Anyone else find it cringy how much they overplay nu doom guy to be BAD ASS!11!!
Whatever happened to the guy wearing security guy armor getting through dark facilities, why is it so edgy now. SLAYER HAS ENTERED THE FACILITY is the cringiest shit that ive seen people eat up. He's fucking shadow the hedgehog on combat armor, not a subtle kinda edge/evil dead humor like Doom 1 where you had gibbing and posessed zombiemen but over the top in your face and extremely loud.
yeah it's gay what did you expect it's modern entertainment media all of it is garbage
Lucas Jones
i expected an improvement and refinement of 2016 not a downgrade, everything looks overblown in gameplay as well. The amount of platforming really throws me off from what ive seen , like sure it looks fun but vertical mobility feels like a weird priority to have on Doom wich was all about horizontal speed.
William Murphy
>Anyone else find it cringy how much they overplay nu doom guy to be BAD ASS!11!!
GoW did the opposite with Kratos by toning down on his badassery yet oldfags complain.
You can't win. Developers should just make the game they want and ignore you whiny manchildren desu
Tyler Richardson
what the fuck does this have to do with GoW? Why are you bringing up other games and other opinions that i sincerely dont give a shit about, seems like youre being the manchild here that has to reach to unrelated shit to avoid arguing.
And yeah sure developers can make whatever they want you mongoloid, that doesnt mean its good, but sure ill put ID's softwares doom drawing on the fridge for you user
Kayden James
Nice of you to expose yourself as a zoomer retard
Bentley Turner
Just ignore him ... I hate PPL with this shitty hateful beheavior bcz they its cool use bad words AND insultar PPL LMAO
Jose Bennett
>Anyone else find it cringy how much they overplay nu doom guy to be BAD ASS!11!! No because it’s a video game. However I do cringe whenever pol tries to larp like an online tough guy.
Nathan Martinez
Stop trying to fit in, zommie. This thread is a waste of time.
Oliver Murphy
Fuck you, you are the reason the industry was choke full of boring brown and bloom militar shooters
Parker Bailey
why are you talking like this are you mentally ill? get help.
Juan Walker
Using the latest shitpost buzzwords like >zoom >cringe are worse offenses than anything you're talking about. Shit thread. Kill yourself.
Nicholas Long
Yes, yes I did find it incredibly cringeworthy.
Nathan Davis
nu doom is capeshit of FPS games
Matthew Sanchez
Doom = Dynasty Warriors/Devil May Cry Marathon = Drakengard
Jack Murphy
Does capeshit even mean anything at this point? I swear Yas Forums applies it to anything cool and popular
Jeremiah Baker
>Forgetting that it was your camp memeing up Doomguy as EXACTLY what he is in 2016 and Eternal via fanwank
>Does capeshit even mean anything at this point? I swear Yas Forums applies it to anything cool and popular Yas Forums today likes to paste buzzwords to their asses to be relevant sadily.
Blake Moore
Think of it as Quake with Doom's bestiary, then.
Matthew King
Does it though?
William Taylor
>marine that has spent decades in hell slaughtering legions of demons >"Lol why do they overplay him as a badass"
Jaxson Price
>Whatever happened to the guy wearing security guy armor That was for gen-x or older millennials. Younger millennials and zoomers don't want that. They want the the instant gratification of power fantasy because they have problems maintaining attention on anything for long enough to acquire the power gradually. There's no room for the initial horror.
Grayson Hill
Oh just shut the fuck up, you miserable cunt.
Mason Wilson
God you sound like such a faggot
Jack Evans
Uh Oh Stinky.
How about you redirect all that rage into something productive user instead of bitching about virtual protagonists.
Logan Phillips
The original Doom was literal tryhard edgelord shit. Do you know anything about its development?
And the new Doom is meant to be tongue in cheek.
What are you even on about? Honestly?
Ian Perez
>it's modern entertainment media all of it is garbage I bet you're the same type of person who watches old Motley Crue music videos and comments "Fuck my generation.... now this is REAL music!!"
Jonathan Hughes
Doom is a classic and Marathon is a piece of trash whose later series would also be janky be but heralded by pretentious retards and normies alike?
Zachary Phillips
I bet you're the kind of person who watches old Motley Crue music videos.
Basically the problem with the way we approach media is escalation. The sequel to Doom 2016 had to be bigger, fancier and louder. The studio decided to handle it this way. And maybe you are getting old and zoomers are the target audience now.
Ian Ortiz
Please, intern, get the fuck back to the dungeons, their coffee is getting cold.
Caleb Long
In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Image Boards seeking vengeance against the devs who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Discord Trannies, and those that gave (you)s to his posts named him... the Doom Seether.
will probably do it tomorrow, getting pretty late here
Alexander Davis
That's exactly why I'm annoyed. I had great games and movies growing up. Zoomers are being FUCKED by shovelware shallow trash. I want zoomers to have what I had and/or better, not worse.
Dominic Torres
it's simple OP. they saw all the memes about the doomguy being "so angry lmao" from brutal doom mod and the so-shit-it's-funny comic and decided that those two things would be the tone of nu-doom. Now they've cranked it up to 11. "HAHA LOOOOL IT'S INTENTIONALLY OVER THE TOP, LOOK AT HOW ANGRY THE DOOMSLAYER IS GRRRRR HAHA JUST LIKE BRUTAL DOOM!"
Unironically it's up to you to create something that's not so ironically badass like the new Doom. Would you prefer more of the original 2 Doom games or something like Doom 3?
Matthew Adams
>implying Doom was supposed to have a serious tone
>Whatever happened to the guy wearing security guy armor getting through dark facilities he survived mars, saved earth and became a bad ass
is called character progression
Cooper Perez
You're a funny one
Jason Anderson
Wasn't doom guy all frustrated and pissed in doom 64?
Lincoln Taylor
Honestly, this. I myself might be an 18 year old Zoomer, and even I know that touting a "Power Fantasy" as a positive feature is horrible There's something wrong about that guys eyes. Like he's constantly crying.
Kayden Ward
who gives a single shit about doom sixty fucking four
Dominic Howard
>touting a "Power Fantasy" as a positive feature is horrible I'm not arguing against power fantasies, more that it's a shame that there isn't place in the market for both. Monocultures are prone to fail spectacularly and I don't want to see another bit wars and subsequent gaming collapse. The first one was bad enough. Variety is cool
Henry Diaz
Eh, you're not wrong. There shouldn't be only one truth in life.
Isaiah Russell
lmao ok boomer
Asher Price
It's better than FUCKING DOOM 2016.
Gabriel Nelson
Kiss my ass and whine more
Mason Howard
The story was light enough that you could, as evidenced by PSX Doom and D64 having solid working atmospheres. I wish people making the games still wanted Doom to be more like that because it works.
Henry Williams
Nah, the OP is corny though.
Hudson Gomez
>Indeed my redditor friends. Even when it's used to shit on Superhero movies, the heroes don't wear any capes!
Asher Powell
>he posted to me again. Once again Kiss my ass and go whine some more.
Samuel Hall
You people who call everything edgy and cringe is fucking retarded. Is it really that bad for you pencilnecks to have a simple story about a badass?
Kayden Ward
Thank gods they weren't around during the 90s of this era. Or even the 80s.