What made original FFVII so good...

What made original FFVII so good? It basically become the most influential game in history next to games like Super Mario and Zelda, if not even more to be honest.

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You had to be there user.... God the hype those tv commercials generated... What a time to be alive

It had heart and it was technically solid for its time.

We were 10

Well they had 6 tries before they managed to make a good game, so its not that surprising that they finally got it right.

Pacing and presentation.

It was hyped up and a lot of people's first JRPG. Had tons of different appeals to it to draw in all sorts of people, it managed to have both the big city modern aesthetic with Midgar while still keeping the fantasy RPG aspect in other areas. It was also pretty damn casual for a JRPG with easy enemies/bosses that are only made easier the more you figure the game out. The battle system was active enough to satisfy those who didn't like pure turn-based combat but was close enough to it to still make people who did like that happy. Tons of side content, secrets, and reasons to replay it to keep kids with plenty of time to themselves busy despite the main game itself not being that terribly long for a JRPG.

DESU, I could list all the shit out there but it copied the world we lived in at the time and made it a fantasy.
When you look at characters there isnt much there but the design and attitude was enough.

Babby's first JRPG since it was the first final fantasy on playstation


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The characters were fun though. Sure they were on the simpler side but each had some depth to them.
OBVIOUS spoilers but:
>Cloud is not your generic hero from elite SOLDIER unit. As it turns out it was just all a lie he was telling himself because he was too big of a failure and wanted to be like his cool big bro friend.
>Tifa is not just a childhood friend but a strong fighter with her own problems and goals. In Costa del Sol she talks with her other guy friend and wants to you leave them alone, has her own bar in Midgar etc.
>Barret has a tragic past where he took over the care of his friend's daughter and then had to fight that friend and watch him kill himself.
>Red XIII had issues about his father and protecting Cosmo Canyon.
>Cid is just a man with a failed dream who kept striving for it even when all was hopeless and at the end achieved it by joining group of some stupid bastards who just happened to pass by his house and wanted his plane.
>Aerith seems like your generic gullible comfy waifu but there is so much to her. The fact that she has an important, world-saving mission she has to handle by herself without support of anyone in the team shows that there is much more to her. Not to mention her personality is even more interesting because when it comes to romantic stuff she can behave like mischievous succubus, teasing Cloud and so on.
It just happened to nail so much stuff.

Off my board Zoomlet

FF7 was the TLoU of the 90s.

TLoU is nowhere near that influential. Literally everyone forgot about it.
The only influence it had is the retarded movie-like cinematic direction most PS4 exclusives take.

keep telling yourself that lol
TLoU2 is gonna outsell FF7R

It was a huge, sweeping story told through dialog and FMVs. The previous FFs only had dialog and in-engine cut scenes and those worked pretty well at times like with Palom and Porom's sacrifice the whole thing with 3d and the movie clips was just more than previous games of any series. We'd never seen anything like this before.

>my first rpg.jpg
>cool characters
>cool story with twists and turns - the map opening up to unveil an entire world to explore after the midgar section was nothing short of amazing
>long as fuck, but paced well and had multiple genres in itself, from slapstick comedy to horror-esque sections
>cool setting and aesthetics
>freedom to customise characters
>memorable music

your asshole is the TLOU2 of assholes

To be honest, I never saw a commercial for it and I still loved the shit out of it.
Its popularity may have to do more with it being many people's first game than anything else.

>The only influence it had is the retarded movie-like cinematic direction most PS4 exclusives take.
And all the games after FF7 had FMVs in them to tell the story. I wouldn't describe that level of influence as "only."

Uncharted 2 was more influential and it influenced the shit out of tlou Sony games suck but its true

>Being 10 in '97 makes you a Zoomlet

Your brain under Trump, people

>What made original FFVII so good?
Nothing. It was all giant marketing paid for by sony and that leading it to being many peoples first jrpg.
The game itself is a huge downstep in everything but music file quality.

FFVII wasn't the first video game, or the first JRPG, or even the first Final Fantasy that I played, but I still think it's a classic.

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This is as retarded of a statement as hollow knight fags saying every metroidvania after it with a skill system copied hollow knight.

it had a crazy ad campaign

How the fuck do you think the game industry works? You think it was an accident that Halo added equipment and Battlefield added attachments which had nothing to do with CoD? The industry behaves the same way as the youtubers like in OP.

good to see VIfags still seething

All of this plus if you were a Euro it was basically the first FF you could play
>no FFVI
>no Chrono Trigger
>no Lufia
>no Super Mario RPG

All we had before was Secret of Mana, so imagine jumping from this to FFVII

user stop destroying his shitty argument.

>he didn't play Terranigma, the best ARPG

First mainstream Final Fantasy in the US.
First 3d Final Fantasy.

That is all.

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Rent free 23 years later

Art direction, themes, music. All on point.
A blockbuster storyline, paced well, full of oh-shit moments and legit soulful ones (seto). Nothing like today's "ugh, my l'Cie brand is hurting because I'm so emotional right now" and overcoming with the power of friendship. Fuck off.

No faith in them remake this game without shitting it up.

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Basically this. Final Fantasy 7 didn't really innovate a whole lot but it did a lot of the right things at the right time. It was a more gritty take on the FF formula during a time when edginess was popular in the 90s. It took a more cinematic approach to combat in an age where cinematics in video games was something entirely new and shiny. An age we STILL haven't broken away from. The pre rendered backgrounds were beautiful, the music was on point, and the world was the right mix of punk and fantastical. Also FF7 had characters who swore. You don't know how grown up I felt listening to Barrett say $#@!

>It basically become the most influential game in history next to games like Super Mario and Zelda, if not even more to be honest.
Is Yas Forums the only board where there are constantly threads by people who have absolutely no knowledge or even genuine interest in their own so-called hobby? Imagine going on Yas Forums and just seeing Metallica threads everywhere, or on /lit/ and it's nothing but Stephen King, all of them proudly proclaiming how they rank amongst the best and most important artists of all time.

God I hate this board so much.

Are you denying that FF7 is one of the most popular games in history? A game that was basically a system seller at the time?

The music. That's all. The rest of the game is shit being carried on the music.

And just because I hear you furiously typing how


Final Fantasy 7 was the 2nd most sold game on the PS1 only behind Gran Turismo 2

*Gran Turismo 1

Popularity, especially strictly in terms of sales, does not necessarily produce influence, to say nothing about the actual quality. Again, it's like saying Harry Potter is good and influential literature because it sold a lot and generated hype.

It also came up with an original setting. It wasn't derivative of anything yet, though it used a bunch of inspirations from irl countries, most notably germany (and surrounding countries switzerland, austria).

Metallica is still better than half of the shit that Yas Forums discusses. They are absolute retards outside of /meal/ and some experimental electronic stuff. Fuck rap and fuck n word

You know damn well what the point of my argument was. There are not THAT many monkey music threads on Yas Forums, at least compared to threads like this.

Great characterization, huge epic story, perfect pacing, gorgeous backgrounds and FMV's, amazing music, a wide assortment of mini-games to break up the pacing, crazy customization through the materia system, the game really had it all. It was also the most expensive game ever produced for it's time and the marketing campaign for it was similarly massive. It was definitely sold on the FMV's but luckily the game underneath the FMV's was fantastic as well.

Yeah except good combat, which makes up 80% of the game.

I just wanted to express my hatred for Yas Forums.

You need to realize how the minds of normies operate. For example:
>God the hype those tv commercials generated

These are the people who will be here in 7 years saying how Dead Space 3 was a hidden gem. They never played the previous games in the series. They dont know what taste is. They buy things because of TV ads.

The materia system is probably the 2nd most ludicrously broken system mechanics in Final Fantasy besides Junctions. The game almost never tells you no, you can make yourself a demigod without needing to grind whatsoever.

It was just good. The combat was shitty but whatever.

The FMVs. Imagine never having seen 3D graphics outside of a multi-million dollar movie.

The music. For a game that has to rely on blocky character models and prerendered backgrounds, a lot of the emotional content of the story is delivered by the music playing during the scene.

The customization. FF7's characters had no classes or fixed commands. It took FF5's command selection and went even further beyond (not that anyone knew about that, the first FF game people even knew about was FF3 (6) and the Mystic Quest flop).

The scale. FF7 was the first open world game for a lot of people, and its world map was indeed the entire world.

This was the game that first suggested that RPGs as a genre were capable of more than just menu-based combat and text boxes.

Because it's the best game ever made, and the best game it is possible to make.

This. Subhuman consumers destroyed the game industry for all time. It will never recover. It is the reason "games" like "The Last of Us" and "Until Dawn" exist. They normalized microtransactions, DLC and Loot boxes. Paid online, Games as a Service. These are all products of a "Must consume" mindset, that the common neanderthal cannot live without. What you are witnessing is the death of actual video games and the birth of the exploitative and anti-consumer future of "digital storytelling". Just look at the way developers and publishers talk about the "games" they are making now. "Games don't need to be fun", "The most important aspect of a game is telling a story", "Games are a tool for politics", "You should be able to skip the gameplay".

At least you could do interesting shit with materia, unlike junctions which only provide boring stat increases, elemental attacks/resistances, or status attack/resistances. If you took the time to get all of these materia you could do some insane bullshit like insert linked counter and mime in all your slots, have your cloud use Omnislash, and every time he gets hit he counters by Omnislashing eight fucking times.

The entire fucking wing commander series predates ff7. You were just playing sonic and crash.

I was 12 in '97, zoomie. You were too young to appreciate FFVII.

No, you're just a boomer

No one knows about the names of any characters from VI. It's one of the shit Final Fantasys no one cares about, which is all of them apart from VII. There have been Tifa threads daily for 23 years now. People want to fuck the FFVII girls still. When you search Cid Theme in youtube his theme from VII comes up, not the other themes from whack Final Fantasy that is only for nerds. FFVII is the GOAT, not just games but all literature of any kind.

PC's being able to play that shit costed the equivalent of a fortune and they had less general function within a family unit than they have nowadays.

prerendered 3D cutscenes

I had no idea you thought so little about the utility of the ps1