others.
There's nothing of interest to the others. Buildings, walls and enemy patrols are placed at complete random smooth brain.
also his best cinematography. The cutscenes are top kino
>placed at complete random smooth brain.
Just stop. Next youll try and say GZ isnt a better overall gaming experience
>Walls and buildings are placed at complete random with zero thought put into how the player should sneak through it.
That’s objectively wrong, I have no idea how you even reached that conclusion.
i was having fun doing FOB invasions until they went ultra jew and started adding extra tiered traps and weapons and more people caught on to using cheat engine to put more soldiers on platforms then the engine can handle so your just crashes when you go to invade
By playing the game.
Best directed cutscene in the entire series from an overall standpoint. Didn't need a 35 minute expositional dialogue like in all the other MGS games.
U legit are just a shit player with no patience.
I don't think the game has good gameplay. It has truly amazing control of the main character. But that alone is not the entire gameplay. You have few mission types that are recycled in empty sterile open world that is reset every time and the difficulty is so low you have to limit yourself and not use the tools you get to make it at least somewhat challenging.
Imagine MGS1, 2 and 3 in FOX with V movement. John Lennon wrote a song about it.
This happened?
Yes. No one is going to deny that the gameplay and freedom to tackle the missions however you want were great. It’s the barebones narrative and boring open levels it was set in that sucked balls.
I enjoyed it. Felt unfinished but still one of my fav games
>and even MGS2
What do you mean by this? MGS2 is the best MGS game right after the original MGS.
lol wut
MGS2 and 3 would be amazing with V movement but I'd singlehandedly commit nuclear holocaust just to have MGS1 remake
How could anyone reach any other conclusion? This is pretty widely accepted, user. Outside of a handful of missions/bases, TPP had absolutely awful base design and layout and horrible enemy placement and patrols, as if no thought went into them whatsoever. Contrast TPP with GZ and you'll see for yourself.
And that was really the issue with MGSV. I give Kojima props for trying something new, but he failed the minute he fell for the open world meme. What made MGS great were the tightly designed areas and thoughtful enemy placement. I appreciated the choices that you have in deciding how to approach an infiltration, but you don't need any more space than what was immediately surrounding Camp Omega.